PRELIM 07 - Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists Flashcards
Parent compound found in sympathomimetics
Bind to and activate alpha and/or beta receptors (Types of sympathomimetics)
Direct-acting sympathomimetics
3 examples of endogenous catecholamines (END)
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine
A nonselective α1α2 and β1β2 agonist; is a major hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla (Examples of endogenous catecholamines)
Serves as the DOC for anaphylactic shock (Examples of endogenous catecholamines)
2 other names of norepinephrine (LN)
Levarterenol, Noradrenaline
A nonselective α1α2 and β1 agonist; is the major neurotransmitter in postganglionic sympathetic nerves (Examples of endogenous catecholamines)
A compensatory vagal reflex that slows down heart rate and blood pressure in response to increased blood pressure; involves norepinephrine
Baroreceptor reflex
Used to raise or support blood pressure under certain intensive care conditions and is the vasopressor of choice in cardiogenic and septic shock (Examples of endogenous catecholamines)
A nonselective D1 = D2 > β1 > α1 agonist; is the major neurotransmitter in the CNS and is involved in the reward stimulus relevant to addiction (Examples of endogenous catecholamines)
Is used for congestive heart failure, and cardiogenic and septic shock (Examples of endogenous catecholamines)
Dopamine overdose can lead to __________
Excessive sympathomimetic activity
Used as a topical nasal decongestant (Examples of nonselective α1α2 agonists) (ONX)
Oxymetazoline, Naphazoline, Xylometazoline
Used as a nasal decongestant and mydriatic (Examples of selective α1 antagonists) (PM)
Phenylephrine, Methoxamine (discontinued)
Used for the treatment of hypotension (Examples of selective α1 antagonists) (MM)
Metaraminol, Mephentermine
A prodrug of desglymidodrine; used for the treatment of postural (orthostatic) hypotension (Examples of selective α1 antagonists)
A 2-imidazoline derivative used for the treatment of hypertension; its adverse effects include xerostomia, sedation, and withdrawal syndrome (Examples of selective α2 antagonists)
A prodrug of α-methylnorepinephrine; used as an antihypertensive (Examples of selective α2 antagonists)
More selective for α2 than Clonidine; used as an antihypertensive; its SR form is used for ADHD (Examples of selective α2 antagonists)
Used as an antihypertensive (Examples of selective α2 antagonists)