Refers to the complete cessation of metabolic and functional abilities of an organism
Occurs 4-6 minutes, then death follows
Primary Changes of Death
Primary Changes of Death (CRC)
- Circulatory failure
- Respiratory failure
- Central Nervous System failure
start of death when cardiac function
ceases; flat electrocardiogram (ECG), and/or absence of heartbeat is indicative
Circulatory failure
decrease O2 and increase CO2; loss of all
processes necessary for life; absence of respiratory sounds and movements is indicative
Respiratory failure
loss of coordination and reflexes; absence of brain stem reflex, and/or electroencephalogram (EEG) activity is indicative
Central Nervous System failure
Secondary Changes of Death (ARLPDPA)
- Algor Mortis
- Rigor Mortis
- Livor Mortis/Sugillation
- Post-mortem Clotting
The next 3 stages of death occurs simultaneously and leads to the total digestion of cells:
5. Dessication
6. Putrefaction
7. Autolysis
Cooling of the body; decrease in temperature
Algor Mortis
Equalizing of the body temperature to the external temp
Algor Mortis
Algor Mortis Normal rate of cooling:
7 Fahrenheit/hr
Algor Mortis Sped up by:
cold environment, malnutrition/dehydration, severe hemorrhage
Algor Mortis Slowed by:
fever, extreme physical activity before death
Stiffening of muscles due to lack of ATP (ATP is
responsible for driving calcium ions back to sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscles)
Rigor Mortis
First appears in the involuntary muscles of heart
Rigor Mortis
Observed in eyelids, followed by neck, then lower extremities
Rigor Mortis
Starts 2-3 hrs post-mortem, completes 6-12 hrs post-mortem; persists for 3-4 days
Rigor Mortis
After 3 to 4 days, relaxation occurs due to breakdown of contracted muscles
Rigor Mortis
Rigor Mortis Factors:
muscle activity by the time of death;