Preguntas especiales en inglés Flashcards
Type of epileptic seizures thar are characterized y rhythmic jerking (sacudidas) and flexor spasm (espasmo) of extremities
Tipo histológico + común de cáncer de vagina en infantes
Sarcoma boitroide (subtipo de rabdomiosarcoma embrionario)
Son las vaculitis de grandes vasos
Arteritis de Takayasu y Arteritis de células gigantes (arteritis de la temporal)
Arteritis conocida como “enfermedad sin pulso” por su habilidad para desaparecer los pulsos periféricos, y que afecta a la aorta, cayado aórtico y sus ramas principales
Arteritis de Takayasu
Sx medular caracterizado por ser una lesión secundaria a flexión/rotación, paraplejia (piernas + afectadas que brazos) pérdida de sensibilidad térmica y dolorosa
Sx medular anterior
This is an erythematous, well-circumscribed, raised, edematous lesion that appears and disappears quickly
Wheal (habón)
Qué significan crust y scale
Crust: costra
Scale: escama
Medicamento usado en la artritis reumatoide cuyo mecanismo de acción consiste en inhibir la calcineurina y que puede ocasionar HT maligna o hiperplasia gingival
Medicamento usado en la osteoporosis, enfermedad de Paget ósea e hipercalcemia paraneoplásica, cuyo mecanismo de acción es la inhibición de la resorción ósea osteoclástica
Tipo de útero que resulta de la falta de fusión del par de conductos de Muller, encontrándose 2 cuernos uterinos separados, cada uno con una cavidad endometrial y un cuello uterino propios
Útero didelfo
Are commonly found on the vulva, and less so in the vagina. Typically form from plugged pilosebaceous units. However, can also follow traumatic implantation into deeper tissues. Are variable in size, typically round or ovoid, and skin colored, yellow or white. Generally are filled wwith viscous, gritty or caseous foul-smelling material
Aparecen a menudo en la vulva y con menor frecuencia en la vagina. Por lo regular se forman a partir de unidades pilosebáceas obturadas. Sin embargo también pueden surgir después de la implantación “traumática” de células epidérmicas en planos profundos. Tienen tamaño variable, por lo regular son redondos u ovoides, del color de la piel, amarillos o blancos, por lo regular están llenos de material viscoso, “arenáceo” o caseoso fétido
Epidermoid cysts (quistes epidermoides)
Traducción del sarampión al inglés
Es la fx de mano que se presenta con dolor y tumefacción de la base del pulgar, además mencionar qué hueso se fx
Fx de Bennett
Por fx del 1° metacarpiano
Fracture that is common after a fall onto the outstretched hand with dorsiflexed wrist. It is commonly seen in younger patients with a male oredominance. Clinical manifestations are wrist pain and swelling with sometimes a restricted range of movement, tenderness notable on gripping and wrist extension, pain on palpation and swelling in the anatomical snuffbox (tabaquera anatómica)
Scaphoid fractures
Pathology that is characterized by focal increases in bone remodeling, which result in the production of abnormal bone that is mechanically weak. The bones most commonly involved include the pelvis, spine, skull, femur and tibia. The most frequent presentation symptoms are bone pain, bone deformity, pathological fracture, increase temperature over an affected bone, hearing loss, joint pain due to osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis. The primary aim of therapy is to improve bone pain, which can be achieved by antiresorptive drugs if thought to be the due to increased bone turnover or by analgesics and NSAIDS.
Paget disease
It is a common syndrome involving inflammation of the subglottic area; presents with fever, barking cough and stridor. Patients rarely appear toxic. It is most common in infants 6 to 36 months
It is the genital development stage where we can find increased size of penis with growth in breadth and development of glans; further enlargement of testes and scrotum and increase darkening of scrotal skin
In this retinopathy stage extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation tissue forms on ridge
This disease is spread by skin-to-skin contact. Clinical presentation: dome-shaped, often umbilicated, translucent to white papules that range from 1 mm to 1 cm. May be pruritic and can be surrounded with erythema, resembling eczema. Can occur anywhere except palms and soles, most commonly on the trunk and intertriginous areas. Can occur in the genital area and lower abdomen.
Molluscum contagiosum
It is the proportion of all non diseased who have a negative test. Measures the ability of the test to correctly identify those who do not have the disease. Not affected by disease prevalence
Tipo de Sx nefrótico + común en adultos
Ovarian tumor that presents psammoma bodies
Serous carcinoma
It is a exudative mass consisting of blood, scale and pus from skin erosions or ruptured vesiccles/papules
Crust (costra)