Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia Flashcards
Defintions of pre-eclampsia, HELPP eclampsia and Hypertension in pregnancy
Hypertension- 140/90
Severe HTN- 160/110
Chronic HTN- HTN 1st present before 20W
Gestational HTN- HTN 1st presenting after 20W with no proteinura
New HTN (after 20w), BP >140/90 with 1 of:
any materal organ dysfunction (renal, liver, neuro, heam, utero)
HELPP- Heamolysis, elevated liver enzyme and low platelet- severe pre-eclampsia
Eclampsia- Pre-eclampsia + seizures
BP usually falls in the first half of pregnancy before rising back to pre-pregnancy levels before term
RF and preventative Mx of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
HIGH risk factors-
pre-eclampsia before
CKD, AID, diabetes, Chronic HTN
if >1 give aspirin
Moderate RF- primigravid, age>40, preg interval >10y, BMI >35, Fhx, Multiple preg
>2 = aspirin
Sx and ix of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
BP usually falls in the first half of pregnancy before rising back to pre-pregnancy levels before term
Pre-eclampsia in main asymptomatic- danger’
Severe headache, visual disturbances (flashing lights), Epigastric/RUQ pain, Vomiting, SOB, Sudden swelling of face, feet, hands
eclapmsia- those and seizures
Ix- Urine dipstick -if 1+ or more- PCR quantification
NO 24hr urine collection
Mx of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
High risk, chronic HTN- aspirin 75mg - no ace/arb- teratogenic
1st line labetalol (no in asthma)
2nd- nifedipine
3rd methydopa
Eclpamis- Mg sulphate - cerebral vasodilator
Mx of disovered gestational HTN
Gestational - 1st present after 20w–
admission if >135/85
1st line labetalol, then nifedipine, methydopa
BP measure 1 -2 x a week
dipstick 1-2x a week
FBC/LFT and renal at presentation
antepartum- Test on repeat assessment-every 2-4weeks - USS for foetal growth, amniotic fluid assess, artery doppler
Dipstick, BP
if chornic - assess at 28, 32, 36w
If HTN > 140 with medication
after admitted if HTN >160
FBC/LFT renal 1x per week
deliver at 37w gestation
MX upon disovering pre-eclampsia/severe HTN
admission if over 160 -target 135
labetalol -> nifedipine -> methydopa
Moderate pre-eclampsia-- BP measure every 48h if not admitted 4x a day if admitted Bloods 2x a week admission CTG, USS, doppler etc
severe –
every 15-30mins until BP under 160
FBC 3x a week, same admission BT
after discharge– repeat USS/dopller, amniotic, dipstick, BP every 2 weeks
BT 2x a week if not admitted
BT 3x a week if admitted
if at 34w- antenatal steoids, MgSO4
brith 34-37w- surveullance
>37w- induce withing 24/48h
Intrapartum care for pre-eclampsia
continuous CTG, BP monitor and continue antihypertensive
if under 160 - every 4h BP
if over 160- every 15mins
Epidural help reduce BP
consider anticonvulstants if previous fits, birth planned in next 24h, foetures of severe -preeclampsia prevsent
give IV MgSO4 (reverse with calcium glucoronate)
antihypertensives- IV labetalol
steroids if <34w and birth in next 7 days
Avoid ergometrine
Postnatal care for pre-eclampsia
Dsicahrge criteria-
no sx of pre-eclampsia
BP under 150
BT stable or imrpooving
monitor bp 4x a day inpatient, every other day if outpatient
until achieved- 1 per week
wean HTN
follow up plan to have for frequency, threshholds, safegauarding
Breastfeed- avoid dirutetic,
no ARB/ACE/Amlodipine
safe-labetalol, nifedipine,
Aetiology of pre-eclampsia
Impaired throphoblastic invasion of spiral arteries-
impaired invasion -> high resistance
Low flow-poor perfusion
Placenta release factors -> promote systemic effects
Oedema, proteinura, endoethelial damage (platelet use), elevated liver enzymes (HELPP)
vasospasn, cerebral oedema -> eclampsia