Pregnancy And Genetics Test 5 Flashcards
How much sperm is deposited into the female vagina during intercourse?
Millions of sperm
How many sperm actually make it alive to the fallopian tube? Why do some sperm not make it?
Only a 100 to 1000 actually make it.
Leak out of the vagina Destroyed by females acidic pH environment Defected or abnormal sperm Immune cells destroy it Uterus contractions
How fast can sperm reach the egg?
In a couple of minutes
What two processes does sperm under go to be able to penetrate the egg?
Acrosomal reaction
This is the process by which the glycoprotein coat and covering surrounding the acrosome of the sperm starts to break down
How long does capacitation take and what starts it?
Takes about 2 to 10 hours
It has started by the uterine secretions
The ovulated oocyte is surrounded by what two main layer?
Sperm cells must get through both these layers to get to the egg cells
Superficially: corona radiates cells
Deeper: zone pellucida membrane
How do you sperm cells get through the layers to get to the egg?
What happens when a sperm cell passes through the second layer a.k.a. Zona pellucida
Sperm is enzymes that Unglues the layers from each other
The two gametes will join together to form a haploid cell (one unit)
To prevent other sperm from passing through the Zona Pellicida what reaction occurs?
Cortical reaction
What is cortical reaction?
Destruction of the sperm receptors on the semiconductor layer
Detaches sperm cells that are already attached to the receptors
What releases enzymes that break down the cells and the sons pellucida
Acrosomes on the sperms heads
The nucleus of the sperm combines with the nucleus of the egg which has 23 chromosomes each creating a single cell with 46 chromosomes. This fertilized egg is now called a what?
This results when two eggs or ovulated and then fertilize my separate sperm
Fraternal twins
These type of twins do not have the same genetic information. They may be the same or different gender. Each twin implants on a different part of the urine wall and develops in its own placenta
Two eggs and two sperm
Fraternal twins a.k.a. dizygotic
These type of twins almost always share the same placenta however each develops in a separate amniotic sac.
This is when I fertilized egg divides into two and carry identical genetic information
One egg and one sperm
Identical twins
Aka monozygotic
When an egg is fertilized it initiates a developmental process that lasts until when?
Until the fetus is delivered
The is the period of growth before birth
Prenatal period
The prenatal period System of what three major stages?
Preembryonic stage
Embryonic stage
Fetal stage
This is the stage where first cellular divisions of fertilized egg happens
It travels through the Fallopian tubes to the uterus
ImPlantation of fertilized egg into the endometrium
Preembryonic stage
After an egg is fertilized by sperm cell is referred to as what?
The first cellular division of the zygote does not increase in size but increases in what?
Cell numbers
72 hours after fertilization how many cells are formed and what is it called?
16 cells
How many days after fertilization does the morula enter the uterine cavity where it floats for two or three days
3 to 4
After the morula -Cell clusters begin to divide and form what?
It consists of outer layer of cells and inner cell mass called what ?? which eventually forms the placenta while the inner cell mass becomes the Embryo
How many days after ovulation does the blastocyte attach to the endometrium?
What is the process called?
This is the process in which the embryo forms and develops
The embryonic stage begins with the fertilization of an egg and last until what week post fertilization?
8th week
The embryonic stages primary objective is to form what three germ layers?
These layers will form into all the organs of the body
Mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm
This is a see-through sack that completely enveloped the embryo
It protects the embryo from trauma as well as changes in temperature
The fetus breathes the fluid and swallows it
Why does the volume remains stable?
The fetus regularly urinate into the sac
This is the outermost membrane it surrounds the other membranes
This develops The umbilical cord
Later it becomes part of the urinary bladder
This produces red blood cells until the sixth week, Then it is taken over by the liver.
It also helps formation of the digestive tract
Yolk sac
This is a temporary Organ that originates from embryonic and endometrial tissue
It provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and removes waste products from the babies blood
Where is the placenta located?
It attaches to the wall of the uterus and the babies umbilical cord
After delivery of the baby what happens to the placenta?
Detaches and slouches off
This is the connection between the developing fetus in the placenta
Umbilical cord