Pre-Flight Planning: Vertical Navigation Flashcards
Altimeter uses what system to operate?
Static vent system
Pressure altitudes are measured by using what altimeter setting?
Pressure altitude will have a negative value when what….?
QFE is greater than 1013hPa
QNE is…?
Height above the 1013hPa setting
An aircraft’s true altitude is its…?
Height above sea level
Pressure window in an altimeter is also known as what?
Kollsman Window
True alttude differs from indicated altitude by what increment?
4ft per 1 degrees celsius deviation from ISA for every 1000ft difference
Why are temperature errors in altimeters not considered a threat to vertical separation of aircraft?
All aircraft should be using same altimeter setting so the error is uniform
Correction of pressure altitude arising from the ISA deviation is approximately what formula?
120ft per 1 degrees celsius
To calculate an aircraft’s density alttitude, what calculation should be performed
120ft x ISA temperature deviation
The transition layer exists to prevent at least what vertical separation between transition altitude aircraft and transition layer aircraft?
In the UK, when will FL35 not typically be available?
When the RPS is lower than 1013hPa
If the RPS is lower than 1013hPa, what consideration must be made for cruise?
FL35 will not be available
As a rule of thumb, the higher the pressure setting, what happens to the transition layer?
It becomes deeper
500ft rule difference between UK and EASA?
In the UK, it is 500ft FROM during the day, and 500ft ABOVE during the night
Obstacles as high as what _AMSL may appear on charts?
827 feet
The 827ft AMSL figure for hidden obstacles on charts is calculated how?
Terrain contours below 500ft AMSL are not shown
Obstructions below 328ft AGL are not shown
The 827ft hidden obstructions figure and 500ft rule means VFR flights should not be flown lower than what altitude outside controlled airspace?
1400ft AMSL
Why is QNE not the same as the Standard Pressure Setting (SPS)?
QNE is a height, SPS is a pressure
Why is airspeed indication less accurate during a climb?
Pitot not directly into angle of incidence