Preflop (GTO Wizard NL50) Flashcards
Lowest Offsuit Ace RFI?
from UTG –> SB
A8o / A5o
Lowest Offsuit King RFI?
from UTG –> SB
KTo, K9o (25%)
K8o (75%), K7o (25%)
K8o (75%), K7o (25%) (SB adds 25-35% limping)
Lowest Offsuit Queen RFI?
from UTG –> SB
QJo (50%)
QTo (50%)
Q8o (75% + 25%limp)
Lowest Suited Ace in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
A2s (50%)
All + SB limps A9s- A2s 15-30% of time
Lowest Suited King in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
K8, K7s-K5s (50%)
K3s, K2s (50%)
Lowest Suited Queen in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
Q9s, Q8s (10%)
Q8s (90%)
All + SB limps 10-25%
Lowest Suited Jack in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
J9s (75%)
J9s, J8s (10%)
J7s, J6s (10%)
J4s (75%)
J3s + SB limps J4-J3 (30-50%)
Lowest Suited Ten in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
T8s (75%)
T8s, T7s (10%)
T6s, T5 (60%, 40%limped)
Lowest Suited 9x in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
98s (25%)
98s (80%)
96s, 95s (50%, 50%limped)
Lowest Suited 8x in RFI?
from UTG –> SB
87s (10%)
87s (10%)
87s (75%)
What positions open 75s ?
Button & Small Blind
When are double gapper suited connectors T7s or below introduced? Which ones?
Button: T7s, 69s
Small Blind: 85s, 74s (50%)
Lowest Single Gapper Suited Connector
from UTG –> SB
53s (60%, 40%limped)
Which position starts to RFI offsuit Tens?
Button: T9o, T8o (75%)
Which positions raise 98o?
Small Blind: 98o (70%, limped 30%)
What pocket pair in each RFI range is the threshold for all suited hands above it being raised?
(UTG –> SB)
(e.g. answer of 66 means all suited 6X above 66 are raised)
99+ (J9s 70%)
88+ (J8s 3-gapper only 15%)
77+ (T7s 3=gapper only 15)
55+ (T5s/95s 50%, 50limp. excluded if RFI only)
What position starts RFI all offsuit T above TT?
Lowest Offsuit Jack RFI?
from UTG –> SB
JTo (33%)
J9o, J8o (15%)
J8o (30%, 30limped)
KTo RFI starting at which position?
Hijack: KTo (80%)
QTo, JTo RFI starting at which position?
Hijack: QTo (30%) JTo (30%)
KTo, QTo, JTo RFI starting at which position?
Hijack: KTo (80%) QTo (30% ) JTo (30%)
All pocket pairs open at least 25% in each RFI range.
What is the lowest pocket pair raised 50% or more for each position?
55 (50%)
44 (50%)
22 (75%)
22 (75%, 25% limp. 100% if no limp)
What does BB do with AQo against BU 4bet?
BU vs BB 3bet, what’s the lowest offsuit ace that gets 3bet?
ATo mixes 3bet and fold
AJo mixes 3bet and call
BB vs BU 4bet, what’s the lowest offsuit ace that 5bet jams
AQo jams about 33% of time, calls the rest.
BB vs UTG/HJ/CO 4bet, what’s the lowest offsuit ace that 5bet jams?
AKo jams 100% on CO, little less against HJ, near 60% against UTG and calls the rest.
BB vs SB 4bet, what’s the lowest offsuit ace that 5bet jams?
AQo jams about 60% of time, calls the rest.
BB vs BU RFI, what hands are 100% 3bets (or close)
TT+, A5s, AQo (85%bet, 15%call)
All other 3bet bluffs are basically 50% 3bet, 50% call
Only significant 3bet fold split is A4o is at 40% 3bet, 60% fold
BU vs BB 3bet, what suited aces are mixed 3bets?
A8s (mix 3bet/call)
A7s (mix 3bet/call/fold)
A6s (mix 3bet/fold)
A3s is 15% 3bet/fold
(note that A5 and A4 are basically pure call and mixed call/fold, as you block their prominent 3bet bluffs)
All positions (with significant exception of the big blind) share a common block of hands that continue (raise or call) in their Versus RFI ranges against all positions.
Visually looking at these ranges, what hand is at the bottom right of this rectangular chunk of hands that always continues in Versus RFI ranges?
QTs (except QTs gets taken out for Versus UTG ranges)
(all offsuit and suited queens better than this continue and all better hands than those do as well)
All positions except for the blinds share a common block of hands that continue (raise or call) in their Versus 4bet ranges against all positions.
Visually looking at these ranges, what hand is at the bottom right of this rectangular chunk of hands that always continues in Versus 4bet ranges?
(all offsuit and suited kings better than this continue and all better hands than those do as well)
same bound as Versus 3bet ranges
All positions share a common block of hands that continue (raise or call) in their Versus 3bet ranges against all positions.
Visually looking at these ranges, what hand is at the bottom right of this rectangular chunk of hands that always continues in Versus 3bet ranges?
(all offsuit and suited kings better than this continue and all better hands than those do as well)
same bound as Versus 4bet ranges
In BB vs Small Blind RFI ranges, which hands are near pure bets and which are mostly bet?
AQ (95%bet)
A5s, A4s
Mostly bet, mixed call:
KJs, QJs
A3o, A5o
T3s, T5s
K7o mixes bet/fold
In all Versus 4bet situations, what do we do with our less-than-TT pocket pairs after 3betting them and facing a 4bet?
In general call 4bet near 100% after 3betting less-than-TT pocket pairs.
(exception is 99,88,77 are mixed bets for SB vs BU 4bet)
In all Versus 4bet situations, what do we do with suited connectors (T9s and below) after 3betting them and facing a 4bet?
In general call 4bet near 100% after 3betting (suited connectors) T9s and below.
Only exception is BB vs HJ 4bet mixes 50% fold.
In BB versus (BU or SB) 4bet situations, what do we do with low suited aces that we 3bet now facing 4bet?
Call 4bets after 3betting low suited aces
Except for main bluff-5bets A5s/A4s