CC Shorter Highlights Flashcards
Turn Spot:
Betting on turn, what is purpose of B33? Is it more common OOP than IP? Name three spots where it is a staple of our turn strategy.
B33 on turn when thin value/protection up for grabs.
More Common OOP than IP bc check is worse alternative from OOP (equity realization and open/closed action)
Include B33 as option when:
a) Turn Barrel OOP- want to block w/ some Tier 3 hands that would opt to check if IP.
b) Delayed C-bet Opportunity OOP- We have capped our range on the flop and might use mostly B33 in many of these spots. Small bets can be great bc opponent can really misplay against them.
c) High EV Turn Probe Opportunity Node- We are in a favorable situation such as a low-coordinated board and benefit from thin value and denial with our Tier 3 bets.
(don’t include B33 on turn probe opportunities involving higher/less favorable board. These spots are played with only B150 or X.
Turn Spot:
For Turn Barrel OOP, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. SB vs BB-
Js3d2d B33-X
4d ?
What sizings get chosen here?
In general:
B33 preferred. when OOP hero wants to block bet with some Tier 3 hands that would opt to check if IP. Best value will get bluff-raised more often when sizing is small as well, and our value in general will get calls from hands that wouldn’t call bigger.
Check- 67%
B33- 25%
B75- 7% exclude
B150- 1% exclude
Clarke’s theorem suggest we should strongly favor a small sizing here due to the equalization of polarization between two ranges.
Don’t just think not getting enough value, idea is villain will raise with strong hands and bluffs in range when you bet small. (as long as opponent is sufficiently aggressive you’re not losing EV). You get bluff-raised more often when you go smaller sizing. EV does not only come from coolering opponent when they have flush too. Small also gets calls from hands that wouldn’t call bigger.
spot is underbluffed by pop not finding medium equity hands here. if villain is not aggressive go larger!
Turn Spot:
For Delayed C-bet Opportunity OOP, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. SB vs BB
As8d4d X-X
Kh ?
What sizings get chosen here?
In General:
B33. We have semi-capped our range on the flop and might use mostly B33 in many of these spots. Small bets can be great bc opponent can really misplay against them. Delayed Cbet spot for OOP is still in general favorable world so we don’t need to be picky here, especially with a small sizing.
(check is not as capping in theory as it is in practice at lower stakes. humans are bad at building protected checks here. check is very weak at lower stakes, whereas theory has SB uncapped enough that it recommends overbetting this turn still.)
Have no Tier 2 hands at all.
Landing equity with a value betable hand is either tier 1 or tier 3
Check- 68%
B33- 22%
B75- 0%
B150- 8%
Two value regions drive this intuitive strategy. value is good Ax, more nutted hands overbet and AJ+. (don’t always bet value hands here and that’s due to check-raise opportunity)
Turn Spot:
For High EV Turn Probe Opportunity (like on on Low Connected Boards), which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. BB vs CO
8c6h4s X-X
3d ?
What sizings get chosen here?
In general:
B33 is preferred most but B150 and B75 both done half as much as B33. This is exception as turn probing is typically overbet or large bet at low frequency on typical runout. Most runouts better for IP when it goes X-X, this is exception though.
Danger zone is anything between 4-8 on this turn in SRP, in 3bet or 4bet pot these danger cards are higher up due to tighter ranges. This region equalizes equity and even nut advantage a bit.
Unique hands in CO range are many overcards demoted heavily, BB has more pairs from all the lower suited hands he calls here. BB has more diverse assortment of value hands with different needs and wants.
CO mostly calls here, so
Check- 45% (remember can checkraise since not urgent to bet OOP!)
B33- 29%
B75- 16%
B150- 10%
Choose either of the large sizings. Easier to get rid of B75 in practice. Remember you can’t upgrade weak value bet to larger sizing, but you can downgrade the nuts to protect smaller sizings.
Mixed polarized dual sizing strategy-
Good hands can do anything
B33 or B150 if really strong
B33 or check with thin value
Turn Spot:
Betting on turn what is purpose of B75? Is it more common OOP than IP? Name three spots where it is a staple of our turn strategy.
B75 is go-to replacement for overbetting on turns that repolarize Villain’s range.
Also used for semi-capped ranges (delayed c-bet for example) in position and at SPRs where overbetting is unnecessary.
A) Delayed C-betting IP w/ a semi-capped range vs semi-uncapped range. It is not worth blocking (reopening) here since check is so good IP. We can play B75 or check in most cases. B75 or check in most cases.
B) Turn Barreling when the card is significantly repolarizing for Villain’s Range (Clarke’s Theorem). Don’t want to B150 here since you will polarize villain mostly into spots where he beats your value, so bring back down.
C) Turn Probe- Where IP is too repolarized for us to B150.
Turn Spot:
Delayed C-betting IP, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. BB vs BU
AsKd3c X-X
8s X-?
What sizings are chosen to be bet and why?
In general:
B75 preferred most. Delayed C-betting IP w/ a semi-capped range vs semi-uncapped range. It is not worth blocking (reopening) here since check is so good IP. We can play B75 or check in most cases. B75 or check in most cases.
Relatively big polarization advantage despite our flop check and not worth reopening for B33.
Exploitative: Bet a lot than solver suggests because at lower stakes/ all live games BB is way too capped.
Check- 71% (remember can checkraise since not urgent to bet OOP!)
B33- 3% don’t include
B75- 13% bet
B150- 13% (choose! fold equity is huge so can do w/ air sometimes)
(don’t just have draw to bet, make sure to include trashier hands like Q or J-high. roll bluffs in for high frequency)
Turn Spot:
For Turn Barreling when turn card is significantly repolarizing for Villain’s Range, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. BB vs BU
9s9d6c X-B33-C
4h X-?
What sizings are chosen to be bet and why?
In general:
B75 preferred most. Don’t want to B150 here since you will polarize villain mostly into spots where he beats your value, so bring back down.
Here BB is too polarized in theory for the overbet to make sense, and despite its viability the B33 can probably also go. If opponent doesn’t slowplay you can go bigger
Check- 52%
B33- 22% can go away
B75- 26%
B150- 0%
Turn Spot:
Turn Probe on Repolarizing Cards for IP, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. BB vs UTG
6d5c2d X-X
Ad ?
What sizings are chosen to be bet and why?
In general:
B75 preferred. IP is too repolarized for us to B150.
Not many situations where OOP wants to use B75 (main situations here are flush turns), but A repolarizes UTG range.
Here we want to build a value range around some strong but not uniquely nutted hands. When we have like set or two pair or flush, so we want to do a not huge bet with all our value. Flushes are bad to get value with larger sizes anyhow, since calling range tends to have that suit
Solver is adamant about B75 being the choice. OOP makes check-raise trapping viable too. Slowplay checks. Middle or range like 88 is not a bet here.
Check- 80%
B33- 0%
B75- 20%
B150- 0%
Turn Spot:
On turn what is purpose of barreling B150? When do we include it as option in our turn strategy?
B150 is the sizing we use to leverage a very big nut advantage and in particular the EV of unique Tier 1 hands.
Staple for blank turns with very big nut advantage.
Fallacy- “we overbet because we’re polarizing our range”. No, we have really good hands that want to bet big, causing us to have a polarized range.
Being polar is an output of the input: Villain’s range is higher equity than ours.
Betting big is an output of the input: Villain’s range is very capped/condensed compared to ours.
Output cannot cause an output. This relationship is mostly a correlation
Case A) Turn Barreling on depolarizing card (Clarke’s Theorem)
Case B) Turn Probe in unfavourable spot- NA but not RA (See lecture 1)
Case C) Delayed C-bet w/ Big Relative NA. We’re a bit capped but villain is far more capped. Usually OOP (Remember IP we’re more capped when we check flop). If not chance to check-raise, don’t check top of range.
Turn Spot:
Turn Barrel on Brick, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. BB vs BU
Qs9d7c X-B33-C
4c X-?
What sizings are chosen to be bet and why?
B150, Here there is no limit to our nut advantage and many of our value bets are pushing extremely high equity and crave a large pot.
Check- 60% (member we can checkraise too!)
B33- 1% exclude
B75- 8% exclude
B150- 31%
Turn Spot:
Turn Probe (OOP) in Highly Unfavorable World, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. BB vs UTG
Ad6h5h X-X
Js ?
What sizings are chosen to be bet and why?
In general:
B150. Turn Probe in Highly Unfavorable Spot- NA but not RA. Here we have little interest in betting anything other than nutted hands and some selectively chosen bluffs and so our sizing is built around that idea.
Check- 83%
B33- 0% exclude
B75- 3% exclude
B150- 14%
turn probe main pointers:
use big sizings when you bet!
don’t bluff with absolute air
do slowplay better hands
do bet some of higher ev draws with better blockers
don’t feel like you need to do much betting at all! (don’t just bet cuz they checked)
Turn Spot:
Delayed Cbet OOP w/ Big Relative Nut Advantage, which sizing (B33, B75, B150) is preferred the most?
e.g. SB vs BB
KsJd3d X-X
4s ?
What sizings are chosen to be bet and why?
In general:
B150 for Delayed C-bet OOP w/ Big Relative NA. We’re a bit capped but villain is far more capped. Usually OOP (Remember IP we’re more capped when we check flop). In general, if not chance to check-raise, don’t check top of range.
Both ranges are somewhat capped, but SB’s range is less capped.
has some block here. good top pair is cutoff for overbet. KQ is pretty nutted here all else be coolers like them binking set on turn etc. That’s poker but not often.
Still check most of time, still condensed range. lower bet frequency in general on turn than on flop as well.
Check- 75%
B33- 11%
B75- 2% exclude
B150- 12%
still check most of range
What is the River Blunder Theorem? (MEGA IMPORTANT)
It is a blunder to check the river in a favorable situation with very little showdown value.
If fold equity is above the pot odds norm, then bluffing is comfortably +EV.
If we have very little SDV the checking is close to 0EV.
+EV is better than 0EV, therefore you must bet.
Generally does not apply to favorable flop or turn spots bc we will have a later opportunity to bet and we may or may not delay to the next street. However, there are Extremely Favorable worlds where there is so much fold equity that we want it now (e.g. when solver range bets everything). Other way to understand why we range bet favorable situations is because the amount of money we can make by bluffcatching and playing passively is drastically reduced in an extremely favorable world since opponent won’t drive much of the action by probing turn with a wide range, in this case we do better by denying equity to worse but live hands in opponents range and seizing all fold equity by bluffing immediately than we do by slowplaying and delaying any of these actions. Remember in extremely favorable worlds, you don’t want to check since so much fold equity and profitable betting.
(look at EV of each hand in solver, e.g. no SDV look at EV of check vs EV of bet for bluffs)
What are the Tiers 1-3 (value bets), 4 (check), and Tiers 5-7 (bluffs) in terms of EV and SDV?
Tier 1: Huge EV, Loads of SDV
Tier 2: Very High EV, Loads of SDV
Tier 3: High EV, Loads of SDV
Tier 4: Decent EV, Some to Loads of SDV
Tier 5: Medium EV, No SDV
Tier 6: Low EV, No SDV
Tier 7: Very Low, No SDV
What worlds do Tier 5-7 get bet in Pre-River? (7 is worst EV of bluffs, 5 is best)? What are examples of these hands?
Tier 5 (great blockers)- all worlds pre-river
Tier 6 (neutral blockers)- can’t bluff in unfavorable, optional in netural
Tier 7 (negative blockers) - optional in favorable world.
Tier 5 bluffs often in all worlds pre-river.
is best bluffs, creme de la creme of bluffs you fire in all worlds (bad, average, good) have enough EV and implied odds to handle deficit in fold equity, and still won’t cause us to become too low EV even if we include a lot of them. Typically FDs, OESDs, gutters to nuts, gutters w/ fd blockers to potential flush completing, and hands of this nature. Also possible to have Tier 5 hand that is really good blocker-wise
Tier 6 is going to bluff often in favorable worlds, can bluff in neutral, and cannot bluff in unfavorable. e.g. probe turn spot with really bad gutter and 2 fds present and landscape bad for range, don’t bluff w/ that flimsy draw.
Tier 7 can bluff in favorable world, cannot bluff in neutral, and cannot bluff in unfavorable worlds. are either hands w/ absolutely nothing going on where most of your range has something, like if you have a very wet texture w/ almost anything having a straight draw and you have nothing, prob tier 7. Tier 7 on flop or turn could mean blocking the folding range?
What is pot odds norm (aka bluff breakeven percentage) for B33?
What is pot odds norm (aka bluff breakeven percentage) for B50?
What is pot odds norm (aka bluff breakeven percentage) for B66?
What is pot odds norm (aka bluff breakeven percentage) for B75?
What is pot odds norm (aka bluff breakeven percentage) for B150?
What is pot odds norm (aka bluff breakeven percentage) for B400?
River Spots:
What is the most common neutral spot?
Neutral spots, most common is spot where cbettor has barreled multiple times and the caller has been calling (neutral EV for both players generally, since the condensing means RA and the other player polarizing means NA)
Neutralization can happen when a player bets in unfavorable world, since the range they choose to bet with has to be very picky so the range they continue(bet) with turns the world from unfavorable to neutral.
River Spot:
When in doubt whether a situation is favorable or unfavorable in making a bluffing decision, is it better to bluff than to not bluff?
If in doubt, best to bluff river.
While in theory, very common to commit atrocities by not bluffing when we should, rare to be making massive mistake by bluffing in a world where bluffing is optional or even slightly a bad idea. You will always have bluffs available to you even in unfavorable worlds, and your opponent will always be folding reasonable amount of the time unless they are exploiting you. GTO opponent folds reasonable amount as they expect you to not be betting unreasonable hands in unfavorable world.
River Spot:
Is Double Delayed C-Bet IP river spot a favorable, neutral, or unfavorable world?
Checking behind preserves range advantage and leaves the spot favorable.
Remember that turn probers (being in an unfavorable spot) need to be careful with the hands they bluff. This leaves a lot of weak hands in their range for checking multiple streets.
e.g. hero (CO) vs BB
KcTs5s X-X
Jh X-X
5h X-?
don’t completely miss point that poker is a game of two ranges, not just ours. We still have RA (even though range is capped and slightly weaker than it would be, range maintains equity by shifting towards showdown value and not air; if range shifts towards air here you are not protecting checking range well enough) and they have weakened their own range further by not betting in this unfavorable world.
River Spot:
Is River Probe Opportunity (e.g. after calling flop cbet and turn checks through) in general a favorable, neutral, or unfavorable world?
Favorable. Having Condensed and Been Checked to Case 1.
Remember that calling actions condense our range in a major way.
When we call a bet and then face a check on the next street from the polarized range, we should expect the situation to be favorable.
e.g. SB vs. Hero (BB)
AhQh6s X-B33-C
9c X-X
2c X-?
hero calling condenses range on flop. villain checks means we’re in favorable world after they check since they did a B33 which contains a lot of air still, and now they are declining to bet for the second time.
River Spot:
Is River Float Bet Opportunity (e.g. after calling turn IP and villain checks river) in general a favorable, neutral, or unfavorable world?
Having Condensed and Been Checked to Case 2.
Remember that calling actions condense our range in a major way.
When we call a bet and then face a check on the next street from the polarized range, we should expect the situation to be favorable.
River Spot:
Triple Barrel Opportunity
Are Triple Barrel Opportunities in general a favorable, neutral, or unfavorable world?
Classic Neutral World in general, while you have been betting villain has condensed twice. In this world neutral blockers usually bluff.
River Spot: B/X/B opportunity (when hero is OOP) [bet flop, turn checked through] on board that doesn’t help with range from turn onwards.
Is this spot a favorable, neutral, or unfavorable world?
CLASSIC UNFAVORABLE RIVER SPOT. Do not bluff without amazing blockers (don’t interfere with their folding range)!!!!
Make sure your blockers don’t block gutshots etc too when bluffing.
What is the Interference Theorem with regards to bluff selection when repolarizing and raising on the river ?
(Repolarize means to raise a bet having condensed your range by calling an earlier one, e.g. raising river after facing a triple barrel)
e.g. BB vs CO
Jd3h2c- X,R33,C
7d- X,B75,C
Ks- X,B75,R4x
Interference Theorem-
When you repolarise on the river, you will want to bluff with:
a) Pairs on blank runouts
b) flush/straight blockers on wetter runouts.
e.g. BB vs CO
Jd3h2c- X,R33,C
7d- X,B75,C
Ks- X,B75,R4x
bluff raises here would be J8ss, 43ss, but not QhJs since Q is bad blocker to bluffs.
River Bucketing
BB vs CO
QhTh7s- X,B75,C
5d- X,X
3h- ?
How does our thought process go for bet sizes in this favorable situation where we must bluff wherever possible?
In spots where toolkit can be simplified to 3 bet sizes and we have EV advnatage and must therefore bluff wherever possible, our thought process will go as follows
a) We have a lot of Qx and Tx so B33 will be common, bluffs will be rare.
b) We have a little bit of AQ KQ so B75 will be for rare value, bluffs will be rare in this size as well.
c) We have a lot of 2pair+ so B150 will be common, so this is where my bluffs will go.
NO REAL STANDARD REASON TO CHOOSE ONE BLUFF SIZE, with exception of when going big you need good blockers.
Ask what tier is my hand?
Tier 1 B150
Tier 2 B75
Tier 3 B33
Tier 4 Check
Bluffs- IS there a sizing my hand has negative blockers for? If yes, roll between 2 other sizes. If no, roll 3 sizes but weight the preferred size most (like weight 50% B150, 30% B33, 20% B75
If ranking 3 types of bluffs that all block X calls:
A= highest bluffing EV that blocks Y-1 (least) folds
B= middling bluffing EV that blocks Y (some) folds
C= lowest bluffing EV that blocks Y+1 (most folds)
Which Grades do we bluff in each of these worlds?
a) unfavorable,
b) slightly unfavorable,
c) neutral,
d) slightly favorable,
e) favorable world
a) UNFAVORABLE- sometimes bluff A
c) NEUTRAL- Always bluff A, sometimes B
d) SLIGHTLY FAVORABLE- Always Bluff A & B, might bluff C
e) FAVORABLE- Always bluff A, B, C
Grade A always bluffed except in worst worlds (worst bluffs A sometimes).
Better and best worlds A & B always bluffed.
Grade C only bluffed in better and best worlds.
Double Delayed Stab Example for Unblockers-
What are the hands we want to unblock in villains folding range when bluffing here?
SB vs BB 3BP
7d7s5c- X,X
Jh- X,X
Js- ? (X,B75,B150?)
villain will fold mostly Ax and Kx, so avoid blocking them!
slightly favorable world w/ 54.55% EV. Bluff all class A and class B, and stay away from Class C hands. here 4s4h has 6.3% EV and QsTs has 3.5% EV
In highly unfavorable world where we B150, how do we choose our bluffs?
Ad6h5s- X,X
Ks- X,X
Kd- (X, B33, B75, or B150?)
At all costs avoid hands that block middling underpairs but not broadways.
bluffs here aren’t in Tx8x or 9x region, not bluffing anything in the middle range. villain is supposed to fold 77-JJ even QQ, and a lot of Ax. So don’t block this region
a) T9dd is grade C to never bluff
diamonds are particular bad since spades will prob get bet on turn, so diamonds block air here!
b) T9ss is grade B, since villain declined to bet on turn (flush draws common) you unblock more air now.
c) 75hh is grade A sometimes bluff, they don’t arrive here with a 7 and then folding! they don’t have a 7 or 5 all that often
when checks til the river you want to have the busted flush draw!
don’t bluff here w/ T9 just to recoup money
Five parts of a Flop X/R Range are?
1) Thick Value Region (sets, two pair on dry or flush, straight on wet)
2) Thin Value Region (TPDK, TP+BDFD, Mediocre Overpair on low board) kinda entitled to 70%ish of the pot. not mandatory on flop, but want to raise eventually.
3) High EV Bluff Region (nut flush draws, combo draws, flush draws, even good gutters). Hands perform well in giant pots when they can leapfrog villains bluffcatchers. Mix call/raise
4) Hybrid Region (made hand with some redraw, example low pair low kicker which actually has 5 outs to two pair or trips, can get better to fold.
5) Low EV Bluff Region (mix call/fold/raise)
people don’t find 2,4,5 enough
EV Spectrum goes
1 starts near 300% pot EV
2 starts near 100%ish pot EV
3 starts near 66%ish pot EV
4 starts near 15%ish pot EV
5 starts near 0%ish pot EV
3 is only loosely a bluff in the sense that villain commonly folds significant equity vs the raise
4 combines reasons mainly value and extreme denial. lower the EV of call and the more useful the fold equity, the closer a hand gets to qualifying as a hybrid raise.
5 is sometimes +EV but in other cases 0EV. sometimes mix fold/raise and sometimes mix/call/raise
Flop X/R
- Thick Value Region
How is this region played on the following boards?
a) unpaired multitone textures
b) paired or monotone textures
a) on unpaired multitone textures, raise or call depends on how polarised c-bettors range is. Against merged range you want to raise yourself.
b) on paired or monotone, indifferent to calling and raising since it pushes villain towards air with its blockers.
Case A
Pure Raise on unpaired/multitone facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ 4s4h
urgency is high to build the pot now against this merged range. huge EV loss to not raise.
Case B
Mixed Raise on unpaired/multitone facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ 4h4c
more polarized range will put in money for you, don’t get their air to fold
Case C
Mixed Raise on Paired Flop facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ 7h7c
incredibly polarizing flop. normally on multitone texture 77 would be a raise, paired flops are exception. Villain is incredibly polarized by this flop. While a jack is unblocked by our hand, so too are the bluffs in villains range that will fire future streets at high frequency. Hand has polarizing blockers, meaning we block hands that hands that would only invest by calling, so very likely we will face aggression in a checkback line.
Case D
Mixed Raise on Monotone Textures facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ A5cc
Most of range that calls you has a club, but villain won’t just bluff only clubs on turn so you block villains future air bluffs.
Flop X/R
What do we do with Thick Value Region after raise gets called on:
a) Wet Turns
b) Dry Turns
(Cobra’s Rule)
a) Wet Turns give the check-raiser a big RA, but equalize the NA. So bet frequently w/ small sizing.
b) Dry Turns give the caller a RA, but preserve the raise’s NA since the higher EV draws have bricked but they still have medium hands. So bet very big or go for snake in the grass w/ check-raise
BB vs BU
As9s4d- X,R33,R4x,C
Compare following turns:
7h (dry/3tone)
2s (wet/2tone)
IP is largely ahead rangewise, causing OOP to have to check-fold a lot. but they have nut advantage.
MIX check (checkraise) and B120.
Region 1 which unblock villains calling range will pure bet, just as it pure raised flop. like 4s4h.
With blockers to calling range Region will will have as much EV by checking, like Ah9d.
2s OOP largely ahead, but NA for IP.
simplify to B33. Our range is MERGED and POWERFUL now (as opposed to polarized and air-heavy)
Our Region 1 hands have now become much thinner value bets (like 4h4s). this set can turn into boat as well!
Flop X/R
- Thin Value Region
How does it raise in following situations
a) vs merged range
b) vs polarized range
c) vs B33 paired
d) vs B33 monotone
Thin Value region has less urgency to build pot. Always mix call/raise regardless of texture.
a) raise then don’t barrel off large if called, check or go small later.
b) Much less raising vs bigger sizing as our range deploys less raise frequency. thin value hands raise w/ similar frequency to global frequency.
c) mid freq for denial
d) not often, focus on removing continues/ unblocking bluffs
Case A facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ A8hh raises like 20%
great to unblock diamonds here as a sidenote
raise then don’t barrel off large if called, check or go small later.
Villain range betting, they must continue lots of weak/merged hands.
Case B facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ Ks7s raises like 9%
Much less raising vs bigger sizing as our range deploys less raise frequency.
Raises to get called by worse, or for denial against Ax or gutters for instance
here thin value hands raise w/ similar frequency to global frequency. (high EV bluffs, hybrids, low EV bluffs often bet way more than global)
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ 9s9d raises about 50%
Denial is biggest role here, as long as we don’t get out of line later.
Case D
Facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc7c4c w/ 64ss raises about 12%
Not often so we don’t want to do this all the time.
Again removing continues and unblocking bluffs
How Thin Value Hands React to Different Turns
BB vs BU
JhJc7d- X,R33,4x,C
compare turns
a) 4s
b) Td
Cobra still applies.
a) dry turn bets larger and less often
b) wet turn bets smaller and often but mixing check.
a) 4s lets us remain far more polarized than villain but his range is still quite polarized given Jx is so much better than all other regions.
Hands like 9s9d (that were Tier 2 or 3) now drop to Tier 4.
b) Td. He the polarization gap closes and the cobra insists we bet smaller. Not such a great turn that we can range bet though.
Hand like 9s9d becomes a Hybrid.
Flop X/R
- High EV Bluff Region
How does it raise in following situations
a) vs merged range
b) vs polarized range
c) vs B33 paired
d) vs B33 monotone
High EV bluffs are already very high EV, so can be seen as value-bluff hybrids
a) raise a lot (technically value)
b) raise quite a bit but not as much as they put $ in for you
d) raises mid-low freq and can raise later too
Case A
facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ Qs8s about 80% of time
Hands entitled to majority of pot are value raises- these ones just get very useful fold equity
Case B
facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ A6hh about 40% of time
Again overal raise frequency is lower so this hand is actually far above the mean global freq.
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ Th9h near 100% of time
We have more raised on paired boards than any other rough texture. Some high EV draws become pure raises under these conditions. Global raise range on this board is high too, as you’re facing range bet and easy to have random J
Case D
facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ Kc9s near 25% of time
Again our pot entitlement makes this a literal value-bluff. Can raise later too.
How High EV Bluffs React to Different Turns
BB vs BU
KhJh4d- X,B75,4x,C
How are different turns played?
a) 2c
b) Qh
a) when we suffer this brick turn card our range is now in unfavorable world. Mix 75 and Check
Note: due to larger flop c-bet no need to overbet despite large NA
We have a low global betting frequency here so even this hand checks frequently (30ish%)
b) Qh brings in flush and straights so we’re now in highly favorable world where solver bets range.
Solver chooses 34% B75 and 66% B33, 0% check.
We can simplify to 100% B33 w/ almost no EV loss.
Flop X/R
- Hybrid Region
How does it raise in following situations
a) vs merged range
b) vs polarized range
c) vs B33 paired
d) vs B33 monotone
Marginal made hands which benefit a lot from fold equity and retain decent equity when their raise is called.
More vulnerable these are and the weaker they play as calls, the more often they will opt to raise.
a) raise a lot
b) raise quite a bit still
c) raise quite a bit
d) can raise small freq
Case A
facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ 43hh raises near 80% of time
Fold equity is fully denial based, no element of bluffing yet but could change on turn.
Case B
facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ Ad4s raises near 50% of time
This hand unblocks a lot of Villain’s bet/folds. 4 doesn’t interact with much and the Ad doesn’t really either. But we would not raise Qs4s as it is not overpair to board.
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ 2s2c raises near 45% of time.
Again elements of value w/ huge spread of denial. Our range is most polarized here. Villain is meant to call a bunch of unpaired hands here so denial is huge.
Case D
facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ 6d5d
Again lower kicker makes hand vulnerable enough to hybrid raise.
Flop Hybrids on Turn after Raise
BB vs BU
Tc6c4c- X,R33,4x,C
How are different turns played?
a) Jh (brick turn)
b) 2c (wet turn)
a) brick turns can continue to bluff as they unblock a lot of folding range.
b) wet turns disaster to continue bluffing (BU has best big cards/overpairs to make flushes)
a) neutral spot but our hand plummets in EV further.
Hybrids oftem become useful bluffs (tier 6) on worsening cards for their equity as this hand now unblocks a lot of Villain’s folding range.
6d5d would raise about 45% of the time. (neutral world where low EV bluffs can bluff sometimes)
b) BU has monopoly on offsuit big cards and overpairs, so actually is a disaster for BB range of low flushes and lower EV bluffs (33% OOP EV)
This spot is so unfavorable Tier 6-7 must be given up and this hand is certainly no Tier 5 bluff.
Flop X/R
- Low EV Bluffs
How does it raise in following situations
a) vs merged range
b) vs polarized range
c) vs B33 paired
d) vs B33 monotone
Low EV bluffs usually close to 0EV and indifferent between call/fold/raise. May even be losing calls but breakeven/winning raises
Low robustness but some distant nut potential.
If these 3 things are true, you want to raise instead of call
1) Pot odds are bad
2) OOP so less future fold equity
3) hand is frail and not surviving in terms of SDV
Case A
facing R33 BB vs BU
As9s4d w/ T8dd raises near 10%, calls like 55%, folds rest.
Two backdoors alone are barely enough to break even vs even a range bet. Profitable riving bluffing opportunities when they check back turn. Not just backdoors here but also pair draws.
Case B
facing B75 BB vs BU
KhJh4d w/ Th9d raises near 40%, folds otherwise
Illustrating that raise can be better than call. Raises way more than global frequency as a hand here.
If these 3 things are true, you want to raise instead of call
1) Pot odds are bad
2) OOP so less future fold equity
3) hand is frail and not surviving in terms of SDV
Case C
facing R33 BB vs BU
JhJc7d w/ Kh5h raises near 4-5% and folds rest
Would not raise 6c5c since 6 not high enough of pair to be worth it.
Case D
facing B33 BB vs BU
Tc6c4c w/ 6d5d raises near 40% and calls rest.
We stay away from backdoors here as they are just too insignificant on monotone boards.
Flop X/R
How to play Low EV bluffs on turn after raise gets called?
(Judgmental Crow’s Rule)
Having raised the flop, do not bluff again with low EV bluffs that missed on a neutral or unfavorable turn card. The fact that
a) villain called
b) unfavorable turn
means you should give up a lot with huge deficit in fold equity and nothing going on with your hand! (kinda like turn probe opportunities where board favors PFR where BB should just give up a lot)
Judgemental Crow says “Were you thinking of bluffing just there? Were you? That’s a horrible blunder, you idiot”
Don’t pile money in spots with air when spot is unfavorable for you.
Case A
BB vs BU
As9s4d- X,R33,4x,C
Kc- ?
T8dd checks always. OOP EV is 40% so highly unfavorable world so can’t choose T8dd as bluff.
What 3 elements make raise way better than call against a flop cbet?
If these 3 things are true, you want to raise instead of call
1) Pot odds are bad
2) OOP so less future fold equity
3) hand is frail and not surviving in terms of SDV
Catching System
What do the following hands do against B150, B75, B33?
Value Beaters
Bluff Catcher A (Good)
Bluff Catcher B (Average)
Bluff Catcher C (Bad)
Frail Hands (not always folded)
Don’t just look at hand against specific sizing! Make sure to be elastic to have a good defense frequency.
Value Beaters call all bets
Catcher A (Good) mixes call vs B150, calls all rest
Catcher B (Average) mixes call vs B75, calls vs B33, folds vs B150
Catcher C (Bad) mixes call against B33, folds against B75 & B150
Frail Hand folds against all.
Bluffcatching Counterintuitive Defense!
SB vs HJ 3bet Pot
Kd4s3c- R33,C
4c- B60, C
4d- B67(all in), ?
Which hand would you rather call with?
99 or QQ?
Remember you want to unblock bluffs when bluffcatching!
QQ blocks AQ which is large portion of bluffs.
99 does not block bluffs.
A bluff catching spot often requires counterintuitive defense
Many lower absolute hand strength combos have higher calling EV than combos of higher absolute hand strength.
99 has 0.5bb call EV since it doesn’t block bluffs.
QQ has -2.1bb call EV as it blocks a lot of bluffs! Don’t be fooled. QQ blocks a lot of AQo
How does relative hand strength change when bluffcatching in regards to the following? Meaning to we call more or less in the following situations?
a) wet runouts
b) dry runouts
(Mantis Theorem)
a) Fold more on wetter textures & when ranges are tight.
b) Defend well on dry textures when ranges are wide.
Triple Barrel Opportunities
What happens on a blank river like this? What’s the world favorability?
CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
these worlds are usually SLIGHTLY UNFAVORABLE since condensed range prefers blank runouts.
To reach triple barrel, our range is significantly polarized and villain’s is heavily condensed
blank river, we tend to arrive w/ large range disadvantage but large nut advantage. only we have a large batch of hands that are entitled to way more than pot in EV
Button mostly had a bunch of tier 1 hands, and tier 4 hands in the middle.
rest of range is a large majority of bluff tier hands!
Plotting the bluff tiers.
What do we do with the bluff tiers in triple barrel node?
Tier 5 Slightly winning
Tier 6 0EV
Tier 7 Losing Bluffs
CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
Tier 5 Slightly winning bluffs MUST BET
Tier 6 0EV bluffs MIX
Tier 7 Losing Bluffs MUST CHECK
Tier 7 is garbage at bottom, tier 6 is just above, tier 5 is near middle and close to SDV, then Tier 4 is SDV
Tier 5 Winning QJhh (check is 0 EV and b117 is 16.68EV)
Tier 6 Breakeven KcJd (check is 0EV and b117 is -0.10EV)
Tier 7 Losing KdJd (check is 0 EV and b117 is -9.59)
KdJd has bad blockers!
Triple Barrel Opportunity/ 3bet Pot/ IP/ Dry Runout
e.g.CO vs BU 3Bet pot
Td9h4c x-b33-c
4d x-b60-c
2c x-(b117 or x?)
Tier 5- Positive combo of right suits to block TP and unblock high SDV busted draws that get to river and fold
Tier 6- A neutral combination of above factors.
Tier 7- negative combination of above factors.
Triple Barrel Opportunity/ 3Bet Pot/ IP/ Wet Highly Unfavorable Runout
SB vs BB
9h7h4c x-b33-c
Kd x-b70-c
Th x-(b87 or X?)
It is a horrific blunder to bluff without very positive blockers on wet unfavorable runouts.
Spot: Triple Barrel Opportunity/ 3Bet Pot/ IP/ Wet Highly Unfavorable Runout
Tier 5: Nothing should be winning in these spots as fold equity is below pot odds norm
Tier 6: Very Best Bluffs will always block the newly completed nuts
Tier 7: Everything else
Tier 5? No such combos here
Tier 6? Ah3d is breakeven even w/ great blockers
Tier 7? Jc5c is HUGE blunder to bet.
BB is in really unfavorable world where his best bluffs break even. BB doesn’t make many flushes bc preflop defence range is loaded w/ Axs and suited broadways.
Places People Under-Protect Their Checking Range
Name 6
a) Flop IP in 3BP
(should check OP sometimes allows OOP to probe too effectively)
b) Float Flop in 2BP
(checking back w/ top pair gets SB to lead bad hands on turn that would’ve check-folded flop)
c) Turn Barrel OOP in 3BP
(a lot of check-jam, when cbet’s been called OOP you lose RA so you want to check a lot, now some hands are not good enough to bluff w/ now due to meh world. IP will then do small bet for thin value/denial when checked to and we check-raise for value & semi-bluff)
d) Turn Float Bet After Call X/R in 2BP
(Natural instinct after calling x/r to bet when checked to, shouldn’t so you avoid x/r on turn as well as realize more equity against villain’s top part of range. Wait til next street to take stab so don’t reopen action)
(also if you have good top pair, you may be tempted to stab IP when OOP checks turn having x/r flop but you can make $ against villain’s hands that bet later)
e) Turn Delayed C-bet in 2BP
(slowplay w/ top pair weak kickers this is pretty standard)
f) Turn Probe (must protect checking range as OOP, x/r is just as good as overbetting now for value. don’t always check weak hands)
What is more important when defending unpaired hands in 3bet pots, bigger cards or backdoor potential?
Brute’s Rule: Bigger cards more important when defending unpaired hands in 3bet pots.
When defending the flop with unpaired hands (either by calling or raising) favor those with bigger cards. Making 1 pair and dominating a large region of Villain’s cbetting range is far more important than backdoor potential.
CO vs BU 3bet pot
3h3s2s x-b60-?
T9hh loses -2.6bb EV
JThh loses -1.9BB EV
QJhh loses -1.4BB EV
KQcc doesn’t lose. 0EV
(KQcc looks like an ogre on this 2tone board w/ no bdfd, but it’s the best you have to defend here of the hands above)
(since your backdoor draw won’t get there very often you need frontdoor draw to be great)
(implied odds and reverse implied odds are huge here)
Facing Range Bets/ Pot Odds Norm & Texture
Facing R33,
CO vs BU 3bet pot
For Following Boards
1) KsQh8h
2) AsTh7s
3) Qs5h4d
4) Ks2d2c
5) JhJd6c
Match following frequencies as defender.
a) Raise40 38%, Call 52%, Fold 10%
b) Raise40 0%, Call 37%, Fold 63%
c) Raise40 16%, Call 28%, Fold 56%
d) Raise40 8%, Call 64%, Fold 27%
e) Raise40 43, Call 6%, Fold 51%
(look at fold frequencies)
Solution (got em mostly right! and really close answers):
1) c. Raise40 16%, Call 28%, Fold 56%
2) e Raise40 43%, Call 6%, Fold 51%
3) a Raise40 38%, Call 52%, Fold 10%
4) b Raise40 0%, Call 37%, Fold 63%
5) d Raise40 8%, Call 64%, Fold 27%
against range bet.
1) bad for our range but we have polarization, bottom is 66-99 not including 88, top is KQ or 88. how often you raise is not equity v equity, but if we have tier 1 region. if we have tier 1, we can raise it and add bluffs. not exploitable, it’s OK to have capped range and do this (OK to have capped ranges in GTO, e.g. it’s ok to raise a set in SRP and leave calling range capped, esp. OOP)
2) same range vs range equity, here BU is blasting merged range into pretty polar CO, that’s why raise so much here in addition to CO OOP and can’t close action on turn when they call here so realization on later streets is poor. when CO raises in this spot, BU is not 3betting a lot since CO is polarized when doing so.
3) board is good for CO range since so many Q. so raise this a lot and call a lot. all AQ here since AQo is supposed to call often. 99, TT, JJ got destroyed. Defend a lot against range bet.
4) this board has no sets for CO. QQ, JJ, TT, all got leapfrogged and all the air in CO range (primarily queens) is not good here. no raising at all since paired board makes 2 pair outs of unpaired hands and backdoors much worse (no live runner runner two pair draws against AA) and K is not present much in CO range. no sets possible for CO either! that’s why no raising too. don’t defend MDF here.
5) not as bad, we catch up a little bit on NA and RA, problem is we don’t hit J often since we tend to 4bet bluff or 4bet w/ JJ or Jx. Big nut disadvantage. BU has AA-QQ, even offsuit Jx which makes J more prevalent in their range. but their unpaired broadways miss out and we still overfold compared to MDF.
Worse a flop is, more we fold. Look for how much folding vs MDF.
my guess:
1) e
2) c
3) a
4) b
5) d
Defending 3bet Pots
What type of hands do we raise against range bet
a) Neutral Boards?
b) Unfavorable boards?
a) Thick Value- AQcc is mixed raise
Thin Value- QJdd is mixed raise
High EV Bluffs- 76cc is mandatory (combining OOP w/ frail hand without SDV, if we call struggle to continue later since SPR won’t be big enough for bluff shove w/ just OESD and bad realizability.
Hybrids- 7h7d (texturally dependent. more overly merged opponent is compared to how they should be, more you get away with hybrid raising. fold equity against 99 for instance, raising for value if villain cals w/ AK or Ax bdfd
Low EV bluffs- JTss (must bluff these to remain indifferent. don’t shirk away from this)
b) all we need are some Tier 1 value holdings in our range to go ahead and bluff raise, OOP this becomes necessary.
Defending 3bet Pots
What type of hands do we raise against range bet
a) Neutral Boards?
b) Unfavorable boards?
a) Thick Value- AQcc is mixed raise
Thin Value- QJdd is mixed raise
High EV Bluffs- 76cc is mandatory (combining OOP w/ frail hand without SDV, if we call struggle to continue later since SPR won’t be big enough for bluff shove w/ just OESD and bad realizability.
Hybrids- 7h7d (texturally dependent. more overly merged opponent is compared to how they should be, more you get away with hybrid raising. fold equity against 99 for instance, raising for value if villain cals w/ AK or Ax bdfd
Low EV bluffs- JTss (must bluff these to remain indifferent. don’t shirk away from this)
b) all we need are some Tier 1 value holdings in our range to go ahead and bluff raise, OOP this becomes necessary.
Raising on Unfavorable Boards/ Range Construction OOP 3bet pots
What changes then, when we’re constructing raising range on a less pretty flop for our range?
CO vs BU 3bet pot
KsQh8h x-r33-?
Think of examples of each of 5 raise categories on this flop?
Thick Value-
Thin Value-
High EV Bluffs-
Low EV Bluffs-
Thick Value- 88 (raising limits EV for villain)
Thin Value- KTdd (has same frequency as range around 10-15%)
High EV Bluffs- JTss (ayy got it right. has HUGE EV tho so not rly bluff lol)
Hybrid- QJdd (10-15% raise frequency, raises same amount as range)
Low EV Bluffs- A8dd (also has global raise frequency of 10-15%. don’t feel great about raising this, relies mostly on fold equity)
usually Low EV Bluffs, Thin Value, and Hybrids raise same as global frequency.
Note we raise less on boards where villain isn’t really range betting.
My guess:
Thick Value- KQ
Thin Value- KJ
High EV Bluffs- JTss
Hybrid- 77
Low EV Bluffs- 76dd
Donking on favorable boards OOP defender 3bet pots
CO vs BU 3bet pot
7s6s5d very favorable to donk (CO EV 64%)- donks 100%
8h7d5d favorable to donk (CO EV 59%)- donks 65%
9h8h4d semi-favorable (CO EV 57%)- donks 35%
Why do we donk here?
solver doesn’t think of “initiative”
Don’t let live hands in BU range like A2ss check back and realize equity.
Don’t routinely check flops like 765tt or 875tt
if not betting entire range OOP, you are playing a mixed polarized strategy where you split between slowplaying and fastplaying your best hands.
Jamming Turns OOP defender 3bet pots
CO vs BU 3bet pot
9s8s4c x-b60-c
5d x-b60-?
In repolarizing turn jam spots we have 3 types of shove. Name a hand in each category and talk about why?
Thick Value
High EV Bluffs
After we call flop cbet OOP, Turn SPR is usually 2.5-3.5
When villain double barrels, SPR reduces to 1.5-2.
(all solver cares about is SPR)
Jamming is a very natural play against these bets- we risk relatively little to gain denial in a large pot. (can’t do this with middle of the range as it’s polarization error)
Thick Value- 5s5h
massive pot entitlement, go ahead. slowplay more w/ bigger hands in absolute terms, and fastplay more flimsy strong hands right away.
High EV Bluffs- JThh
call or jam, jamming more natural.
Hybrids (don’t try at home til good)- 8s7s is mandatory. value, denial, bluff. not much bluffage here.
We are not inclined to jam median hands like TsTd! big mistake to raise.
Call-Only Turn Strategies OOP defender 3bet pot
In general when do we call only?
CO vs BU 3bet pot
9s8s4c x-b60-c
5d x-b60-?
When board texture makes equities run further apart, denial will be smaller part of picture.
Look out for PAIRED TURNS where villain’s range is much more polar and our range more condensed.
here our Tier 1 hands do not benefit from denial (in fact they suffer from it) and our semi-bluffs are doing much worse against Villain’s bet/call range.
Why does unfavorable world encourage not bluffing with very low EV bluffs?
Fold equity is way less against advantaged villain here. You don’t bluff your low EV bluffs in unfavorable worlds, because you put those in your check-fold range to strengthen your betting range.
In a delayed c-bet opportunity like the following, does range advantage belong to IP or OOP?
BU vs BB
AsTsTd X-X (BU has before check 57% equity)
Range advantage remains with IP as checking behind is mildly condensing.
Note: this is not a node for IP.
Global betting frequency is determined by what?
Range advantage.
Bet sizing is determined by what?
Nute advantage.
EV is much higher than equity for IP in delayed cbet line for which reason?
- positional advantage
- nut advantage
BU vs BB
AsTsTd X-X (BU has 57% equity)
3h X-?
Delayed c-betting, what is the favorability like and what strategy/size do we choose to bet?
Situation is highly favorable and able to even bet 86s at some frequency. in less favorable spots these low EV hands will be pure check. MAKE SURE TO BLUFF A LOT OF AIR IN FAVORABLE WORLDS
Is a turn barrel IP a favorable spot? Is fold equity higher or lower than pot odds norm here?
BU vs BB
AsTsTd X-B-C (BU has 57% equity)
3h X-?
spot IP EV= 52.6% of pot- slightly favorable
Pot odds norm is 42% fold equity, the fold 44% which is close. No abundance of fold equity we do not bluff the very worst candidates often like Jd5d, Qd4d
do bluff reasonable candidates like 9h6h.
Monotone flop, do you want to bet big?
No, neutral flop. Not too polarized compared to each other, so you bet small.
Four straight board BU vs BB
5s4s3d X-B33-C
6h X-?
who’s more polarized?
small bets since BB more polarized and BTN is not in favorable world
Paired Board BU vs BB
Js9d7c X-B33-C
9h X-?
Who’s more polarized?
BU still more polarized even though nut advantage not as good anymore due to turn but we still have overpairs, betting medium bet size since nut advantage is still good enough.
Nut advantage still so go larger, more frequently. can’t bet giant.
Flush turn and paired turn reduce nut advantage by similar margin.
What types of turns reduce polarization gap for IP cbettor by a similar margin? e.g. in BU vs BB double barrel spot
Paired or flush turns Flush turn and paired turn reduce polarization gap by similar margin.
big bets but not overbets as a result since not HUGE nut advantage.
Bluffing: more jargony definition.
When are elements of bluffing present?
When you can, can’t, and must bet. define?
When hero’s bet would fold outa significant amount of hands that have a great deal of equity vs Hero’s hand
Hero can’t bluff if no elements of bluffing present
e,g, having 99 on turn on KQ54
Hero can bluff if elements of bluffing present AND EV of check not likely higher than betting
e.g. no SDV gutter on turn
Hero MUST bluff when elements of bluffing present and EV of bet is likely higher than EV check
e.g. favorable worlds. on river w/ air in a spot where we have range advantage
Value betting: more jargony definition
When are elements of value present?
When you can, can’t, and must bet?
Elements of value when hero’s hand would have a decent amount of equity vs Villain’s range after his bet gets called
Hero can’t value bet if no elements of value present
e.g. K-high on flop
Hero can value bet if elements of value present and EV of check is not likely higher than beting
e..g. good top pair on the flop
Hero must value bet if elements of value present and EV of bet is likely to be higher than EV of check.
e.g. mostly IP when most urgent to potbuild, really only w/ top of range IP facing a check or when OOP facing a bet. lesser hands tend to be optional. but good example is on river in favorable world, last chance for value.
What is so different about delayed cbet vs double barrel opportunity across turn cards?
delayed cbet:
compare 3h turn, Kc turn, & 7s turn
double barrel after IP B33 and OOP call
compare 3h turn, Kc turn, & 7s turn
for delayed cbets:
3h turn is a brick and IP maintains advantage, EV and equity stay same as flop
Kc IP EV and equity goes up, equity does too while OOP’s equity drops
7s is neutralizing polarization wise since flush comes in. EP equity goes up but EV stayas similar to flop. IP EV does not change but his equity does.
for double barrels: OOP EV goes up a lot after calling.
IP EV and equity are lower since OOP called on and OOP equity goes up on both 3h and Kc
on 7s turn, EV is worse and OOP equity bursts up too while IP equity plumments. spade turn polarizes OOP more.
What are the made hands tiers?
Tier 1: Landing Equity is huge. Finishing Equity is very high. (B150)
Tier 2: Landing Equity is very high. Finishing Equity is high. (B75)
Tier 3: Landing Equity is high. Finishing Equity is decent. (B33)
Tier 4: Landing Equity is decent. Finishing Equity is low. (Check)
Turn size in position what sizing do we simplify to?
B75 or B150.
Idea is that Check is so profitable in position (we have guaranteed equity realization for at least one street) it is usually not necessary to reopen the action for a smaller bet.
Turn size out of position what sizing do we simplify to?
B33 and a higher sizing (choose B75 or B150)
Check has a lower EV out of position than in position (since not guaranteed to realize equity after check) so smaller bet can often be necessary action
B33-Most turn and river spots want block bets, like probing, double delay cbetting, double delay stabbing, bet-check-bet. Not uncommon for hands even in low 60’s high 50’s equity wise to block bet OOP bc check isn’t good alternative. Most river situations where we bet small, villain is quite polarized or equally polarized.
B75 and B150- not always necessary, especially when villain is very polar. When villains range is more condensed, we will favor a larger sizing also to get more money for our value hands. Bigger you go, more money you make in EV in spots you’re not getting raised. Which one? size of nut advantage and depends on if villain polar or condensed.
Cbetting on turn do we always have B0 (check) range?
Yes except for some extremely favorable and rare spots where we continue to range bet (don’t really range bet turn since equities run much further apart, much less fold equity now.
e.g. SB vs BU 3BP- turn cbet on 8s8d4c Kh
can continue to range bet, K is famously great for 3bettor as they already had more Kx in range, while caller just folded a lot of Kx on flop after bet.
(Turned top pair is even better than flop)
This is exception to rule of always having check range.
What hand qualities and situation make it mandatory to bluff barrel the turn? (i.e. when is EV of checking a lot worse than EV of betting?)
-No Showdown Value
-Nut potential
-Out of Position
e.g. SB vs BB.
hero has 8h7h
AsJs5d SB b33, c.
What are the two things that matter most when determining whether your hand must be value bet, can’t be value bet, or is optional to value bet,
Landing equity- since equity drops lower as bet size gets bigger, we need to know how much landing equity we need for each bet size to be able to value bet for that size.
What is minimum landing equity for value betting wet turn w/ 33% pot, 75%pot, or 150%pot?
B33- 55%
B75- 65%
B150- 75%
(10-15% less than value betting Dry Turn or River)
What is minimum landing equity for value betting dry turn or river w/ 33% pot, 75%pot, or 150%pot?
B33- 65-70%
B75- 75-80%
B150- 85-90%
(10-15% more than value betting on Wet Turn)
On turn do we need a lot of equity to value bet?
e.g. normally B33- 55% minimum on wet turns
but don’t even need 50% especially if OOP
(equity denial and implied odds in play)
On river do we need a lot of equity to value bet?
Yes, we need more since pure equity now! More strict since:
No equity denial
No more implied odds
On wet turns, can you value bet with higher or lower landing equity compared to dry turns or rivers (where hand is way ahead or way behind)?
On wet boards, you can value bet with lower landing equity compared to dry ones.
Wet Turns- hand is ahead more often than our equity suggests)
Dry Turns- hand is way ahead or way behind
Do we need more or less equity to value bet IP compared to OOP?
IP needs a little more equity to value bet due to risk of re-opening the action
OOP needs less equity to value bet since checking doesn’t close action
When is it mandatory to value bet?
Then explain why this board is mandatory:
BB vs BU (Ad2d)
flop: Jh4h2s X-B33-C
turn: 2c X-?
- When hand is strong enough to pick a certain bet size
AND - Urgency is HIGH
e.g. BB vs BU (Ad2d)
flop: Jh4h2s X-B33-C
turn: 2c X-?
-landing equity is 94%
-board is way ahead/way behind spot except for flush draws, need to be more strict on how much equity we need to value bet
-Monster equity w/ MUST BET (chooses B150, B33 only close in EV bc solver raises a lot but people don’t
-Finishing equity is 91%
When is it optional to value bet?
Then explain why this board is optional:
BB vs BU (KcTc)
flop: Ks7d6d X-B33-C
turn: 3d X-?
- Hand is strong enough to pick a certain bet size
AND - Urgency is LOW
e.g. BB vs BU (KcTc)
flop: Ks7d6d X-B33-C
turn: 3d X-?
-landing equity of 67% is not enough for B75 on dry turn/river
-villain having lots of 20-30% equity hands (draws and pair+ draws) is misleadingly lowering our equity.
-Higher equity than seems hand qualifies for B75
-spot not urgent though so optional
-hand not seeking to build huge pot or win massive amount+
When is it forbidden to value bet? aka mandatory to check?
Then explain why this board is forbidden to value bet: BB vs BU (KcTc)
flop: Ks7d6d X-B33-C
turn: 3d X-?
- Hand is not strong enough to pick a certain bet size
OR - You are not building a betting range using a sizing small enough to value bet your hand.
e.g. BB vs BU (KcTc)
flop: Ks7d6d X-B33-C
turn: 3d X-?
-betting w/ 77 turns equity from 56% to 47% after BB calls.
B33 is mistake of 1.3%, B75 is huge blunder of 10.7%!!!!!
Is denying equity (aka protection) to live hands your opponent has to fold a sufficient reason for betting?
No, denying equity s a useful bonus but not sufficient reason for betting.
Denial comes in handy when fold equity you get by betting is largely useful to you.
You don’t “bet for protection”
You bet for value with a BONUS OF DENIAL.
You bluff with a BONUS OF DENIAL.
Denial can be a SWING FACTOR.
Denying equity to hands that are already losing only wins you a little against those hands.
When you risk that bet to make those hands fold, you lose extra to hands that beat you.
e.g. BB vs BU (9h9s)
flop: 8h5c5s X-B33-C
turn: 2d X-B75
-9h9s bets due to landing equity but benefits from overcards folding too
e.g. BB vs BU (Kc6c)
flop: KhQc4s X-B33-C
turn: 5s X-X
-Kc6c does not rly deny equity in a useful way, flush draws you get value from since their equity is poor,
-hands you deny equity to are stuff like gutshots, pocket pairs
Is denying equity (aka protection) to live hands your opponent has to fold a sufficient reason for betting?
No, denying equity s a useful bonus but not sufficient reason for betting.
Denial comes in handy when fold equity you get by betting is largely useful to you.
You don’t “bet for protection”
You bet for value with a BONUS OF DENIAL.
You bluff with a BONUS OF DENIAL.
Denial can be a SWING FACTOR.
Denying equity to hands that are already losing only wins you a little against those hands.
When you risk that bet to make those hands fold, you lose extra to hands that beat you.
e.g. BB vs BU (9h9s)
flop: 8h5c5s X-B33-C
turn: 2d X-B75
-9h9s bets due to landing equity but benefits from overcards folding too
e.g. BB vs BU (Kc6c)
flop: KhQc4s X-B33-C
turn: 5s X-X
-Kc6c does not rly deny equity in a useful way, flush draws you get value from since their equity is poor,
-hands you deny equity to are stuff like gutshots, pocket pairs
How can denial be a swing factor?
Can turn a thin value hand which prefers to check in a dry (way ahead/ way behind situation) to a bet on a wetter texture (more villain hands are just draws & behind)
What two key factors determine whether you:
a) cannot bluff
b) it’s optional to bluff
c) you must bluff
-Showdown Value (is EV of checking high or low?)
-World Favorability (EV of range. e.g. massively ahead, IP, nut advantage etc.) fold equity will go up
What is an unfavorable situation for bluffing?
What bluffs do we choose in unfavorable situations?
When opponent has range advantage, fold equity is lower.
Only choose bluffs that have either :
-Some nutted redraw (on the turn)
-Positive blocker effects (on the river)
Especially bad to bluff when villain has range advantage and positional advantage, they will be slightly underfolding compared to the expected amount of fold equity.
Are turn probe opportunities favorable? (should OOP bet after X-X on flop)
Turn probe opportunities are usually UNFAVORABLE for OOP and demand a selective bluffing strategy since preflop raiser retains an advantage when he checks behind on the flop.
When is it optional to bluff?
-Not in unfavorable world
-Do not have too much SDV to bluff
Spots that are very often optional bluffs when you hold both air hands or draws are:
a) Cbetting the Turn (double barreling)
b) Delayed Cbetting (bluff more than double barrel, favorable world, optional since bet now, or wait til river)
c) Probing the Turn on a very low/connected board
(more favourable than most turn probe opportunities)
can wait til river to bluff
d) Betting the flop where your range is stronger than villain but not massively
e) Triple Barreling on the River
When is it mandatory to bluff?
When you are in a FAVORABLE SITUATION for your range on the river and have NO SDV you MUST BLUFF
1) You retain your preflop range advantage all the way through the hand either because you haven’t bet yet or due to a very good runout.
2) You call a bet on an earlier street then Villain checks the turn giving you a range advantage
rarer spots:
3) cbetting flop w/ huge range advantage and no SDV
4) being OOP w/ promising draw that has zero SDV
5) double barrelling a very good turn card for your range again with no SDV but some sort of nut potential
most other juicy looking spots are optional- exploitative factors aside
What factors influence relative hand strength?
Range Filtering
Is it good or bad to bet for thin value against a polar range?
Bad to bet for thin value, polar range does not have many middling hands you beat that will call. Villain only hands that cannot call and hands that beat you!
If you’re ahead, your better hands can get value by villains weak hands bluffing!
Do we slowplay against a condensed range?
Avoid slowplaying against condensed range, as they skew towards calling as form of investment and will check back more.
What is the cannon rule? i.e. what ranges do you fire a large sizing at?
Fire large sizing for value and as bluff against merged or condensed ranges
On dry textures, what will the BB caller’s range type be on:
a) dry low boards
b) dry high boards
What sizing does BU use as a result?
Merged on low boards e.g 863r (BB has mediocre pairs)
Polar on higher boards e.g. A73tt (BB either has it or doesn’t, no A-high compared to low boards, hard combinatorically to have a pocket pair)
On semi-wet texture e.g. KJ5tt or 972tt what will BB caller’s range type be on:
a) semi-wet low boards e.g. 972tt
b) semi-wet high boards e.g. KJ5tt
What sizing does BU use as a result?
Villain is quite merged/ condensed on both high and low flop textures.
Creates a lot of medium strength hands in BB’s range, KJ5tt creates way more second pair and medium strength hands (flush draws and straight draws are actually mediocre)
Deploy LARGER BET with strong hands and various bluffs on SEMI-WET UNPAIRED TEXTURES
On wet texture what will BB callers range type be? (merged, condensed, polar?)
e.g. on Q83sss
What size does BU use as a result?
BB will be polar
BU should prefer smaller bets
e.g. Q83sss exclusively small bets (even 10%pot sometimes). BB has 2 spades (high equity), 1 spade (high equity), or no spade (low equity e.g. J7cc can’t call 10%pot).
In the following hand considering triple barrel after turn overbet, what is the value betting threshold aka what is the weakest hand that can be value bet on a CLEAN river?
e.g. BB vs BU
flop: AdTc3s X-B33-C
turn: 7h X-B150-C
river: 5h X-?
(clean run out)
AK is weakest value bet.
AQ does NOT value bet after overbet as it’s too weak against villain range.
In the following hand considering triple barrel, what is the value betting threshold aka what is the weakest hand that can be bet on MESSY river?
e.g. BB vs BU
flop: AdTc3s X-B33-C
turn: Jc X-B150-C
river: 8c X-?
(messy run out)
KQss (straight) is weakest value bet.
Even AsAh (set) is checked.
When turn runout is messy or disastrous, what happens to urgency of good hands?
It goes down and lose urgency to double barrel.
Clean runouts mean villain still condensed, you must barrel.
e.g. BB vs BU
flop: AdTc3s X-B33-C
turn: 6h X-?
Disaster runouts mean villain is more polar now
e.g. BB vs BU
flop: AdTc3s X-B33-C
turn: Td X-?
-Even AK checks mostly mixing some bet. Villain concentrated towards Tx. Let them bluff the river and turn AK into a bluffcatcher.
In tighter configurations is relative hand strength above or below absolute hand strength?
In TIGHTER configurations relative hand strength IS BELOW absolute hand strength?
e.g. UTG vs CO 3b or UTG vs BU 4b or UTG vs BB SRP
look at call/fold thresholds against B33 and see how tighter configurations encourage OOP to fold more since IP has less bluffs to bet naturally
In looser configurations is relative hand strength above or below absolute hand strength?
In LOOSER configurations relative hand strength ABOVE absolute hand strength?
e.g. ranges get wider don’t need as good of a hand to have a relatively powerful holding since BB continues wider.
look at call/fold thresholds against B33 and see how looser configurations encourage OOP to fold less since IP has more bluffs to bet naturally
What is the reason blockers are beneficial when bluffing?
Blocking continue range
Unblocking folding range
What determines required pot share when calling a bet in open action spot?
-Equity is base
-Realizability of equity
-Future fold equity
-Implied Odds
What three factors are always better in position and why?
1) realizability of equity
2) future fold equity
spots can be be higher EV as bluff on later street e.g. when IP calls flop bet and OOP checks turn. Gaining range advantage allows IP to leverage fold equity on later street
3) implied odds-
when calling bet IP, chance to value bet river increasing pot against OOP medium hands. When OOP, river can go check check
OOP is not guaranteed two value bets like IP is
What is the “Don’t Have the Odds” Fallacy?
“Don’t have the odds” fallacy only looks at equity and compare that to our target pot share. Target equity is only same as target pot share in end of action spot.
e.g. BB (KdTd) vs BU
flop: 8s8d6c X-B33-C
turn: Jd X-75-?
-student would say we need 30% to call, then looking at K outs (3) and diamond outs (9) we have 12 outs –> 24% equity.
-This ignores the time that villain has air and sometimes KT is good.
-“We have close to pot share in equity, implied odds, and some chance of winning w/ K-high”
What types of hands have low realizability of equity?
What types of hands have high realizability of equity?
-hands that rely on winning with marginal SDV and lack redraw to powerful hands struggle to realize due to folding
-hands which combine SDV with improvability and/or have nutted outs are going to have higher realizability by continuability
How is BB vs SB different than BB vs BU on exact same flop in terms of pot share facing a 33%pot bet
BB folds more OOP, but when IP folds closer to breakeven point
Why do flimsy hands like pair-draws, backdoor draws, and gutters call flop cbets?
Future fold equity. there is actually enough times that villain does not cbet turn, so don’t focus on just times they barrel.
e.g. BB (Ts9s) vs BU
flop: KhQc4d X-B33-C
turn: x X-X
river: x X-?
-RIVER IS PROFITABLE BLUFF FOR BB w/ range advantage from filtering, now fold equity should be above breakeven point for whatever sizing
-chance to make profitable river bluffs allows flimsy flop calls and lose money when villain barrels. don’t get too carried away though, still consider implied odds and equity
What two factors affect future fold equity in practice?
1) position
2) opponent type (station or non-station?)
What is nut obsession fallacy?
Don’t just say range advantage and justify it by listing most nutted hands.
Low hands bring down equity of our range as much as high equity hands bring it up. More medium brings concentration to medium
What is the Range Advantage Therefore Bet Fallacy and
Range Disadvantage Therefore Check Fallacy?
On flop, somewhat true but on turn and river must be more polarized
On the flop, range advantage increases betting frequency and large range disadvantage lowers betting frequency OOP, but on turn and river we must polarize our ranges to some extent so don’t just bet middling hands on turn or river w/ huge range advantage.
e.g. BB vs CO (8d8s)
flop: JhTh4c X-X
turn: Qd X-B75 —> B75 IS A BLUNDER for 88! Don’t bet middling hand when you need to polarize range. DESPITE big range advantage, don’t make POLARIZATION ERROR
-don’t overinvest w/ hand too mediocre hand for value and too mediocre to bluff
e.g. BB vs CO (4h4s)
flop: JhTh4c X-B75
turn: Ts X-X —> CHECK IS A BLUNDER for 44! don’t be passive when urgency is high even despite range disadvantage (IP that is, OOP can checkraise)
What are the three factors regarding hands in either players range that are the source of range advantage in a situation like CO vs BB JhTh4c?
-UNIQUE high equity hands (e.g. KK), which is part of nut advantage.
-CO has higher % of top pair & second pair in his range. BB sometimes 3bets these combos so less for him in SRP.
-CO has less % of very low equity hands in range like 75dd or bad K-suited or Q-suited that are abundant for BB. This brings down equity of BB range.
The Literal Nuts Fallacy, and Nutsaphobia, what are they?
Literal Nuts Fallacy-“But we have more 96s for the straight than he does”
Don’t hyperfocus on just 3 combos of 96%equity hands when you have 24 combos of 90% equity hands.
Nutsaphobia- “He could have a set.” Don’t be afraid to bet just because they have a nut advantage.
What are sources to recognize nut advantage in situation like UTG vs BB 9d3d2s after BB check>
UTG vs BB 9d3d2s after BB check
-even though BB can have 6 more combos of sets compared to UTG, BB has 202 combos so only 3% of nuts
-meanwhile, UTG has 224 combos and JJ-AA (24 combos) which is 11%. These hands have around 80% equity and are entitled to more than the pot in EV. SIZABLE NUT ADVANTAGE w/ less literal nuts
How does range advantage influence flop betting frequency? How does bluffing, denial, and value influence this frequency?
Bet more and less polarized
1) Bluffing and Denial benefit from villain weaker range bc V needs to fold more frequently when he lacks the strength to continue the expected mathematical amount.
2) Value- have more value hands when V is weak, so our weaker absolute strength hands are stronger. can bet more thinly
3) Bluffing- Since fold equity is higher than normal when we have a range advantage our bluffs are more profitable so we want to make more of them.
4) Denial- villains range is relatively weak, a lot of combos will be air hands w/ some redraw. We benefit more now from bonus of denial since we run into live weak hands that fold frequently.
What flop sizings will we adopt as our conventional sizings when we have a large nut advantage vs not having one?
with large nut advantage- B75
without large nut advantage- B33
“Do we have a LARGE nut advantage?” is the question we should ask.
What bet size and how frequently will we bet in small nut advantage and small range advantage situations?
e.g. T85monotone
B33, infrequently! check 85%
Frequency controls sizing is a fallacy. Correlation not causation.
What bet size and how frequently will we bet in small range advantage and big nut advantage situations?
e.g. BB vs BU
flop: 7h6h2c X-?
e.g. BB vs BU
flop: 7h6h2c X-?
BU has large nut advantage, so B75 as choice infrequently (38% freq)
BB has strong range due to texture and connecting w/ unique hands
Meanwhile, some of BU’s unique hands like two big cards have dropped significantly in equity on this texture.
What bet size and how frequently will we bet in big range advantage and small nut advantage situations?
e.g. BB vs HJ (66% equity)
flop: AsQdQc X-?
e.g. BB vs HJ (66% equity)
flop: AsQdQc X-?
-High frequency, small sizing
-both players have similar concentration of Qx
-Where does HJ range advantage come from?
Less trash/low cards
more decent hands like AK/ AJ/ KK
What bet size and how frequently will we bet in big range advantage and big nut advantage situations?
e.g. BB vs UTG (59% equity)
flop: J22r X-?
e.g. BB vs UTG (59% equity)
flop: J22r X-?
-Betting 100% of time w/ B75 76% of time and B33 24%, CAN SIMPLIFY to 100% B75
-hugely in UTG favor w/ best Jacks and Overpairs on hard to hit board. BB has more trips but scarce enough to barely matter
-if JJ2r instead, BB and UTG would have similar conc of jacks so B33
What frequency (low, mid, hi) and what size (B33/B75) does CO cbet on the following board vs BB?
small size high freq, both have similar conc of Q
What frequency (low, mid, hi) and what size (B33/B75) does CO cbet on the following board vs bb?
B75 mid freq
large nut advantage meh range advantage
What frequency (low, mid, hi) and what size (B33/B75) does CO cbet vs BB on the following board vs bb?
B33 mid freq
-overpairs not good w/ A
-Ax similar concentration
What frequency (low, mid, hi) and what size (B33/B75) does CO cbet on the following board vs bb?
B33 for mediocre freq
-9 is prevalent in both ranges, so no huge nut advantage but still range advantage. Gotta be careful because BB will be somewhat polarized here
What frequency (low, mid, hi) and what size (B33/B75) does CO cbet on the following board vs bb?
b33, low freq 35-40%
-nut advantage neutralized, villain is polarized
What frequency (low, mid, hi) and what size (B33/B75) does CO cbet on the following board vs bb?
b33, low freq
-BB has nut and range advantage, they will put in money
TURN BARRELING: How do range equity and nut prevalance change from preflop to turn in a turn barrel opportunity?
Does barreler reach turn barrel opportunity with a large nut advantage?
Do barreler arrive at turn barrel opportunity with a range advantage?
e.g. BU vs BB
Flop Js6d3d X-B33
Turn 8c
is 8 good for BU?
e.g. BU vs BB
Flop Js6d3d X-B33
Turn 8c
Preflop: BU equity starts out high, BB condenses range by calling(not 3betting)
Flop Js6d3d: Board is better relatively to others for BB, J not good for BB but two-tone helps BB catch up as well as 6 and 3 being low.]
-nut prevalance goes down on flop for BB, goes up for BU
-equity drops for BU, goes up for BB
B33 by BU polarizes his range by betting & equity nudges up, BB caps range by calling but equity gets higher than BU due to shedding weak hands and keeping medium strength hands.
-nut prevalence for BU goes up, goes down for BB
Turn) 8 is good for BU, no flush runout or low straight completer or pairing low card (would polarize BB). BU can stay polarized.
Bet 40-60% of time w/ B75
Is following runout favorable, neutral, or unfavorable for the cbettor?
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: 5h2h2c X-B33-C
turn: Qd X-?
-Q is great bc Q hits everything BB folded (lot of Qx).
-BU should bet
Is following runout favorable, neutral, or unfavorable for the cbettor?
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: Kh9h8s B33-C
turn: 8h ?
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: Kh9h8s B33-C
turn: 8h ?
-Paired middle or bottom card (disaster for cbettor)
-flush runout (disaster for BU)
-build a stronger checking range on bad runout for cbettor OOP, can always check/raise check/call
Is following runout favorable, neutral, or unfavorable for the cbettor?
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: 8d7d3s X-B33-C
turn: 5c X-?
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: 8d7d3s X-B33-C
turn: 5c X-?
Turn world is on average favorable for IP due to nut advantage, but below average turn card evens it out
Is following runout favorable, neutral, or unfavorable for the cbettor? What type of hands should we bluff
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: Js6d3d X-B33-C
turn: Kc X-?
what do KQ, JT, 99, QT, Trash (T7ss, As5d) do?
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: Js6d3d X-B33-C
turn: Kc X-?
FAVORABLE, frequency goes up to 70% often w/ B75
-BB must fold 43% (overfold compared to alpha) so fold equity for all bluffs is high.
-KQ must value bet, JThh can value bet, 99 must check, Draws bluff very often, trash bluffs often)
Are we aggressive in neutral world?
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: Js6d3d X-B33-C
turn: 4s X-?
what do QhQc, AsJc, QhJh, Qs8s, Kd8s, 9h7h
No we show restraint. BU has range disadvantage but will survive in EV due to large nut advantage and benefits of position. Average turn frequenciess 45-50%, in neutral worlds this goes down to 35% B75.
e.g. BU vs BB
flop: Js6d3d X-B33-C
turn: 4s X-?
QhQc must value bet, AsJc can value bet, QhJh must check, Q8 draws bluff a little more often than range, Kd8s Semi-trash can bet esp when block both flush draw, 9h7h trash (don’t bluff while blocking folding range)
Are we picky in unfavorable worlds?
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: Ac6h3c B33-C
turn: 6c ?
what do AsQs, AhTh, JsTc, Th8h do?
YES we’re picky in unfavorable worlds
-CHECK AT HIGH FREQUENCY and protect checking range in unfavorable world
-value bet very strong hands
-strict with bluff requirements
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: Ac6h3c B33-C
turn: 6c ?
-nightmare turn for SB, SB EV is 48%, SB bets only 20% of time for B75
-after SB bets, they polarize since only 20% means shedding bad hands
don’t have to value bet anything here! can value bet AsQs, must check AhTh, JsTc draws bluff sometimes, Th8h (trash) never bet.
Ace turn fallacy
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: 772r B33-C
turn: what are best cards for SB?
-A is not always beneficial to flop c-bettor,
(such as in very wide range encounters where PFC will call small cbet w/ a lot of Ax combos)
-T J Q K turn is more favorable for cbettor than A in general since those were folded more to cbet, but not A-high (sizing and board dependent)
-A turn can kill overpair advantage and BB catches up.
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: Ac6h3c B33-C
turn: 6c ?
-turns: Q is great, 7 is greatest at 66% compared to A at 55% since trips on the board gives advantage to overpairs.
-A kills overpair advantage!
As flop cbettor, do you trap more IP or OOP?
Trap more OOP
- IP flop cbettor, turn checking range should be capped but bolstered by some high equity non-nutted hands (call these Tier 2 hands)
- OOP flop cbettor, turn checking range should be uncapped and even check some nutted hands (compare bet to checkraise!!)
What are our standard 5 categories of unmade hand barrels (give examples of each)?
What’s the worst world that each category can be bet in?
a) amazing world
b) favorable world
c) neutral world
d) unfavorable world
e) awful world
a) UTTER TRASH (0 overcards) in Amazing worlds
b) SEMI-TRASH (1 overcard) in Favorable worlds
c) MARGINAL DRAW (bad gutters, 2 overcards, 1 over flush draw blocker) in Neutral worlds
d) -DECENT DRAW (Good Gutter, 2 overcards) in Unfavorable worlds
e) PREMIUM DRAW (OESD, flush draw) in Awful worlds
Unmade hand barrels- PREMIUM DRAWS
What hands do we define as PREMIUM?
What worlds do we bluff barrel PREMIUM draws in?
OESD or flush draws (8-outs or better) are PREMIUM.
Unmade hand barrels- DECENT DRAWS
What hands do we define as DECENT?
What worlds do we bluff barrel DECENT draws in?
Good Gutter- DECENT
Good 2 Overcards- DECENT
Unmade hand barrels- MARGINAL DRAWS
What hands do we define as MARGINAL?
What worlds do we bluff barrel MARGINAL draws in?
Bad Gutter- MARGINAL
Bad 2 overcards- MARGINAL
1 Over w/ flush draw blocker- MARGINAL
Unmade hand barrels- SEMI-TRASH
What hands do we define as SEMI-TRASH?
What worlds do we bluff barrel SEMI-TRASH draws in?
1 Overcard- SEMI-TRASH
Unmade hand barrels- TRASH DRAWS
What hands do we define as TRASH?
What worlds do we bluff barrel TRASH draws in?
No Overcards- TRASH
A float bet flop opportunity is?
-The opportunity to make a bet after the OOP preflop aggressor checks the flop.
flop: xxx X-?
by float betting, you polarize range when you can check behind
What is the Linearization Pitfall for float betting?
The Linearization Pitfall for float betting is when you bet hands from top down (make a linear range) and shy away from low EV bluffs which are a staple of a betting range in all spots which are not HORRIBLE for range
-gotta bluff
-don’t skew to value so much
What is Drawmania Pitfall for float betting?
Don’t auto bet every draw since most will be indifferent between bet and check. CHECK HAS BENEFITS TOO
What is the Protection Obsession Pitfall for float betting?
Focusing too heavily on the branches in the tree where we get outdrawn and failing to protect checking range as a result.
Checking behind ranges in float bet opportunities are some of the most unprotected in the whole game tree so good players will expect this leak. NOT OK AS BASELINE STRATEGY
How close do equities of various hands run on on low flops in regard to float betting?
On low flops equities run very close together because the player who is behind almost always has significant redraw.
On low flops (YOUNG EQUITY AND LOW) float betting you can MIX BAG IT for VALUE, BLUFF, DENIAL.
There is a large boost of denial to get and this pushes thinner value bets and flimsy bluffs over the line of being optional
e.g. SB vs BB w/ K5dd
flop: 7h7s3c x-?
-when we B75 (gotta polarize) w/ K5dd we get called by worse like QJhh & fold out better like K9dd & fold out live stuff like Q8ss.
ANY LOW BOARD, SB vs BB a lot of mixed bag betting w/ B75
What is the mixed bag betting?
Does this happen more on low boards for float betting?
MIXED BAG means you can bet for VALUE, BLUFF, DENIAL
ANY LOW BOARD, SB vs BB a lot of mixed bag betting VALUE, BLUFF, DENIAL
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: 7h7s3c x-?
-when we B75 (gotta polarize) w/ K5dd we get called by worse like QJhh & fold out better like K9dd & fold out live stuff like Q8ss.
-Hand like AhTs can bet for Value/Denial (Get value from worse and get worse hands to fold)
-Hand like Q6hh can bet for Bluff/Denial (get better hands to fold and worse hands to fold)
How close do equities of various hands run on on higher flops?
Especially in regard to float betting?
Equities run further apart.
If ahead, you’re very far ahead or opponent has too much equity to fold anyway (flush draws etc.).
On these high flops, simplify again to strat of infrequent big bets since we have NA but not RA after OOP checks.
e.g. AhQd6h SB vs BB X-?
infrequent big bets, Q7ss would be a check (not enough purpose to bet)
K8ss is a check too (not enough purpose for betting)
Float Bet Opportunity
In mixed bag situation like lower flop float betting on 773 flop, do we play polarized or semi-polarized?
We play semi-polarized w/ B75. We bet more polarized hands at higher frequency but still bet many depolarized hands since denial is prominent here.
Solver chooses to B75 54%, B33 0%, and check 46% (semi-polarized)
Float Bet Opportunity
In higher flop e.g. AhQd6h, float bet situation SB vs BB, do we employ a polarized or semi-polarized strategy?
Play a fully polarized strategy. (Equities run far apart on higher flops)
texture is less favorable for BB so bet less.
There is less denial to gain by betting.
Nut advantage is a little smaller so solver is torn w/ small amount of b33 (3%). simplify to B75 as it fits framework more clearly
Float Bet Opportunity
AhQd6h SB vs BB X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then how does 8s6s for BB fit into that strategy?
fully polarized (equities run further apart on high flops) since range and nut disadvantage.
86 is mediocre hand that is not low enough equity to bluff, so fits right into checking rangefully polarized since range and nut disadvantage.
86 is mediocre hand that is not low enough equity to bluff, so fits right into checking range
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. SB vs BB
flop: 7h7s3c x-?
What is strategy (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) first then how does Jd8d for BB fit into that strategy?
Semi-polarized (equities very close on low flops due to redraw potential of all hands),
J8dd is mediocre but good enough to bet in this favorable world. Fold equity you garner on lower boards is much more useful so it fits as a bet
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. AhQd6h SB vs BB X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then how does AcJs for BB fit into that strategy?
Polarized (high flop, equities far apart),
AcJs does not seem good enough to fit into a fully polarized strategy on first sight but also seems good enough for value and that’s because it’s an OPTIONAL BET
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. SB vs BU 3bet pot
flop 8h5h5d X-?
What does range vs range picture look like?
what do 7s7c and AsQd do?
Semi-polarized (more merged on low flop where equities run closer due to redraw).
Our range is denser in pocket pairs and less dense in unpaired holdings so we wield small range advantage here. allows us to bet quite often and quite merged. SB has large nut advantage from overpairs that they can check so it keeps BU sizing small.
-villain has a lot of high cards so denial is again a significant boost that lets medium equity hands bet 7s7c included, and AsQd is in value/denial kinda world that can still check optionally (mixed bag)
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. SB vs BU 3bet pot
flop QsJs6c X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Polarized. SB is in slightly favorable world, and denial is not a benefit on this board, so BB should not bet mediocre hands into it. Hands like 99 or TT are too thin for value and do not gain much from denial since villain only folds hands that are very dead anyway like Ah4h.
-build very high equity value range which allows us to use only large bets
-do a lot of checking behind otherwise
-B60 more preferred
-AdQd bet
-Ad5d bluff
e.g. SB vs BU (Ah8h)
flop As5c3c X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
favorable, in polarized strategy with big bets (high card means equities run further apart). value threshold at good top pair+ so this is good enough to put as a mix.
e.g. SB vs BU (Ah5h) 3bet pot
flop 9d5c2d X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
semi-polarized, mergy (equities closer on low board due to redraw),
can bet at higher frequency w/ benefit of denial purposes with mixed bag. B33 pure
(lower the pair, higher the denial factor)
e.g. SB vs BU (KdQd) 3bet pot
flop KsJh7s X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize &
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
polarized spot (high cards, equities further apart). no benefit of denial, board better for SB. uses large bet size but probably checks most of time since mediocre pair
K high, J high, T high, flops the most cbet n SB vs BU 3bet pots since SB has so many more of those cards in their 3bet range than BU has in calling range.
SB has a lot of offsuit broadways 3bet so those boards are great for them.
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. SB vs BU (Jc8c)
flop Ts7s6s X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
Very neutral world. Semi-polarized as a result (equities run close in monotone flop). Should bet w/ benefit of denial as is mixed bag area.
What flops are most cbet by SB in SB vs BU 3bet pots?
K high, J high, T high, flops the most cbet n SB vs BU 3bet pots since SB has so many more of those cards in their 3bet range than BU has in calling range.
SB has a lot of offsuit broadways 3bet so those boards are great for them.
Beware of Q as PFC of 3bet will have way more AQ as the top of their range.
e.g. SB vs BU (Jc8c)
flop Ts7s6s X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
Very neutral world. Semi-polarized as a result (equities run close in monotone flop). Should bet w/ benefit of denial as is mixed bag area.
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. SB vs BU (Jc8c)
flop Ts7s6s X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
Very neutral world. Semi-polarized as a result (equities run close in monotone flop). Should bet w/ benefit of denial as is mixed bag area.
Float Bet Opportunity
e.g. SB vs BU (Jc8c)
flop Ts7s6s X-?
What is strategy first (polarized, semipolarized, linear?) then betsize?
Pure check? Pure bet? Mix?
Very neutral world. Semi-polarized as a result (equities run close in monotone flop). Should bet w/ benefit of denial as is mixed bag area.
What three broad categories serve as milestones along the spectrum of board texture? AKA how would you classify runouts if you had to put them in 3 categories.
Let’s focus for now on wide ranges where less betting and calling have occurred.
Water Analogy for wide ranges:
Still Lake- extremely difficult board to connect with like 6d6h2c9c4s . unnaturally innocuous. Drastically promote the strength of absolute hand rankings and don’t interact with much of either players range. things stand out and are clear and more impactful, pair is incredibly strong. EASY TO HIT, HANDS BETTER THAN NORMAL
Choppy Sea- textures are average. e.g. Ts7s2cQd6h. Relative hand strength can be estimated w/ board offering medium amount of range interaction. other stuff is going on so decent pair isn’t great and isn’t clearly great. MEDIUM EASY TO HIT, HANDS ARE SAME
Tsunami- board invalidates pair or even two pair. e.g. Td9d6s8cJc. Turns value bets into check and checks into possible bluffs. HARDEST TO HIT, HANDS ARE WORSE THAN NORMAL
AK in above still lake board is a mix (quite strong)
AK in above choppy sea board is likely a check (moderate)
AK in above tsunami turns value bets into check and checks into possible bluffs (could be a bluff)
Name 5 blocker effects (situations where blockers play a part)
Effect 1- Turn Flush Draw Removal as the Aggressor
Effect 2- Giving Up Relevant Busted Flush Draws
Effect 3- Raising Flop, BDFDs and Dead Suits
Effect 4- Flush Blockers when Bluffing Three Flush Rivers
Effect 5- Blocking the Value Range when Bluff-Raising the River
How do blockers play a role in the following situation. Blocker Effect 1- Turn Flush Draw Removal as the Aggressor (Barreling)
Block flush draw cards when bluff barreling the turn.
Flush draw is very common continue so try to block it when bluffing!
e.g. BB vs BU
9s3d2c X-B75
6c X-?
Considering blocker effect 1- Turn Flush Draw Removal as the Aggressor, how do each of the following hands play on the turn?
a) QcTh
b) QdTs
c) AcJh
c) AcJh- CHECK, even though Ac, you have a lot of showdown!
CRAVE CLUBS, not other way around
BB vs BU
9s3d2c X-B75
6d X-?
Considering blocker effect 2- Giving Up Relevant Busted Flush Draws,
Is it better or worse to block flush draws before they miss when bluffing? Is it better or worse to block flush draws after they miss?
Remember, blockers are only small detail, other factors more important first
e.g. BB vs HJ
Js7s7d X-B33-C
4c X-B75-C
6h X-?
a) QsTs or Ts9s do what on turn but what on river
Blocking flush draws before they miss is a good thing for bluffing.
After these hands have bricked on the river they give up since flush draws are no longer +EV to bluff with e.g. QsTs or Ts9s give up. So on river, blocking their missed flush draws that will give up is bad for bluffing. You want to unblock their folding range and block their calling range!
Note this is neutral world where it is not mandatory to bluff all of our air, and therefore bluffing our worst blocker air will be -EV. Unblocking flush draws air can happily be your bluffs! KdQd can bluff happily as it unblocks folding range.
BUT DON’T LET BLOCKERS PREVENT YOU FROM BLUFFING AIR WHEN RANGE IS FAR STRONGER THAN OPPONENTS (usually in spots where they polarize then checked where we have condensed), regardless of how negative your blockers are.
Also, consider whether opponent is station or a nit first of course! Do they fold more or less? Blockers can be overrun by this fact.
In following hand, river probe situation for BB is a highly favorable world.
e.g. BB vs HJ
Js7s7d X-B33-C
4c X-X
6h ?
In this highly favorable world situation, do you bluff air with the worst blockers that block their folding range? e.g. Ks8s or As3s
Mistake to check air even with bad blockers here in a highly favorable world situation. must bet even Ks8s and As3s
There is a huge range inequality after Cbettor IP (HJ) has declined to bet again. HJ polarized, then checked after BB condensed, so there is a huge range inequiality and extra fold equity that comes with BB’s much stronger range.
Ks8s and As3s actually aren’t so bad of blockers anyhow in a river probe situation. IP motivated to bluff more with 1 or 2 spades but checked so less likely. blockers are dependent on action sequence.
When bluff raising a flop cbet, how does blocker Effect 3- Raising Flop, BDFDs, and Dead Suits come into play?
When bluff-raising a flop c-bet, goal is to reduce the amount of time your opponent continues. Smaller branch is when bluff hits the nuts and gets paid.
1) On a Rainbow Board you can reduce continues by blocking the backdoor flush draws and Unblocking the dead suit.
2) On a two-tone (draw) board you can do this with suited cards which block backdoor flush draw; offsuit cards that block front door flush draw. Here you prefer to unblock the two dead suit
When thinly value-raising a flop cbet, e.g. w/ top pair how does blocker Effect 3- Raising Flop, BDFDs, and Dead Suits come into play?
When thinly value raising a flop (e.g. top pair), you want villain to have backdoor draw he can call your raise with so we prefer to block the dead suits when not bluffing. Don’t expect same for full flush draws.
e.g. BB vs BU flop: X-B33-R4x
Qs2s2c QJhh thinly value raises, QhJc doesn’t
What is blocker Effect 4- Flush Blockers on the Flush River?
Now when river flush hits, any hand that contains a flush making card becomes a far better bluff and even a better thin value bet.
e.g. BB vs HJ
AhAc3h X-B33C
2s X-B75-C
8h X-?
Flush blockers increase EV of bluffing
KhJd bets pure, KdJS checks
Flush blockers increase EV of thin value bets
AdJh bets pure, AsJd
What is blocket Effect 5- Block the Value Range when Bluff Raising the river? (STRICT RULE)
When you bluff-raise the river, it is not good enough to get villains bluffs to fold (if this was the goal w/ a hand that beat bluffs with you’d just call SDV and fold non-SDV, since investment is not worth it). Normally don’t raise air just to beat villains air, unless you block their value range.
e.g. oftentimes you can only raise river if you block a pair or sets (like low pairs blocking sets)
There when you raise the river vs a very polarized range, you are always incentivized to use blockers to Villain’s value range and this very often means raising pairs but always means thinking about what Villain’s value range is and how to block it.
e.g. BB vs HJ
AsQd3c X-B33-C
Qs X-B75
5h X-B75-R4x
low % of time strong enough to raise, so bluffs must be chosen carefully which means consider blockers.
-Ah3h can raise not a value raise, basically 95% check but could raise so optional bluff since blocks A, pocket 3 etc.
-Ks3s, bluffs 50% cuz blocks KQ, blocks set of 3s
-KJdd blocks KQ, QJ
Bluff raising river vs a polar range is very different to normal bluffing spots because having good blockers actually trumps having low SDV.