Legacy 500 Landing Gear and Brakes RKA Questions Flashcards
What does pulling the LANDING GEAR FREE FALL LEVER do?
- Relieves the Hydraulic Pressure in the Landing Gear lines
- Mechanically Releases the Uplock Hooks for all the landing gear (AOM 9-13-30)
What does it mean when the LANDING GEAR POSITION INDICATIONS turn to Red Icons?
That more than 20 seconds has passed since a discrepancy has been detected between the landing gear lever position and the actual landing gear position
(AOM 9-13-30)
If the Parking Brake is not fully released in flight, what CAS message will be displayed?
- An amber PARK BRAKE NOT REL CAS message
(AOM 9-13-30)
Where can the Emergency/Park brake Accumulator pressure and the brake temperature indications be seen?
On the STATUS synoptic pages
(AOM 9-13-30)
How long can the light on the STEERING button and the STEERING DISC CAS message take to go OFF after the first engagement of the nose wheel steering?
Up to 2 seconds
(AOM 9-13-30)
Which Steering Switch has Priority for safe operation on the ground?
- The External
When will the GREEN TOWING ALLOWED light in the **External Steering Panel illuminate?
When the external STEERING DISENGAGE switch is in the DISENGAGE position and the Parking Brake is not applied
(AOM 9-13-30)
How far should the airplane be towed slowly in a straight line before turning?
(AOM 3-01-75)
When should the DN LCK REL (downlock release) button be used?
Only in the event of a Landing Gear Control Lever Failure, when it is necessary to Clear Obstacles
(AOM 9-13-50)
What type of brake system is on the aircraft?
(AOM 9-13-60)
During normal operations, what does the Brake Control Unit (BCU) provide?
- Locked wheel protection
- Anti-skid protection
- Gear Retract Braking
- Gear Extension Test
- Touchdown protection
- Brake Temperature monitoring
- Autobrake (optional)
Mnemonic Trigger:
*Anti-Skid/Autobrake, Locked Wheel Protection, Gear EXTENSION TEST, Gear Retract Braking, Touch-Down Protection, Brake Temperature Monitoring
(AOM 9-13-60)
Where can the Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS) information be found and what does it provide?
- On the STATUS synoptic page; brake temperature status on the synoptic page
- Brake Overheat Warning on the EICAS
(AOM 9-13-60)
Where must the Brake Temperature Indication be prior to takeoff?
In the Green Range
(AOM 3-15)
What are the (2) Different Modes of AUTOBRAKE Control?
- Landing mode (LO, MED, HI)
- (RTO) Rejected Takeoff Mode
(AOM 9-13-60)
What kind of pressure will Autobrake in the RTO Mode apply?
A brake pressure equivalent to MAXIMUM Manual Braking
(AOM 9-13-60)
When will Autobrake Applications Begin on Landing?
Autobrake application will start:
- 1 second after WOW
- Thrust Lever Signal at Idle
(AOM 9-13-60)
Is Antiskid Protection available while braking with the Emergency/Parking Brake?
(AOM 9-13-60)
What handle position is used when using the Emergency/Parking brake as a Parking Prake?
The handle must be Pulled until it locks at the Full Up position (AOM 9-13-60)
Where can the Emergency/Parking Brake handle be set to as a reference for Emergency Braking?
To the Intermediate Position (First detent)
(AOM 9-13-60)
How can the Emergency/Parking Brake be Modulated?
By Keeping The Release Button Pressed
(AOM 9-13-60)
How many Full Applications/How Many Hours of parking do the Emergency/Parking Brake Accumulators provide?
6 applications or 16 hours
(AOM 9-13-60)
When the Airplane is Airborne, is the Steering System Engaged?
No, it will be automatically disengaged
(AOM 9-13-70)
What is the Maximum range that the Nose Wheel can turn in Free-Wheel steering mode?
± 170 degrees
(AOM 9-13-70)
List the steering angles and associated speed with nose wheel steering engaged:
- ±62 degrees up to 10 kts
- Decreasing linearly to ±8 degrees at 25 kts
- ±3 degrees at 68 kts (AOM 9-13-70)
What airspeed is Vlo?
250 kts
(AOM 2-10)
What airspeed is Vle?
250 kts
(AOM 2-10)
When must AUTOBRAKE be set to OFF?
For Emergency and Abnormal Procedures
(AOM 2-49)