CC Grade 3 Notes Flashcards
What is the Interference Theorem with regards to bluff selection when repolarizing and raising on the river ?
(Repolarize means to raise a bet having condensed your range by calling an earlier one, e.g. raising river after facing a triple barrel)
e.g. BB vs CO
Jd3h2c- X,R33,C
7d- X,B75,C
Ks- X,B75,R4x
Interference Theorem-
When you repolarise on the river, you will want to bluff with:
a) Pairs on blank runouts
b) flush/straight blockers on wetter runouts.
e.g. BB vs CO
Jd3h2c- X,R33,C
7d- X,B75,C
Ks- X,B75,R4x
bluff raises here would be J8ss, 43ss, but not QhJs since Q is bad blocker to bluffs.
Flop Mixing Tier 2 Value Raises, let’s look at tier system
Raised infrequently, raised sometimes, raised frequently. Better the kicker of top pair on j3d against a range bet for instance increases raise frequency.
J8hh infrequent
JcTs sometimes
KcJc frequently
Flop Mixing- Bluff raises
on Jd3h2c against R33 we raise 4x.. raised occasionally, raised at some frequency, raised frequently.
Q8hh occasionally
Q6dd mid
54cc Raised frequently
Homework Task 1-
BB vs CO
KsQh7d- X, R33, ?
set this up in trainer and do it 50 times.
a) compose list of where five most common mixing errors occured
b) compose a list of any EV losses you made
c) Name the main thing in-game you have to be more cogniscient of.
Realize you raise gutshots and OESDS a bit more. pairs with BDFD raise more.
High polarity strategies on turn are often easier to implement since it is more intuitive.
What are the 5 buckets of hands that you have?
Where do these hands in the following situation fit?
BB vs CO
8d5hJc- X,X
8s- X,?
a) Ad7h
b) AcQc
c) Js9s
d) AhJs
Pure check
Bet Infrequently
Bet Sometimes
Bet Frequently
Pure Bet
a) Ad7h bet frequently
b) AcQc check.
c) Js9s pure check
d) AhJs pure bet
River Bucketing
BB vs CO
QhTh7s- X,B75,C
5d- X,X
3h- ?
How does our thought process go for bet sizes in this favorable situation?
In spots where toolkit can be simplified to 3 bet sizes and we have EV advnatage and must therefore bluff wherever possible, our thought process will go as follows
a) We have a lot of Qx and Tx so B33 will be common, bluffs will be rare.
b) We have a little bit of AQ KQ so B75 will be for rare value, bluffs will be rare in this size as well.
c) We have a lot of 2pair+ so B150 will be common, so this is where my bluffs will go.
NO REAL STANDARD REASON TO CHOOSE ONE BLUFF SIZE, with exception of when going big you need good blockers.
Ask what tier is my hand?
Tier 1 B150
Tier 2 B75
Tier 3 B33
Tier 4 Check
Bluffs- IS there a sizing my hand has negative blockers for? If yes, roll between 2 other sizes. If no, roll 3 sizes but weight the preferred size most (like weight 50% B150, 30% B33, 20% B75
Functions of Blockers/Unblockers
What are the four different functions of blockers?
Positive Functions for Bluffing:
Combo blocks calls, Combo unblocks folds
Negative Functions for Bluffing:
Combo Blocks Folds, Combo Unblocks Calls
Positive Functions for Calling:
Combo Blocks Value, Combo Unblocks Bluffs
Negative Functions for Calling:
Combo Blocks Bluffs
Combo Unblocks Value
Focus on combo unblocking folds for bluffing. When no flushes present on river, most useful metric for determining how positive your blockers are. Tedious to block calls without also blocking folds when villains calling range is 1 pair. If you block 1 kicker of opponents pair, you unblock all of their other kickers, which becomes a lot in late position battles. Opponents folds have a lot more in common so focus on unblocking the folds, as they are likely to share a rank or suit when trying to unblock flushes/straights/etc. FOCUS ON UNBLOCKING FOLDS WHEN BLUFFING, NOT BLOCKING THE NUTS.
What is bluffing EV?
If ranking 3 types of bluffs that all block X calls:
A= highest bluffing EV that blocks Y-1 folds
B= middling bluffing EV that blocks Y folds
C= lowest bluffing EV that blocks Y+! folds
What are they like in
a) unfavorable,
b) slightly unfavorable,
c) neutral,
d) slightly favorable,
e) favorable world
EV gain or loss between bluffing and checking.
a) sometimes bluff A, never B or C
b) Always bluff A, never B or C
c) Always bluff A, sometimes B, never C
d) Always Bluff A, always B, might bluff C
e) Always bluff A, B, C
if we can determine which world we are in (range vs range EV is best reference), and if we can determine whether hand is A B or C wiht respect to blocking folds then we can choose between bluffs that don’t seem to excel at blocking calls.
Unblocking folds, real example
HJ vs BB
KhJd7d- X,B75,C
4s- X,B150,C
2h- X, B133(all in) or Check?
a) How favorable is this world?
b) Examine following hands and determine which blocks Y-2, Y-1, Y, Y+1, and Y+2 folds
a) slightly favorable (remember blank rivers after overbet favor OOP caller, whereas straight completing rivers is really great for IP)
Q8hh Y-2 (not a lot of Qx or 8x in villain range, 8x doesn’t block folds)
A6 blocks Y+2
T9blocks Y (KT and K9 are close to hands that fold)
AdTs blocks Y+1
A3ss blocks Y-1
lets look in more detail at BB’s reaction to HJ’s all in
Q8hh only blocks 1 frequent folds (K8s)
As3s blocks frequent folds AsJs and AsJx
Tc9c blocks pure folds KTs and KTo and frequent fold K9s
AdTs blocks pure folds AdJx, KdTd, AdTd, KdTx
Ad6d blocks pure folds AdQd, AdTd, AdJx, Kd6d, 6d4d
Double Delayed stab- more unblockers
calls don’t have much in common, e.g. pairs have wide array of diff kickers
folds have a lot in common, sharing similar cards e.g. A-high, K-high etc
So when bluffing, makes sense to focus more on villains folds, rather than calls
What does villains folding range look like in following spot?
How would you structure a bluffing range to unblock it?
SB vs BB 3BP
7d7s5c- X,X
Jh- X,X
Js- ? (X,B75,B150?)
How favorable is this spot?
villain will fold mostly Ax and Kx
since we aren’t bluffing w/ Ax anyway, main goal is to avoid bluffing w/ hands that block these big cards.
Could argue KQ is good bc it blocks KJ and QJ, but there are almost no combos.
Folding range is what matters here.
This is slightly favroable world w/ 54.55% EV. Bluff all class A and class B, and stay away from Class C hands. here 4s4h has 6.3% EV and QsTs has 3.5% EV
Unblockers in highly unfavorable spots
when it checks through to the river in 2bet pots, OOP caller is at huge disadvantage. Mildly condensing actions of each player leave OOP’s preflop range disadvantage in place.
Ad6h5s- X,X
Ks- X,X
Kd- (X, B33, B75, or B150?)
EV here for OOP is 27%
Match the hands with their bluff candidate grade
a) T9dd
b) T9ss
c) 75hh
a) T9dd is grade C to never bluff
diamonds are particular bad since spades will prob get bet on turn, so diamonds block air here!
b) T9ss is grade B, since villain declined to bet on turn (flush draws common) you unblock more air now.
c) 75hh is grade A sometimes bluff, they don’t arrive here with a 7 and then folding! they don’t have a 7 or 5 all that often
when checks til the river you want to have the busted flush draw!
don’t bluff here w/ T9 just to recoup money
Look at villains reaction to B150 and our B150 strategy
Ad6h5s- X,X
Ks- X,X
Kd- (X, B33, B75, or B150?)
bluffs here aren’t in Tx8x or 9x region, not bluffing anything in the middle range. don’t block the folds at highest frequency! villain is supposed to fold 77-JJ even QQ, and a lot of Ax. So don’t block this region
At all costs avoid hands that block underpairs but not broadways.
What are villains folds here and do i block them? if no, go ahead and bluff
Don’t fall victim to nuts obsession fallacy!
HW 3, analyze 3 hands in node of SRP OOP delayed probe opportunity when runout is not super wet
do presolver review where estimating
a) favorability
b) class of your hand as a bluff (wrt unblocking folds)
c) what you should do
d) run it in a solver and note any inaccuracies.
Five parts of a Flop X/R Range are?
1) Thick Value Region (sets, two pair on dry or flush, straight on wet)
2) Thin Value Region (TPDK, TP+BDFD, Mediocre Overpair on low board) kinda entitled to 70%ish of the pot. not mandatory on flop, but want to raise eventually.
3) High EV Bluff Region (nut flush draws, combo draws, flush draws, even good gutters). Hands perform well in giant pots when they can leapfrog villains bluffcatchers. Mix call/raise
4) Hybrid Region (made hand with some redraw, example low pair low kicker which actually has 5 outs to two pair or trips, can get better to fold.
5) Low EV Bluff Region (mix call/fold/raise)
people don’t find 2,4,5 enough
EV Spectrum goes
1 starts near 300% pot EV
2 starts near 100%ish pot EV
3 starts near 66%ish pot EV
4 starts near 15%ish pot EV
5 starts near 0%ish pot EV
3 is only loosely a bluff in the sense that villain commonly folds significant equity vs the raise
4 combines reasons mainly value and extreme denial. lower the EV of call and the more useful the fold equity, the closer a hand gets to qualifying as a hybrid raise.
5 is sometimes +EV but in other cases 0EV. sometimes mix fold/raise and sometimes mix/call/raise
- Thick Value Region
How is this region played on the following boards?
a) unpaired multitone textures
b) paired or monotone textures
a) on unpaired multitone textures, there are times when this region must raise and other times it can elect to call depending on how polarised c-bettors range is. Against merged range you want to raise yourself.
b) indifferent to calling and raising since it pushes villain towards air with its blockers.
Case A
Pure Raise on unpaired/multitone facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ 4s4h
urgency is high to build the pot now against this merged range. huge EV loss to not raise.
Case B
Mixed Raise on unpaired/multitone facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ 4h4c
more polarized range will put in money for you, don’t get their air to fold
Case C
Mixed Raise on Paired Flop facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ 7h7c
incredibly polarizing flop. normally on multitone texture 77 would be a raise, paired flops are exception. Villain is incredibly polarized by this flop. While a jack is unblocked by our hand, so too are the bluffs in villains range that will fire future streets at high frequency. Hand has polarizing blockers, meaning we block hands that hands that would only invest by calling, so very likely we will face aggression in a checkback line.
Case D
Mixed Raise on Monotone Textures facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ A5cc
Most of range that calls you has a club, but villain won’t just bluff only clubs on turn so you block villains future air bluffs.
What is Cobra’s Rule? Regarding sizing for Region 1 hands after raise gets called?
Wet Turns give the check-raiser a big RA, but equalize the NA. So bet frequently w/ small sizing.
Dry Turns give the caller a RA, but preserve the raise’s NA since the higher EV draws have bricked but they still have medium hands. So bet very big or go for snake in the grass w/ check-raise
Since we know that NA increases sizing & RA increases frequency, we can expect spade turns to demand a completely different strategy to blank turns. (Shown in PIO that spades go small, bricks go polar)
-9 or A particularly bad for us.
-K or Q not overbet since villain will 2pair up on these boards more often than us (we 3bet our AQ AK etc)
-4 is overbet since our hybrid raises become particularly strong,
-2,3,5 also overbettable bc hand completes some straights but also two pairs the hybrids, and are a brick for opponent.
the greater the extent value region is preserved the bigger sizing is going to be but the lower your frequency
when value region not preserved lower the sizing but very high frequency.
Range Explorer Comparison Regarding landing ranges after raising R33 cbet on flop
BB vs BU
As9s4d- X,R33,R4x,C
Compare following turns:
7h (dry/3tone)
2s (wet/2tone)
IP is largely ahead rangewise, causing OOP to have to check-fold a lot. but they have nut advantage.
MIX check (checkraise) and B120.
Region 1 (which unblock villains calling range) will pure bet, just as it pure raised flop. like 4s4h.
With blockers to calling range Region will will have as much EV by checking, like Ah9d.
2s OOP largely ahead, but NA for IP.
simplify to B33. Our range is MERGED and POWERFUL now (as opposed to polarized and air-heavy)
Our Region 1 hands have now become much thinner value bets (like 4h4s). this set can turn into boat as well!
- Thin Value Region
How does it raise on following flops?
a) polarized
b) condensed
c) monotone
d) multitone
Thin Value region has less urgency to build pot. Always mix call/raise regardless of texture.
Case A facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ A8hh raises like 20%
great to unblock diamonds here as a sidenote
raise then don’t barrel off large if called, check or go small later.
Villain range betting, they must continue lots of weak/merged hands.
Case B facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ Ks7s raises like 9%
Much less raising vs bigger sizing as our range deploys less raise frequency.
Raises to get called by worse, or for denial against Ax or gutters for instance
here thin value hands raise w/ similar frequency to global frequency. (high EV bluffs, hybrids, low EV bluffs often bet way more than global)
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ 9s9d raises about 50%
Denial is biggest role here, as long as we don’t get out of line later.
Case D
Facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc7c4c w/ 64ss raises about 12%
Not often so we don’t want to do this all the time.
Again removing continues and unblocking bluffs
How Thin Value Hands React to Different Turns
BB vs BU
JhJc7d- X,R33,4x,C
compare turns
a) 4s
b) Td
a) 4s lets us remain far more polarized than villain but his range is still quite polarized given Jx is so much better than all other regions.
Hands like 9s9d (that were Tier 2 or 3) now drop to Tier 4.
b) Td. He the polarization gap closes and the cobra insists we bet smaller. Not such a great turn that we can range bet though.
Hand like 9s9d becomes a Hybrid.
- High EV Bluff Region
How does it raise vs polarized, condensed, monotone, multitone?
High EV bluffs are already very high EV, so can be seen as value-bluff hybrids
Case A
facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ Qs8s about 80% of time
Hands entitled to majority of pot are value raises- these ones just get very useful fold equity
Case B
facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ A6hh about 40% of time
Again overal raise frequency is lower so this hand is actually far above the mean global freq.
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ Th9h near 100% of time
We have more raised on paired boards than any other rough texture. Some high EV draws become pure raises under these conditions. Global raise range on this board is high too, as you’re facing range bet and easy to have random J
Case D
facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ Kc9s near 25% of time
Again our pot entitlement makes this a literal value-bluff. Can raise later too.
How High EV Bluffs React to Different Turns
BB vs BU
KhJh4d- X,B75,4x,C
How are different turns played?
a) 2c
b) Qh
a) when we suffer this brick turn card our range is now in unfavorable world. Mix 75 and Check
Note: due to larger flop c-bet no need to overbet despite large NA
We have a low global betting frequency here so even this hand checks frequently (30ish%)
b) Qh brings in flush and straights so we’re now in highly favorable world where solver bets range.
Solver chooses 34% B75 and 66% B33, 0% check.
We can simplify to 100% B33 w/ almost no EV loss.
- Hybrid Region
How does it raise vs polarized, condensed, monotone, multitone?
Marginal made hands which benefit a lot from fold equity and retain decent equity when their raise is called.
More vulnerable these are and the weaker they play as calls, the more often they will opt to raise.
Case A
facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ 43hh raises near 80% of time
Fold equity is fully denial based, no element of bluffing yet but could change on turn.
Case B
facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ Ad4s raises near 50% of time
This hand unblocks a lot of Villain’s bet/folds. 4 doesn’t interact with much and the Ad doesn’t really either. But we would not raise Qs4s as it is not overpair to board.
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ 2s2c raises near 45% of time.
Again elements of value w/ huge spread of denial. Our range is most polarized here. Villain is meant to call a bunch of unpaired hands here so denial is huge.
Case D
facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ 6d5d
Again lower kicker makes hand vulnerable enough to hybrid raise.
Flop Hybrids on Turn after Raise
BB vs BU
Tc6c4c- X,R33,4x,C
How are different turns played?
a) Jh (brick turn)
b) 2c (wet turn)
a) neutral spot but our hand plummets in EV further.
Hybrids oftem become useful bluffs (tier 6) on worsening cards for their equity as this hand now unblocks a lot of Villain’s folding range.
6d5d would raise about 45% of the time. (neutral world where low EV bluffs can bluff sometimes)
b) BU has monopoly on offsuit big cards and overpairs, so actually is a disaster for BB range of low flushes and lower EV bluffs (33% OOP EV)
This spot is so unfavorable Tier 6-7 must be given up and this hand is certainly no Tier 5 bluff.
- Low EV Bluffs
How does it raise vs polarized, condensed, monotone, multitone?
Low EV bluffs usually close to 0EV and indifferent between call/fold/raise. May even be losing calls but breakeven/winning raises
Low robustness but some distant nut potential.
Case A
facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ T8dd raises near 10%, calls like 55%, folds rest.
Two backdoors alone are barely enough to break even vs even a range bet. Profitable riving bluffing opportunities when they check back turn. Not just backdoors here but also pair draws.
Case B
facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ Th9d raises near 40%, folds otherwise
Illustrating that raise can be better than call. Raises way more than global frequency as a hand here.
If these 3 things are true, you want to raise instead of call
1) Pot odds are bad
2) OOP so less future fold equity
3) hand is frail and not surviving in terms of SDV
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ Kh5h raises near 4-5% and folds rest
Would not raise 6c5c since 6 not high enough of pair to be worth it.
Case D
facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ 6d5d raises near 40% and calls rest.
We stay away from backdoors here as they are just too insignificant on monotone boards.
How to play Low EV Bluffs on the Turn after raise and get called.
Judgemental Crow’s Rule
Having raised the flop, do not bluff again with low EV bluffs that missed a neutral or unfavorable turn card.
a) villain called
b) unfavorable turn
means you should give up a lot with huge deficit in fold equity and nothing going on with your hand! (kinda like turn probe opportunities where board favors PFR where BB should just give up a lot)
Judgemental Crow says “Were you thinking of bluffing just there? Were you? That’s a horrible blunder, you idiot”
Don’t pile money in spots with air when spot is unfavorable for you.
Case A
BB vs BU
As9s4d- X,R33,4x,C
Kc- ?
T8dd checks always. OOP EV is 40% so highly unfavorable world so can’t choose T8dd as bluff.
Catching System
What do the following hands do against B150, B75, B33?
Value Beaters
Bluff Catcher A (Good)
Bluff Catcher B (Average)
Bluff Catcher C (Bad)
Frail Hands (not always folded)
Don’t just look at hand against specific sizing! Make sure to be elastic to be have a good defense frequency.
Value Beaterscall all bets
Catcher A (Good) calls B75, B33 and mixes call against B150
Catcher B (Average) calls B33, mixes call against B75, fold against B150
Catcher C (Bad) mixes call against B33, folding against B75 & B150
Frail Hand folds against B33, B75, B150
Tiering a Catcher (Facing B75)
SB vs BB
Js7S2c- X,X
5h- B75, C
Qh- B75, ?
Name a hand in each Tier facing this action.
On this turn, tends to recommend just B150 or B33 bc it more accurately describes hands that want to bet. Like overpairs, KJ, set for B150, then block for 7x, 88, 5x, meh Jx.
Here we call normal amount of time. Catcher system is most intuitive facing B75. Luckily, pool loves this size.
Not massively unfavorable spot so approaching MDF here.
Catcher’s tier may change w/ blocker interactions
Q is actually bricky given the action
Value beater- J8hh
Catcher A- A7hh (want to unblock bluffs)
Catcher B- T7cc (T blocks some bluffs), T is a dangler that blocks bluffs
Catcher C- 8s8d (2 blockers to villains bluffs like 98 makes it a losing call)
Frail Hands- Ks4s (horrible blockers for both cards)
Tiering a Catcher (Facing B33)
SB vs BB
Js7S2c- X,X
5h- B33, C
Qh- B33, ?
Name a hand in each Tier facing this action.
Facing B33 we must call very often in neutral worlds like this one.
Value Beater- A7hh (3bb EV, if you see large EV like a few bb or 20%pot, 30% pot, it is not just a catcher. Catchers hover around 0)
Catcher A- 53dd (doesn’t interfere w/ bluffing range, can even raise, blocks two pair or sets!)
Catcher B- 4s4h (can raise even, same reason as above)
Catcher C- KhTh (raises a lot, but interferes w/ bluffing range. Blocks some value like KJ though, so prob only raises to make sure we don’t just only bluff lower cards that don’t interfere w/ bluff range. Only raises since EV is 0.01 instead of call which is 0.00)
Frail Hand- Th9d (interferes like crazy with bluffing range)
Tiering a Catcher (Facing B150)
SB vs BB
Js7S2c- X,X
5h- B33, C
Qh- B33, ?
Name a hand in each Tier facing this action.
Great line, since a lot of nutted hands on our brick turn and brick river!
Here we place a premium on blocking value bets and unblocking bluffs
Value Beater- Qs8s (reason Qx is good enough is bc SB is betting exactly because this Q is a brick for our range. When we call turn overbet last card he expects to run into is a Q)
Catcher A- Kc7c (catcher removes combos of KQ, blocks 77 set, unblocks bluffs. don’t throw away half BB by folding here especially when villain overbluffing)
Catcher B- J8hh, T7dd can’t. J blocks two pair like QJo.
Catcher C- 65ss loses whole bb even though block 5, but 6 is a dangler.
Frail Hand- 98hh
make sure to keep raise frequency in check here.
Counterintuitive Defense
during bluff-catching
SB vs HJ 3bet Pot
Kd4s3c- R33,C
4c- B60, C
4d- B67(all in), ?
Which hand would you rather call with?
99 or QQ?
A bluff catching spot often requires counterintuitive defense
Many lower absolute hand strength combos have higher calling EV than combos of higher absolute hand strength.
99 has 0.5bb call EV since it doesn’t block bluffs.
QQ has -2.1bb call EV as it blocks a lot of bluffs! Don’t be fooled. QQ blocks a lot of AQo
Mastering Relative Hand Strength
Mantis Theorem (wise smug patronizing creature)
“The silly human..
-overfolds on dryer textures when ranges are wide
-over-defends on wetter textures & when ranges are tight.”
Aim to prove the Mantis Wrong!!!
Defend well on dry textures when ranges are wide.
Fold more on wetter textures & when ranges are tight.
BB vs BU
AsQd4h- X,B33,C
9d- X,B150,C
Jd- X,B75,?
How would you rate following hands in Tier system?
a) QcJh
b) Ad8s
c) AcJc
d) KdQc
Runout is so wet that some pretty strong seeming hands are very trivial folds once our opponent polarizes and renders them bluff catchers.
When blocker properties of these hands are mostly negative, THEY MUST BE FOLDED.
my attempt
a) Grade C. Does not block flushes, but blocks JT, sets. Doesn’t block bluffing range.
b) Grade A as it blocks a lot of flush combos and straight combos like T8?
c) AcJc grade C does not block any straights or flushes.
d) Grade A as blocks a lot of flush combos and straight combos like KT
Real Answer
a) Grade C. Villain will be bluffing Jx here as bluffs so you block those. Good fold.
b) Grade A bluffcatcher beats a lot of the bluffs like Jx, and blocks flushes etc. 0.5bb EV. (but don’t go crazy when villain underbluffs)
c) Grade B since beats bluffs but does not block any of the uber value, only the Tx that villain bluffs
d) Grade A (actually jams!) blocks flush combos and straight combos and sets.
Big broadway boards cause a lot of hands to always pair up, so ranges here are more tight after all the barrels so you have to get very
BB vs BU
8s3d3h- X,X
2s- X,X
7j- B33, ?
Rate following hands in tier system of bluffcatchers
a) Qc7c
b) Ad6d
c) KhQs
d) Ks5s
When runouts are extremely hard to connect with, seemingly air hands are promoted to bluff catchers. Don’t let absolute hand strength biases skew our evaluations.
my try
a) A
b) B
c) C blocks all bluffs
d) B doesn’t block too much
a) entitled to 110% pot, value beater meant to raise!
b) value beater!
c) Grade B
d) Grade A, having spades doesn’t block air here since spades would’ve bet turn! you want flush draw blockers when it’s been passively played!
SB vs HJ 3bet pot
7d4s2c- B60, ?
Rate call EV of each hand
a) 9s9h
b) 6s6h
c) KdQd
d) JsTs
It’s not uncommon for even solid players to simply forget that they are in a tighter configuration (world following X position vs Y position preflop action). When this happens, subconscious assumes hands are better than they are.
my try
a) good, not great. beat a lot of unpaired hands they bluff with but don’t block value region.
b) very bad.
c) kinda meh here. block overpairs but you also block a lot of value and BDFDs that would barrel.
d) very poor.
actual answer
a) calls profitably w/ 2.42 EV
b) folds a majority of time -0.03EV to call, in this tight config no lower PPs in SB range. pseudobluff catcher
c) same EV as 66 almost, 0EV call. good pair draws w/ some backdoors.
d) frail hand with -1.87EV.
Upgrading for Wideness
SB vs BB
AdAc6s- R33,C
7h- X,X
2h- B33,?
What tier is each hand here?
a) Qs7s
b) 3s3d
c) QcJh
d) Kd3d
avoid overfolding in wide range spots after a lack of range filtering. need to call some bizarre looking candidates to avoid overfolding.
my try
a) Qs7s is value!
b) 33 is grade a
c) QJ sucks and blocks bluffs, frail
d) Kd3d is grade B
a) excellent, even raises
b) not a bluffcatcher, actually valuebeater. wins a lot of pot
c) Grade C bluffcatcher, blocks a lot of bluffs. average, but can raise.
d) more of a grade A, not getting in way of bluffs and SDV.
Sledgehammering (Betting 200-500% of pot)
When do we do it?
-We have region w/ near 100% equity against Villain’s range
-We do not block large parts of Villain’s calling range to a huge sizing
-We are on the river
-Our opponent has a condensed range relative to our sledgehammer region
(most appropriate when villain won’t raise a lot, aka when they’re more truly condensed)
SB vs BB 3bet pot
Ts8s7h x-x
2d x-x
B450 13% of time. B33 region for 22% of time w/ 60-80% equity, but 85-90% equity hands go B450.
River Glutton Theorem
On river, there is no size too large when building a sizing tool kit. In fact, smaller sizes may be technical errors.
SB vs BB 3bet pot
Ts8s7h x-x
2d x-x
Ad B450-?
Js9s loses 1.36bb EV
4s4h loses -0.61bb EV
AhTh lose -2.31 EV
if you use B75 instead of jamming
Reacting to a sledgehammer. How do we do it?
SB vs BB 3bet pot
Ts8s7h x-x
2d x-x
Ad b450-?
How different are these two hands to defend here and which is better?
a) Jh8d
b) Td5d
you should be folding almost everything here, but small amount of nutted stuff
a) Jh8d is a call sometimes since blocks j9, also blocking set w/ 8
b) T5dd has horrible blockers and nothing going on well.
Feathering (B10-B20)
B20 finishing equity is actually higher than landing equity? (B33 has lower finishing equity as one would expect a bet to do) Why? Villain should be raising a whole bunch and does not.
OOP feathering is the only time that makes sense.
SB vs BB 3bet pot
Ts8s7h x-x
2d x-x
JThh can feather, Ac3c. Ah6h can feather.
Most of time people don’t raise it so it’s a good exploitative tool.
Feathering with the condensed range
BB vs BU
Js9d7c x-b33-c
6c x-x
2s b20
What do 8s8h and A7dd do?
Theoretical gain of feathering is usually small.
A B20 hand can almost always choose either B33 or X without EV loss
88 can b33
Ad7d can X
but they both can B20
Exploitative Arguments for Feathering
Familiarity Theorem
a) Purely exploitative. Familiary Theorem says:
Regs will misplay far more often vs sizes they have scarcely encountered compared with those with which they are more acquainted.
Can even change B33 to B20 only w/ near no EV loss.
1) under value raising, villain’s value raise should be happening more often
2) under bluff raising, villain should bluff raiase at a similar frequency as he would facing a check.
Splitting Up Value Hands
building a river probe strategy is easy when categorising value hands.
We just need to develop the rough skill of placing hand in a landing equity tier- the hand’s equity before our river action.
BB vs BU
Js9d7c x-b33-c
6c x-x
2s ?
Tier 0- 97-100% equity
Tier 1- 91-96% equity
Tier 2- 75-90% equity
Tier 3- 58-74% equity
Tier 4- 24-57% equity
Bluff Tiers- 0-23% equity
examples of a hand that will do what in each region?
Bluff Tiers- Bet (KhQs)
Tier 4- X (3s3c)
Tier 3- B20 (9c8c)
Tier 2- B75 (JhTh)
Tier 1- B150 (KsJd)
Tier 0- B400 (Jc9s)
Note difference between bet and check here is world favorability
Splitting up Bluffs (SUPER IN-DEPTH THEORY TIME, not to be used in game)
Splitting up bluffs requires more sophisticated approach.
2 relevant factors to decide bluff ratio for given bet size (in less favorable worlds we will sometimes mix check also)
a) size abundance
b) pot odds modifier
a) size abundance is abundance of a bet size in our strategy will set a baseline for how often it is used as a bluff
b) we then add the pot odds modifier to reflect the rough bluff to value ratio the sizing should generally deploy
Villain’s breakeven equity for following sizes and the modifier.
B400- 45% w/ 1.5 modifier
B150- 37.5% w/ 1.1 modifier
B75- 30% w/ 0.9 modifier
b20- 14% w/ 0.5 modifier
B400- 4.73% used–> 8% of betting range
B150- 13.82% used–> 22% of betting range
B75- 20.51% used–> 33% of betting range
B20- 23.16% used–> 37% of betting range
X- 37.77%
% of betting range is size abundance
multiply by the modifier listed above
to get splitting percent of bluffs
B400- 8% x 1.5= 12%
B150- 22% x 1.1= 24%
B75- 33% x 0.9= 30%
B20- 23% x 0.5= 19%
sledgehammer can bluff more!
feathering don’t really bluff
in reality:
1. this is impossible
2. adds almost no EV at equilibrium, and in reality what a bluff size gains or loses w/ particular combo will be different.
BB vs BU
Js9d7c x-b33-c
6c x-x
2s ?
let’s use the splitting percent above and just try to fit hands in there.
Triple Barrel Opportunities
CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
What happens on a blank river like this? What’s the world favorability
To reach triple barrel, our range is significantly polarized and villain’s is heavily condensed
blank river, we tend to arrive w/ large range disadvantage but large nut advantage. only we have a large batch of hands that are entitled to way more than pot in EV
these worlds are usually SLIGHTLY UNFAVORABLE since condensed range prefers blank runouts.
Button mostly had a bunch of tier 1 hands, and tier 4 hands in the middle.
rest of range is a large majority of bluff tier hands!
Plotting the bluff tiers.
What do we do with the bluff tiers?
Tier 5 Slightly winning
Tier 6 0EV
Tier 7 Losing Bluffs
Tier 5 Slightly winning bluffs MUST BET
Tier 6 0EV bluffs MIX
Tier 7 Losing Bluffs MUST CHECK
Tier 7 is garbage at bottom, tier 6 is just above, tier 5 is near middle and close to SDV, then Tier 4 is SDV
CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
Bluffing EV = EV of Bet - EV of Check
Tier 5 Winning QJhh
Tier 6 Breakeven KcJd
Tier 7 Losing KdJd
Tier 5 Winning QJhh (check is 0 EV and b117 is 16.68EV)
Tier 6 Breakeven KcJd (check is 0EV and b117 is -0.10EV)
Tier 7 Losing KdJd (check is 0 EV and b117 is -9.59)
KdJd has bad blockers!
Human control checks on solver outputs
how do we know if hand has positive neutral or negative bluffing EV?
We must ask two questions:
Can I trust it?
How do we go about doing this during our studies?
Why?- go to next node (villain’s reaction to bluff) and explore how your hands interacts w/ his folds/calls. We can ignore combos he is mixing fairly equally
Can i trust it?- Next ask: is it reasonable to expect competent humans to play this way? or are these simply solver phenomena- i.e. requiring very specific, complex, or unnatural assumptions about ranges to hold true in the real world.
Apply Why? and Can i trust it? to the following hand from earlier
CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
Bluffing EV = EV of Bet - EV of Check
Tier 5 Winning QJhh
Tier 6 Breakeven KcJd
Tier 7 Losing KdJd
QJhh is winning
+blocking pure calls like JhJs JhJd JhJc. Can i trust it? Yes
+blocking HF call Qhth. Can i trust it? Probably
+unblocking pure folds AdQd AdJd. Can i trust it? Yes.
KcJd is breakeven
+blocking pure calls: JdJs JdJh JdJc. Can i trust it? Yes
+Blocking HF call: KcTc. Can i trust it? Probably
-bad to block pure foldsL AdJd. Can i trust it? Yes
KdJd is losing
+blocking pure calls: JdJS JdJh JdJc. Can i trust it? Yes
=Unblocking HF calls: Top Pair. Can i trust it? Yes
-Bad to block pure folds: AdJd. Can i trust it? Probably.
since all 3 cases have same positive of blocking JJ we can ignore it and focus on differences between them. doing this the picture becomes clearer
let’s build a rule for this spot
Dry runout triple barrel
CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
a) define the spot in a way that differentiates it from other spots in which our rule would not apply
b) in specific spot, define one or more factors that differentiated bluffing candidates
Spot: Triple barrel Opportunity/3Bet Pot/ IP/ Dry Runout
Tier 5- Positive combo of right suits to block TP and unblock high SDV busted draws that get to river and fold
Tier 6- A neutral combination of above factors.
Tier 7- negative combination of above factors.
Let’s see if rule holds up on other board. Tier 5- Positive combo of right suits to block TP and unblock high SDV busted draws that get to river and fold
SB vs BB 3bet pot
Ah8c6c x-b33-c
2d x-b60-c
3s x-(b87 or x?)
here we will want to unblock clubs and block main Ax combos like Aqs Ajs
are following hands tier 5, 6, or 7?
T4ss, J4ss, Kc7s?
Tier 5 is Js4s which is winning
-blocking AJ is very relevant here.
Tier 6 is Ts4s which is breakeven
-AT isn’t huge part of call down range here.
Tier 7 is Kc7s which is losing
-Kc7s is losing as bluff compared to check (though surprisingly wins 1.6EV as bet).
So rule holds up as Kc both unblocks HF 1 pair calls while also blocking folds in the form of the busted draw.
But J4ss vs T4ss, villain always calls AJ as value beater, whereas ATs is a poor bluff catcher (we don’t 3bet AT preflop) so there’s HUGE DIFFERENCE between holding a jack or ten here.
bluff tiers in unfavorable worlds
SB vs BB 3bet pot
9h7h4c x-b33-c
Kd x-b70-c
Th x-(b87 or X?)
BB is in really unfavorable world where his best bluffs break even. BB doesn’t make many flushes bc preflop defence range is loaded w/ Axs and suited broadways.
Name hands in Tier 5,6,7
Tier 5? No such combos here
Tier 6? Ah3d is breakeven even w/ great blockers
Tier 7? Jc5c is HUGE blunder to bet.
It is a horrific blunder to bluff without very positive blockers on wet unfavorable runouts.
Building rules for wet runout: now let’s build rule for spots where it’s almost impossible for either player to land on river w/ air.
SB vs BB 3bet pot
9h7h4c x-b33-c
Kd x-b70-c
Th x-(b87 or X?)
Spot: Triple Barrel Opportunity/ 3Bet Pot/ IP/ Wet Highly Unfavorable Runout
Tier 5: Nothing should be winning in these spots as fold equity is below pot odds norm
Tier 6: Very Best Bluffs will always block the newly completed nuts
Tier 7: Everything else
Lecture 7 Homework:
Try to give examples of winning, losing, breakeven triples in the following two spots without a solver. Then check with the solver and see how conclusions hold up
HJ vs CO
Qs8s7d x-b33-c
8d x-b60-c
Ts x-(b117 or x?)
UTG vs BU 3bet pot
JhJd7h x,b33,c
As x-b60-c
Ah x-(b117 or x?)
MY try
1a) no winning bluffs
1b) AsTc
1c) AcKd
in two we want them to have a jack. Try not to block QJ, KJ, JT so anything w/ a Q J or T is gonna be bad. Want them not have a heart as well?
2a) 6h7c would be a great bluff
2b) 5h5c
2c) T9 or QT would be horrible
Properly Protected Checking Ranges
Pros and Cons
When we choose to check a hand that is strong enough to value bet, we make sacrifices on some branches of the tree for gains on others.
Gains when checking:
-Earn more from villain’s low equity hands
-Earn more OOP by check/raising vs Villain’s high equity hands.
-Allowing Villain to improve to hands that lose more money to us later.
Sacrifices when checking
-Earn less from Villain’s medium equity hands
-Losing pot on branches where Villain’s low equity hands improve
(realize that letting people catch up is the tax on checking which is high EV)
The “Easy Value Bet” Fallacy
e.g. BB vs UTG
JsTs9c x-x
5s ?
hero as BB is holding As7c
“I bet to build the pot” BAD
“I bet for value” BAD
“We need to get value here” BAD
Solver checks 50%
Checking can be great to induce bluffs later and let worse improve to call on river.
Places People Under-Protect Their Checking Range
Name 6
a) Flop IP in 3BP
(should check OP sometimesallows OOP to probe too effectively)
b) Float Flop in 2BP
(checking back w/ top pair gets SB to lead bad hands on turn that would’ve check-folded flop)
c) Turn Barrel OOP in 3BP
(a lot of check-jam, when cbet’s been called OOP you lose RA so you want to check a lot, now some hands are not good enough to bluff w/ now due to meh world. IP will then do small bet for thin value/denial when checked to and we check-raise for value & semi-bluff)
d) Turn Float Bet After Call X/R in 2BP
(Natural instinct after calling x/r to bet when checked to, shouldn’t so you avoid x/r on turn as well as realize more equity against villain’s top part of range. Wait til next street to take stab so don’t reopen action)
(also if you have good top pair, you may be tempted to stab IP when OOP checks turn having x/r flop but you can make $ against villain’s hands that bet later)
e) Turn Delayed C-bet in 2BP
(slowplay w/ top pair weak kickers this is pretty standard)
f) Turn Probe (must protect checking range as OOP, x/r is just as good as overbetting now for value. don’t always check weak hands)
Flop / IP / 3Bet Pots
Do you adequately protect checking range on this flop?
7d5h4h x-?
How often should the following hands check here?
a) JdJh
b) 7s7c
c) AdAc
d) KhJh
e) 9d9c
a) JdJh mixes half b60 and X. don’t have to bet JJ more than KK, because you will run into QQ here in early position battle.
b) 7s7c pure bet as it unblocks merged combos in villains range! lots pairs, flushdraw, pair+FD in villains range so 77 benefits from immediate betting. can slowplay sets but this flop merges villains range too much to create more mediocre hands which depolarizes their range. if villain was more polar on diff flop you could check where they’d lead a lot of air and strong hands on turn.
c) AdAc is a mix.
d) KhJh is a mix as well, but even KJcc will bet sometimes here too. Don’t just overprotect betting range.
e) 9s9d is medium equity and does not want to be building pot always. want to remain polarized here as villain raising a polarized range is bad for them, making your range more mergy makes their raises higher EV
(pool will be too merged so raise more than GTO as OOP)
Flop Float Opportunity / 2bet Pots
Facing a check from the PFR, hold some fairly strong/ fairly vulnerable top pair type hand, it is incredibly tempting to bet
SB vs BB
Tc3d2d x-?
Collectively solver checks these hands 51.6% of time.
But how often does your average human check this sub-range?
a) QdTh
b) AcTs
c) 8s8h
d) Kd9d
e) 5h4h
SB is supposed to have a lot of check raises here. Game theory respects that. Seasoned pros will induce the float bet with the strongest parts of their range since they know. Most people don’t check back enough of the Tx here when they should.
a) QdTh checks half, but may be must bet in weaker pools
b) AcTs bets more, checks 25ish% want to polarize cbet and float strategies.
c) pure check. may get outdrawn even by villains bluffs or lose to their value raises
d) mixes half check
e) 5h4h 30% check. even pete says he’d prob not check this back.
Population intuitively expects check-behind ranges to be more capped than they are in equilibrium, so we can expect rampant delayed c-betting.
Checking back too few good hands is a failure to take advantage of this tendency.
Bypassing Thought Processes
In 3bet pot OOP, when we cbet flop there is a very obvious geometrically for us to bet turn and jam river. “So umm.. i’m going to umm… bet 60% pot here to set up a river jam”
This implies checking isn’t an option!
This was example of bypassing thought process. When we start making a decision (sizing) that bypasses another decision (whether to bet at all)
Imagine you sat at an Italian restaurant and the waitress asked how you’d like your steak cooked first? Don’t do this in poker?
Turn Barrel/ OOP / 3bet Pots
In this spot, how often would you consider checking the following hands (they all mix at least some check)
If you would never check them, try to label your error-in-reasoning:
Are you making a bypassing error?
Or are you underestimating the EV of check?
a) KcKs
b) TsTh
c) AdAc
d) QhJh
e) AdKs
a) KcKs 80? WRONG kings does a lot of betting, only checking 30%. sure you block calling range but you also block their betting range! small bet though since blockers.
b) TsTh 60% check, since you block middle of opponents range since it polarizes villains more. uses b60
c) AdAc 60% check as thin value bet w/ b30
d) QhJh 70% check blocks too much value so slowplays a lot.
e) AdKs 25% check.
comes down to blocking or unblocking stuff like QQ or JJ
if you check w/ these frequencies you will still fold turn pot odds norm percent of time in equilibrium. therefore this spot is overfolded by pool after they check turn here as SB. WHEN IN DOUBT AS SB BET ESPECIALLY W/ YOUR BLUFF REGION, FOLD EQUITY IS MEGA HIGH W/ VILLAIN WEIGHTED TOWARDS AIR SO DON’T LET THEM PUT YOUR BLUFFS IN BAD SPOT LATER. BET FOR FOLD EQUITY NOW.
Turn Delayed C-bet / OOP
After checking flop and letting 1 street pass by without building the pot, it can feel deeply counterintuitive to risk the same thing happening again on the Turn. Why would we?
SB vs CO 3bet pot
Ad8s2s x-x
4s ?
What do following hands do?
a) AsTs
b) JsTs
c) AhKh
d) Ah4h
However, realize that:
a) villain’s strong value hands will always bet IP (urgency is higher for him) and
b) villain’s air hands will all fold when we bet, but some may bluff when we check.
So we have no reason to not check again with some big hands.
a) AsTs checks 80%, good for X/R and blocking middle part of range makes villain more polar and betting more often.
b) JsTs checks like 90%. same thing for JsTs. this blocks JJ and TT (middle again as well)
c) AKhh pure check
d) Ah4h 55% check
in general we have merged range against fairly polar one so betting small or checking a lot.
Turn Probe/ OOP
When turn probing OOP, we can usually check the turn again as the preflop caller. that is unless we heavily unblock villain’s check-back-but-would-have-called-a-bet range.
Weaker players tend to automatically probe the turn w/ far too many of their higher equity hands, leaving their checking ranges under protected.
This allows the professional player to delayed cbet much thinner for value and more merged, resulting in a gain of EV
BB GTO checks again w/ some nuts, plenty of top pair & draws
BU GTO delayed c-betting 40% of the time, quite polarized range
Amateur BB checking mostly air and weak SDV (Pete tells 50NL peeps to just bet 1/3 pot against turn check after BB had chance to probe)
Pro BU delayed cbets much more often, w/ merged range of thinner value bets and (risk-free) bets for denial.
Turn Float Bet after Calling Check/Raise
Tricky node.
When you’ve called a flop raise IP, understand villain’s range is now polarized. Therefore we should refrain from betting for thin value when checked to on the Turn.
Especially true when the Turn is a brick and Villain’s range remains quite polar.
This is even more true against pool as they don’t tend to raise enough 1 pair on the Flop (except fish)
BB vs BU
Qh8s4h x-b33-r-c
2d x-?
What do following hands do?
a) QsTs
b) Qd6d
c) KdQd
d) Ah8h
a) QsTs checks 95% of time. waits to make value bet later.
b) Qd6d pure check, but can make bet later
c) KdQd checks 40% of time.
d) Ah8h is pure bet. mixed bag.
Lecture 8 homework
For following 2 spots, how do you expect SB’s checking range to differ from the solver’s and how will you punihs it?
Compare SB’s checking strategy in real life to that of the solver and then look at solver strategy and assess how and why you would adapt.
SB vs BU 3bet pot
AcTc6c b33-c
8h x-?
SB vs BU 3bet pot
8d8s7s b33-c
3d x-?
a) GTO villain should be checking a lot on this turn, betting with flushes, or betting small
b) GTO villain should be jamming and b75 this turn a lot. when they don’t, they are especially skewed towards air
in both cases, BU gto would be betting a lot of 50% w/ quite a merged range and sprinkling in some B75, w/ overbets on the first board even w/ 99 77? interesting.
my guess
a) Could bet top pair, esp w/ club and evevn w/out as they’d mostly bet their made flushes
made flushes could check back here to raise on river since they would bet their own made flushes.
could overbet air for bluffage/denial?
b) sb doesn’t protect enough as they’d bet their flush draws, could bet 7x, pp, etc. could overbet for denial and bluffage
Defending 3bets OOP
CO vs BU 3bet pot
8c7d3s x-b60-?
Which of the following hands is winning, losing, or breakeven?
a) KThh
b) 6s6c
c) KQddd
d) QTdd
e) 76hh
f) AQhh
g) 4s4h
h) Ac9c
i) KsTs
j) AsQh
k) QJss
l) JThh
When defending the flop in a 3bet pot OOP on a low board, the following hands are likely to be very similar EV:
-Medium pocket-pairs w/ no backdoor draw
-2 big cards w/ no backdoor flush draw (like AQ)
-2 quite big cards w/ backdoor flush draw (QJ bdfd)
Losing defends as calls:
KThh, QJss , QTdd
-pair draws here are not to good pairs and suffer reverse implied odds
Breakeven Defends as calls to b60 (always call against small bet):
6s6c, KQdd, 4s4h, AsQh, KTss, A9cc
Winning Defends:
76hh, AQhh, JThh
(this AQs doesn’t block as many combos of air)
(76hh blocks pocket sevens, have five outs to trips or two pair
my guesses
a) losing
b) breakeven
c) winning
d) breakeven
e) winning
f) breakeven
g) losing
h) winning
i) breakeven
j) breakeven
k) breakeven
l) winning
Brute’s Rule:
What is more important when defending unpaired hands in 3bet pots, bigger cards or backdoor potential?
Bigger cards.
When defending the flop with unpaired hands (either by calling or raising) favor those with bigger cards. Making 1 pair and dominating a large region of Villain’s cbetting range is far more important than backdoor potential.
CO vs BU 3bet pot
3h3s2s x-b60-?
T9hh loses -2.6bb EV
JThh loses -1.9BB EV
QJhh loses -1.4BB EV
KQcc doesn’t lose. 0EV
(KQcc looks like an ogre on this 2tone board w/ no bdfd, but it’s the best you have to defend here of the hands above)
(since your backdoor draw won’t get there very often you need frontdoor draw to be great)
(implied odds and reverse implied odds are huge here)
Facing Range Bets/ Pot Odds Norm & Texture
Facing R33,
For Following Boards
1) KsQh8h
2) AsTh7s
3) Qs5h4d
4) Ks2d2c
5) JhJd6c
Match following frequencies as defender.
a) Raise40 38%, Call 52%, Fold 10%
b) Raise40 0%, Call 37%, Fold 63%
c) Raise40 16%, Call 28%, Fold 56%
d) Raise40 8%, Call 64%, Fold 27%
e) Raise40 43, Call 6%, Fold 51%
(look at fold frequencies)
Solution (got em mostly right! and really close answers):
1) c
2) e
3) a
4) b
5) d
against range bet.
1) bad for our range but we have polarization, bottom is 66-99 not including 88, top is KQ or 88. how often you raise is not equity v equity, but if we have tier 1 region. if we have tier 1, we can raise it and add bluffs. not exploitable, it’s OK to have capped range and do this (OK to have capped ranges in GTO, e.g. it’s ok to raise a set in SRP and leave calling range capped, esp. OOP)
2) same range vs range equity, here BU is blasting merged range into pretty polar CO, that’s why raise so much here in addition to CO OOP and can’t close action on turn when they call here so realization on later streets is poor. when CO raises in this spot, BU is not 3betting a lot since CO is polarized when doing so.
3) board is good for CO range since so many Q. so raise this a lot and call a lot. all AQ here since AQo is supposed to call often. 99, TT, JJ got destroyed. Defend a lot against range bet.
4) this board has no sets for CO. QQ, JJ, TT, all got leapfrogged and all the air in CO range (primarily queens) is not good here. no raising at all since paired board makes 2 pair outs of unpaired hands and backdoors much worse (no live runner runner two pair draws against AA) and K is not present much in CO range. no sets possible for CO either! that’s why no raising too. don’t defend MDF here.
5) not as bad, we catch up a little bit on NA and RA, problem is we don’t hit J often since we tend to 4bet bluff or 4bet w/ JJ or Jx. Big nut disadvantage. BU has AA-QQ, even offsuit Jx which makes J more prevalent in their range. but their unpaired broadways miss out and we still overfold compared to MDF.
Worse a flop is, more we fold. Look for how much folding vs MDF.
my guess:
1) e
2) c
3) a
4) b
5) d
Raising on Neutral Boards
When we suspect Villain is range-betting on a neutral board, we should raise very frequently
CO vs BU 3betpot
Raise40 38%, Call 52%, Fold 10%.
Raise sizing here is only 3x due to low SPR, allowing us to raise more merged than conventional 4x size.
Our raises on this Flop can be sorted into a few categories: give examples:
Thick Value
Thin Value
High EV Bluffs
Low EV bluffs
Thick Value- AQcc is mixed raise
Thin Value- QJdd is mixed raise
High EV Bluffs- 76cc is mandatory (combining OOP w/ frail hand without SDV, if we call struggle to continue later since SPR won’t be big enough for bluff shove w/ just OESD and bad realizability.
Hybrids- 7h7d (texturally dependent. more overly merged opponent is compared to how they should be, more you get away with hybrid raising. fold equity against 99 for instance, raising for value if villain cals w/ AK or Ax bdfd
Low EV bluffs- JTss (must bluff these to remain indifferent. don’t shirk away from this)
Raising on Unfavorable Boards
Even though we will drastically overfold on unfavorable boards, we can still build a raising range.
It is a fallacy that we are unable to raise in spots that are bad for our range.
Raising is a large investment, but we can do so as long as we have very high equity hands.
OOP this becomes necessary
CO vs BU 3bet pot
on these flops facing R33 from BU
can build raising range due to having large amount of Tier 1 hands despite having large EV disadvantage
We don’t have any Tier 1 holdings here at all so can’t raiase.
What’s good rule for whether we can raise OOP on unfavorable boards in 3bet pots?
All we need to build a raising range are some Tier 1 holdings.
Raising on Unfavorable Boards/ Range Construction OOP 3bet pots
What changes then, when we’re constructing raising range on a less pretty flop for our range?
CO vs BU 3bet pot
KsQh8h x-r33-?
Think of examples of each of 5 raise categories on this flop?
Thick Value-
Thin Value-
High EV Bluffs-
Low EV Bluffs-
Thick Value- 88 (raising limits EV for villain)
Thin Value- KTdd (has same frequency as range around 10-15%)
High EV Bluffs- JTss (ayy got it right. has HUGE EV tho so not rly bluff lol)
Hybrid- QJdd (10-15% raise frequency, raises same amount as range)
Low EV Bluffs- A8dd (also has global raise frequency of 10-15%. don’t feel great about raising this, relies mostly on fold equity)
usually Low EV Bluffs, Thin Value, and Hybrids raise same as global frequency.
Note we raise less on boards where villain isn’t really range betting.
My guess:
Thick Value- KQ
Thin Value- KJ
High EV Bluffs- JTss
Hybrid- 77
Low EV Bluffs- 76dd
Donking on favorable boards OOP defender 3bet pots
CO vs BU 3bet pot
7s6s5d very favorable to donk (CO EV 64%)- donks 100%
8h7d5d favorable to donk (CO EV 59%)- donks 65%
9h8h4d semi-favorable (CO EV 57%)- donks 35%
Why do we donk here?
solver doesn’t think of “initiative”
Don’t let live hands in BU range like A2ss check back and realize equity.
Don’t routinely check flops like 765tt or 875tt
if not betting entire range OOP, you are playing a mixed polarized strategy where you split between slowplaying and fastplaying your best hands.
Jamming Turns OOP defender 3bet pots
After we call flop cbet OOP, Turn SPR is usually 2.5-3.5
When villain double barrels, SPR reduces to 1.5-2.
(all solver cares about is SPR)
Jamming is a very natural play against these bets- we risk relatively little to gain denial in a large pot. (can’t do this with middle of the range as it’s polarization error)
CO vs BU 3bet pot
9s8s4c x-b60-c
5d x-b60-?
In repolarizing turn jam spots we have 3 types of shove. Name a hand in each category and talk about why?
Thick Value
High EV Bluffs
Thick Value- 5s5h
massive pot entitlement, go ahead. slowplay more w/ bigger hands in absolute terms, and fastplay more flimsy strong hands right away.
High EV Bluffs- JThh
call or jam, jamming more natural.
Hybrids (don’t try at home til good)- 8s7s is mandatory. value, denial, bluff. not much bluffage here.
We are not inclined to jam median hands like TsTd! big mistake to raise.
Call-Only Turn Strategies OOP defender 3bet pot
In general when do we call only?
CO vs BU 3bet pot
9s8s4c x-b60-c
5d x-b60-?
When board texture makes equities run further apart, denial will be smaller part of picture.
Look out for PAIRED TURNS where villain’s range is much more polar and our range more condensed.
here our Tier 1 hands do not benefit from denial (in fact they suffer from it) and our semi-bluffs are doing much worse against Villain’s bet/call range.
Lecture 9 Homework
What sort of jamming range do we build here and why? Call only or jam?
CO vs BU 3bet pot
AsTh9d rangeX-B33-C
4s x-b60-?
CO vs BU 3bet pot
9s8h5d rangeX-B60-C
Jc x-b60-?
a) no jamming range here, minclicks back sets?
b) jams
99, 88, 55, KQs, 55, 98s, 87s,
barely does T9s and 76s (raises smaller for 76s)
my tries:
a) call only
b) Thick Value- J9 or something
High EV bluffs- AT
Hybrid- 75ss