Andy Heuristics/DB Review Lines Flashcards
All PFC: Vs normal Flop Cbet
What size and what hands do we raise against non-small sizing?
Do we have a standard barrel after this raise?
Vs Normal Flop Cbet:
Geo 3 raise (5x usually)
8 outs+
Barrel 80p after.
All PFC: Vs Normal Flop Cbet, after raising flop
After we raise a non-small cbet, what size and hands do we barrel turns with?
After raising flop cbet
geo 3 (5x), we barrel 80p with all the hands we raised with
8 outs+
All PFC: Vs normal Flop Cbet, after raise flop, barrel river opportunity
After we raise against either a non-small or small cbet, then barrel turn, what hands do we bluff jam?
River bluff jams are
nut blockers
board pairs we raised flop with
ALL PFC: Vs cbet what do we call that isn’t raised?
Any 3rd pair+
K high 2 overs
ALL PFC: Vs small flop cbet on
-J high+
What size do we raise and what hands?
What hands do we barrel after?
On J high+ or 2BW, we raise:
3rd pair (get ready to triple barrel these)
4 outs+ (ALL DRAWS)
Strong BDBD
Barrel with 5outs+
Bluff jam nut blockers & board pairs we raised
ALL PFC: Vs flop check, OOP turn probe/ IP flop float opportunity
What size/which hands do we bet for:
IP flop float
or OOP Turn Probe
On what boards?
On Q high+:
Flop float range p35
Turn probe range p35
Any other texture (non- Q high+)
or MW:
IP PFC: After flop float, barrel opportunity
What do we barrel after we flop float IP?
hint (4 categories)
Same as IP PFR turn cbet:
-BW overs w/ A-K FD blockers
-3rd & 4th pairs (w/ either 1 over or low kicker)
-(2 overs can yeet)
IP PFC: After flop float, barrel opportunity
What hands do we always check after we flop float IP?
After flop floating range p35 IP, check:
2nd pair
SDV that wasn’t cbet
OOP PFC: After turn probe, barrel opportunity
What do we river barrel after we turn probe OOP?
After turn probing range p35,
barrel same hands as OOP PFR delay cbet (both actions range turn p35)
River Barrel:
-60p all air
-60p 2ndPGK+
-30p 3rd pair
-150+p nutted value/ some nut blockers
IP Flat: When checked to you
What size/hands do you bet:
Vs Rec?
Vs Reg?
IP Flat: When checked to you
MW: 60p stab, give up if called
Vs Rec: 60p stab, give up if called
Vs Reg: act like IP PFR cbet
IP PFC: Vs BX, turn float bet opportunity
What hands do we turn float bet against missed turn cbet?
How do we barrel them?
IP PFC Vs BX- treat like IP PFR delay cbet:
-60p all air (twice! 60p the barrel too)
-60p 2ndPGK+
CHECK remaining SDV
(can alternatively p35 remaining hands, then xb river)
What hands do we call? Raise?
5x Raise board pairs facing under 100p
IP PFR Delay Cbet: (cheat sheet)
What size/hands do we delay cbet IP?
IP PFR Delay Cbet: (cheat sheet)
-60p all air (twice! 60p the barrel too)
-60p 2ndPGK+
CHECK remaining SDV
(can alternatively p35 remaining hands, then xb river)
OOP PFR Delay Cbet:
What size/hands do we delay cbet OOP?
How do we barrel river?
OOP PFR Delay Cbet:
Turn: RANGE 35p
River Barrel:
-60p all air
-60p 2ndPGK+
-30p 3rd pair
-150+p nutted value/ some nut blockers
OOP PFC: Vs Bx (flop cbet, turn xb)
River probe opportunity
What size/hands do we river probe?
Play river probe like OOP PFR BxB opportunity:
-60p all air (or 35p) [can x A high]
-60p 2ndPGK+
-33p 3rd pair & 4th pair
OOP PFR: BxB opportunity
What hands/size do we bet?
OOP PFR BxB opportunity:
-60p all air (or 35p) [can x A high]
-60p 2ndPGK+
-33p 3rd pair & 4th pair
IP PFR BxB opportunity:
What hands/size do we bet?
IP PFR BxB opportunity:
-60p ALL non-Ace high AIR
-60p 2ndPGK+
IP PFR: Vs Turn Probe (xx flop, V bets turn)
What hands do we raise & call?
Raise MORE IP:
-4 outs+ (aka ALL DRAWS) (inc. low board pairs, 4th or 5th pair).
-2ndPGK+ (inc. PP over 2nd pair)
▪ K high 2 overs+
▪ Any board pair we don’t raise.
▪ PP between 2nd & 3rd pair.
OOP PFR: Vs Flop Float (check flop, V bets)
What hands do we raise & call?
Raise Slightly Stricter OOP:
8 outs+
3rd pair
Any pair we don’t raise
K high two overs +
OOP PFR: Turn Cbet Opportunity
What hands/size are cbet? Checked?
Cbet 90-125p:
▪ TPGK+,
▪ UNPAIRED 4 out draws +
▪ BW overs w/ A-K FD blockers
▪ 3rd & 4th pairs w/ one over or low kicker (e,g, A6 or 76 on KJ65)
-ANY Combo draw
-nutted hands
-2nd pair
-some overpairs
-any other SDV (TPNK, other A-high)
(future andy says can go off vibes here, just bet top part)
OOP PFR: Turn Cbet Opportunity
What hands are checked? (5-6 categories)
-ANY Combo draw
-2nd pair
-nutted hands
-some overpairs
-any other SDV (TPNK, other A-high)
OOP PFR: Turn Cbet Opportunity
What hands/size are cbet?
Cbet 90-125p:
▪ TPGK+,
▪ UNPAIRED 4 out draws +
▪ BW overs w/ A-K FD blockers
▪ 3rd & 4th pairs w/ one over or low kicker (e,g, A6 or 76 on KJ65)
OOP PFR: Vs Turn Float (turn x facing bet)
What hands do we raise with? What size?
Call with?
Raise Geo 2 (~ 6-7x)
▪ UNPAIRED combo draws
▪ Some 3rd & 4th pairs
▪ ALL nutted hands
▪ All pairs (incl. PAIRED combo draws)
*that we didn’t cbet (no over or low kicker) (esp. if some kind of removal to a straight or draw etc.)
OOP PFR: Vs Turn Float (turn x facing bet)
What alternate line can we consider with our nutted hands? What’s the normal line w/ nutted hands?
OOP PFR: Vs Turn Float: Normally nutted hands raise Geo 2 (~ 6-7x)
xC turn, Xr river big
OOP PFR River cbet opportunity:
What size/hands do we cbet?
On wet textures does the sizing change?
If river overcard?
OOP PFR River cbet opportunity:
-BOMB the nuts (size down to 75p on wet board)
-30p some TP etc. (they don’t fold here)
-If river overcard, 60p w/ air
IP PFR River cbet opportunity:
What size/hands do we cbet?
On wet textures does the sizing change?
IP PFR River cbet opportunity:
Cbet 70-125p:
-Non-suited Air
-3rd pair & 4th pair we barreled
-Value (relative to texture)
-Size down to 75 on very wet textures
IP/OOP PFR Flop Cbet:
What boards do we range bet 35p?
IP/OOP PFR Flop Cbet:
What boards do we bet 60p?
What hands do we choose?
Dry disconnected
8 high two tone+
Flop Cbet:
Draws: 2 overs, 0 over BD, BDBD
-TP w/ BD
-Board pair w/ K or A kicker,
-PP near TP
-ALL non-BD draws (Combo draws, GS, SD, FD)
-1 over
IP/OOP PFR Flop Cbet:
What boards do we range check?
IP/OOP PFR Flop Cbet:
Range check low connected boards
IP PFR: vs River Probe (turn xx, facing river bet)
What hands do we bluff-raise?
What hands do we fold?
How do we adjust if they bomb (near pot+)?
IP PFR vs River Probe
Bluff-raise 5x:
-Any blocker to a nutted hand
-3rd pair
-3rd pair+ (texture dependent)
-high cards w/o blockers
If they bomb near pot+, raise less and fold more)
IP Flat HU: vs small cbet, what can we raise?
High card, monotone, or paired texture, what can we raise flop with?
How do we bluff barrel vs fish and vs reg?
IP flat vs small cbet on high card, mono, paired:
Raise Any draw, any pair, any gutshot.
Bluff Barrel
-vs fish: any 4+out draw
-vs reg: only 8+ outs
IP Flat HU: vs medium to large cbet, what can we raise?
what do we barrel?
IP Flat vs medium to large cbet
8+out draws
Bluff Barrel
-vs fish: any 4+out draw
-vs reg: only 8+ outs
IP Flat: vs small cbet, should we overfold or underfold?
IP Flat: Underfold vs small cbet as they check more often on turns and rivers.
IP Flat: vs larger cbet, should we overfold or underfold?
What can be immediately folded?
IP Flat: Overfold vs large cbet as they barrel more
Can immediately fold:
Weak overs
IP Flat: vs BX
(checked to after their cbet)
What’s the:
Vs fish line
Vs reg line?
IP Flat vs BX:
vs Fish: 60p twice
vs Regs: use IP PFR Turn cbet range
IP Flat: vs BBX
What do we do vs population?
IP Flat vs BBX:
Bluff all air
Go for thin value
(population often capped)
IP Flat: BvB facing triple barrel
Does SB overbluff or underbluff triple barrels?
IP Flat BVB facing triple barrel:
SB significantly overbluffs triple barrels. Catch light
OOP Flat: vs b50+ cbet
What hands should be folded standard?
What should be continued?
OOP Flat vs b50+ cbet:
-All high cards
-All low PP
-Board pairs
-Hands w/ good outs to turn
OOP Flat: vs small cbet
What hands should be folded standard?
What should be continued?
OOP Flat vs small cbet:
Call borderline:
-Any A high w/ BD
-All unraised draws
OOP Flat: vs BX,
River probe opportunity!
What do we bet here with:
RANGE w/ diff sizes! SUPER IMPORTANT EXPLOIT AND MY WEAK SPOT (only bet 55% of time, should be 85%-90)
Bluffs: Any B30-B150
Value: Size wrt equity e.g.
weak pair- B10
middle pair- B30
Top pair- B70
High equity- jam
even though people do BXB & overbluff, they will still make tons of mistakes w/ weak range calling (rather than letting bluff in BXB)
OOP Flat: Turn probe opportunity
How do you construct here with pure air?
How about value?
Does river get underfolded or overfolded generally after turn probe?
I’m close to GTO
Be selective with pure air
Block hands that don’t like facing bets
Trap some nuts as their delay range too weak.
Value: Size wrt equity e.g.
weak pair- B10
middle pair- B30
Top pair- B70
High equity- jam
River slightly overfolded so bet again once river barreled.
Db heuristic: IP PFR Delay Cbet Line
MY IP Delay cbet is too low.
How to construct delay cbet?
IP PFR Delay Cbet: should be betting near range
B30- weaker SDV
B66- middling value/some air
B150-250- bunch of air, underpairs, draws (and of course super strong unblocking value)
Db heuristic: IP PFR BxB line
How should we construct both value and bluffs BxB as IP PFR:
vs fish
vs regs
BxB as IP PFR:
Value for both: b70-jam relative to strength w/ 2ndPGK+
vs fish:
NO SDV: overbluff-b70-b150
vs regs:
Air- b66
GENERALLY A-high is a checkback on dry boards, but relative to texture
Super wet texture- might bluff TP to blow people off two pair
Db heuristic: IP PFR vs turn probe
How to play vs turn probe against fish and regs?
How to follow up on river vs fish and vs regs?
IP PFR vs turn probe: I can raise more than I did already!
Default regs/fish: Raise 3x w/
-(fish you can ATC)
River vs regs: check back
River vs fish: b150 river
Db leak: Do I need to bluff more or less in IP PFR SRP?
I need to bluff a little bit more in IP SRP.
Wolvie said I should barrel those high card junk more and this is prob why.
Db heuristic: OOP PFR
If IP checks what should you be doing in general?
What lines can be applied standard if unsure?
Blindly apply pressure in all formations in both 3BP & SRP if IP checks. (SUPER CAPPED)
If unsure b30 twice or b60 twice.
Can overbet the turn and give up river
Can also split sizes like OOP flat section
Db heuristic: OOP PFR after we check flop
How do we playin general vs regs and recs?
What are call thresholds and clear folds vs:
small float bet
medium-big float bet
Defend OOP PFR after check like OOP PFC SRP heuristics
OOP Flat vs small cbet:
Call borderline:
-Any A high w/ BD
-All unraised draws
OOP Flat vs b50+ cbet:
-All high cards
-All low PP
-Board pairs
-Hands w/ good outs to turn
Db heuristic: OOP PFR on turn
What size should we use in general in SRP and 3BP OOP?
OOP PFR on turn, SRP & 3BP, we should blast near pot.
Pool underraises near pot size so we overrealise with range.
Db heuristic: OOP PFR once we’ve checked vs fish
Do fish overbluff/underbluff most lines?
What should we call on: 2pair textures?
Dry textures?
Wet textures?
OOP PFR once we’ve checked vs fish, they overbluff.
Call down light once we check vs fish.
Call thresholds:
2pair board- A-high
Dry- 2nd or 3rd pair
Wet- TP
Db heuristic: OOP PFR, once we’ve started value betting a hand should we in general continue to value bet it? Or let pool stab?
As OOP PFR, once you start value betting, continue to value bet it.
Pool does not stab large enough to gain EV w/ checks on turn.
Certain river runouts, consider blocking to induce, or checking to trap if it hits their range well.
Db heuristic: OOP PFR, delay cbet opportunity
What should we do in delay cbet opportunity?
OOP PFR, delay cbet opportunity
B30 range, split size on river.
Alternate vs fish: Slight overbet on turn
Fish gives up any time you bet small or medium twice
Db heuristic: OOP PFR
Is it better or worse to block bet a hand OOP than to check it if you have SDV?
OOP PFR (sim. to PFC)
better to block bet hand OOP, than to check it.
if uncertain, just small bet 1-2bb as you overrealise equity.
This also induces bluff raises, so be willing to call: -TP+
-Consider 2ndPGK+ on dryer textures