Praetor 500 Limitation Flash Cards
Approximate (L x W x H):
Width (Wingspan):
Praetor 500
- Approximate (L x W x H) ……… 65’x70’x21’
- Length …………………. 64’ 7”/19.68 M
- Width (Wingspan) …………. 70’ 6.4”/ 21.5 M
- Height ………………….. 21’ 3”/6.48 M
What is the maximum ramp weight?
37,699 lb (17,100 kg)
What is the maximum takeoff weight?
37,567 lb (17,040 kg)
What is the maximum landing weight?
34,172 lb (15,500 kg)
What is the maximum zero fuel weight?
25,959 lb (11,775 kg)
What is the minimum runway width?
52’5” (15.98M)
What is the Limitation for the Cabin Interior Doors?
Must be secured OPEN, for Taxi, Takeoff, and Landing.
The Divan seats cannot be occupied by who during taxi, takeoff and landing?
- A Child Under 15 Years Old,
- An Adult holding an infant (even with a lap belt), or
- Somone with shoulder height shorter than the backrest height.
What is the maxium weight in the Forward Cabinet?
88 lbs
What is the Maximum Weight for the Internal Stowage Compartment?
330 lbs
What is the Maximum Cargo Compartment Weight?
880 lbs
What is the Operational Envelope
(Minimum/Maximum Airport Pressure Altitude)
For Takeoff/Landing without HALTO
(High Altitude Operation) ?
-1,000 ft Minimum
9,600 ft Maximum
What is the Maximum Crosswind for a Contaminated Runway?
Contaminated Runway - 20 kt
Compacted Snow - 20 kt
Wet Ice - 15 kt
What is the Maximum Tailwind Component for Takeoff and Landing?
10 kts
What is the Maximum Operating Altitude?
45,000 ft
What are the Maneuvering Load Factors?
Flaps Up +2.5g (-1.0g)
Flaps Down +2.0g (0g)
What is the Minimum Temperature for Takeoff and Landing?
-40 deg C
What is the Maximum Runway Slope for Takeoff and Landing ?
+/- 2 %
What is the Turbulent Air Penetration Speed for:
Above 10,000 ft
Below 10,000 ft
Above 10,000 ft (265 kias/.77M whichever is lower)
Below 10,000 ft 230 kias
What is the Maximum Operating Speed?
Above 10,000 ft - .83M, or 320kts
Below 10,000 ft - 300kts
What is the Maximum Maneuvering Speed (Va) up to FL200
205 kias
When must the Pilot’s foldable tables be folded?
During taxi, takeoff, and landing
What are the Maximum Flap Extended Speeds - Vfe ?
Flaps 1 - 210 kias
Flaps 2 - 185 kias
Flaps 3 - 185 kias
Flaps Full - 170 kias
What is the Maximum Altitude for Flaps Extended?
20,000 ft
What is the Autopilot Minimum Engagement Height?
400 ft AGL
What is the Autopilot Minimum Use Height?
With Vertical Path Reference - 80 ft
Without Vertical Path Reference - 180 ft
When planning to land autothrottle engaged, add ____ to Vref and Multiply the Unfactored Landing Distance by____ .
When planning to land autothrottle engaged, add
5 kias to Vref and Multiply the Unfactored Landing Distance
by 1.1.
Where does the SPD knob need to be set prior to takeoff?
When may the SPD knob be set to FMS?
After retracting the flaps
Does the FMS provide OEI FMS speeds or driftdown altitudes?
The metered cargo fire bottle provides either ____ or ____ minutes of extinguishing agent and can be found on a placard located ____.
78 or 110, in the cargo compartment
What is the maximum tire ground speed?
182 kts
What is the maximum speed for extending and retracting the landing gear (Vlo)?
250 kias
What is the maximum speed for flying with the landing gear extended (Vle)?
250 kias
When must the AUTOBRAKE be set to OFF?
For Emergency and Abnormal Procedures.
What are the APU start attempt limits?
Up to Three Consecutive Unsuccessful Start Attempts are Allowed,
With 30 second intervals between attempts.
What is the APU maximum start altitude?
31,000 ft
What is the maximum altitude at which the APU can provide bleed air for an in-flight assisted engine start?
23,000 ft
What is the maximum altitude that the APU can provide air for the ECS?
20,000 ft
What is the maximum ITT for ground start?
650 deg C
What is the maximum TO/GA thrust time for AEO? For OEI?
AEO: 5 minutes
OEI: 10 minutes
What are the oil temperature limits?
15 - 138 deg C
What is the minimum oil temp for engine start?
-40 deg C
What are the recommended maximum thrust settings if the oil temperature is below 15 deg C?
Between 5 deg C and 15 deg C, not above Maximum Continuous Thrust,
and between - 40 deg C and 5 deg C, not above Ground Idle Thrust.
What is the Maximum Crosswind Component for takeoff ?
Note: For Takeoff with Crosswind Components Above ____ kts, the
N1 is Limited to ____% Maximum with Speeds Below ____ kias.
Do not Stabilize N1 between ____% and ____% in Crosswinds
Above ____ kts.
35 kts
Note: For Takeoff with Crosswind Components Above 25 kts, the
N1 is Limited to 80% Maximum with Speeds Below 40 kias.
Do not Stabilize N1 between 45% and 70% in Crosswinds
Above 25 kts.
What are the recommended maximum time allowed for starting and motoring?
After reaching the ____ minutes of accumulated time or ____ cycles (whichever occurs first), combining consecutive engine start and motoring, ____ minutes of cool down time is required prior to additional engine start or motoring.
5 minutes
After reaching the 5 minutes of accumulated time or 3 cycles
(whichever occurs first),
combining consecutive engine start and motoring, 15 minutes of cool down time is required prior to additional engine start or motoring.
What is the maximum number of consecutive engine start cycles?
After reaching the ____ minutes of accumulated time or ____ cycles (whichever occurs first), combining consecutive engine start and motoring, ____ minutes of cool down time is required prior to additional engine start or motoring.
3 cycles
After reaching the 5 minutes of accumulated time or 3 cycles
(whichever occurs first),
combining consecutive engine start and motoring, 15 minutes of cool down time is required prior to additional engine start or motoring.
What is the maximum engine starting duty time?
80 seconds
Upon landing, thrust reversers should be stowed at what KIAS?
40 kias
Is backing up the airplane with thrust reversers allowed?
No, it is Prohibited.
When may icing conditions exist?
Whenever OAT on the ground or for takeoff (or TAT in flight)
is 10 deg C or below and visible moisture in any form is present.
Is takeoff with frost, ice, snow or slush adhering to the wings, control surfaces or other critical surfaces allowed?
No, it is Prohibited.
What is the single bleed anti-ice operational ceiling?
20,000 ft
What is the total fuel capacity?
13,146 lbs
What is the total usable fuel?
13,058 lbs
What is the maximum fuel tank temperature for takeoff?
52 deg C (125.6 deg F)
When must the FUEL XFEED Knob be set to OFF?
During Takeoff, Go-Around, and Landing.
What is the maximum normal differential pressure?
For a 6000 ft cabin: 9.64 psid
For a 5800 ft cabin: 9.73 psid
What is the maximum differential overpressure?
10.4 psid
Give the maximum differential negative pressure allowable?
-0.5 psi
What is the maximum cabin pressure differential permitted for taxi, takeoff, or landing?
0.2 psi