Practice Test 2 Kaplans PRN Flashcards
What is homans sign?
What disease is it associated with?
Homans sign is pain in the calf with Dorsiflexion
Thrombophlebitis: Swelling of vein due to Thrombus aka blood clot
After right total hip arthroplasty which statement demonstrates understanding
- I can bend over to pick up something on the floor
- I should not cross my ankles when sitting on a chair
- I need to lie on my stomach when sleeping in bed
- I should spread my knees apart to put on my shoes
- I should not cross my ankles when sitting on a chair - leg is in adduction posistion NOT wanted
- I can bend over to pick up something on the floor - Flexion Not allowed post arthroplasty
- I need to lie on my stomach when sleeping in bed- Prone posistion doesn’t help
- I should spread my knees apart to put on my shoes - Abduction not wanted
After a right total hip arthroplasty a client may not adduction legs
No crossing at knees or ankles
Knees must be separated
No flexion beyond ___°
Which client is most important to recieve medication on time
- Myasthenia gravis receiving pyridostigmine bromide
- Bipolar recieving Lithium carbonate
- TB receiving isonicotinic acid hydrazide
- Parkinsons receiving levodopa
- Myasthenia gravis receiving pyridostigmine bromide - increases Acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction
Early administración can precipitate cholinergic crisis
Late administración can precipitate myasthenic crisis
- Bipolar recieving Lithium carbonate (Target level about 1ish, 2 is too high)
- TB receiving isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Once daily med)
- Parkinsons receiving levodopa
(Restores dopamine levels in extrapyramidal centers. Sudden withdrawal can cause parkinsonian crisis - adminster pyrostigmine bromide
School aged child has been recieving hemodyalisis for the past 3 years. Which milestone of personality development may be affected?
- Intimacy
- Trust
- Industry
- Identify
- Industry 6 - 12 years old. Aspires to be best, learn social skills, finish tasks
Erik Eriksons Stages
I. Intimacy young adult 20 - 40 sexual and loving relationships. Alternative Isolation
- Trust. Infancy caregiver meeting basic needs
- Identity teenager peer group. Alternative role diffusion
Extrapyrmidal (impaired motor control, usually referable to dysfunction of the basal ganglia)
Motor Restlessness
muscle quivering, restlessness, and inability to sit still
Extrapyrmidal (impaired motor control, usually referable to dysfunction of the basal ganglia)
Type of medication S&S are associated with?
Type of disorder medication is associated with?
Involuntary jerking of muscles acute muscular rigidness
dopamine antagonists, usually antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs,
Control psychosis, especially schizophrenia.
Extrapyrmidal (impaired motor control, usually referable to dysfunction of the basal ganglia)
Tardive dyskinesia
Types of medications associated with?
Type of disorder medication is associated with?
Abnormal movement of lips, jaw, tongue
Dopamine antagonists, usually antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs,
Control psychosis, especially schizophrenia.
Haloperidol is which type of medication.
Used to treat?
Psychosis, schizophrenia
Schizophrenic client receives 5mg Haloperidol tid. 2 days later they complain of tight jaw and stiff neck.
The nurse recognizes these symptoms to be
- Common side effects of the therapy that will disappear overtime
- Early symptoms of extrapyrmidal reactions to the medication
- Psychosomatic symptoms resulting from a delusional system
- Permanent side effects associated with haloperidol therapy
- Early symptoms of extrapyrmidal reactions to the medication - dystonic reaction ( involuntary muscle contractions that can lead to abnormal movements or postures) airway may become obstructed
Gastric tube feeding residual should be checked every ___
With HOB in this posistion
When should feeding be stopped
4 hrs
HOB >30°
Stop feeding if residual is >50% of volume fed over last hour
Where is edema most likely in an immobilized patient?
- Abdomen
- Feet & Ankles
- Fingers & wrist
- Sacrum
- Sacrum. Due to gravity and pooling an immobilized patient will see edema in sacral area
- Feet and ankles is most likely in a client who is mobile or sitting up
1 day old infant is taken home from the hospital. Nurse discusses the test for phenylketonuria (PKU). Teaching should be based on an understanding that the test is most reliable under which circumstances?
- After source of protein has been ingested
- After the meconium has been excreted
- After danger if hyperbilirubinemia has passed
- After effects of delivery have subsided
- After source of protein has been ingested- recommended to be preformed in hospital & repeated in 3 weeks.
PKU genetic disorder in liver enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Body can’t metabolize essential amino acid phenylalanine- allowing phenyl acids to accumulate in the blood. Can cause intellectual disabilities
Seen in infants
PKU genetic disorder in liver enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase.
Body can’t metabolize essential amino acid phenylalanine- allowing phenyl acids to accumulate in the blood.
Can cause intellectual disabilities
Name test to screen for PKU
Test: Guthrie - Heel prick
Treatment: avoid foods with complete proteins
“Racing” heart beat
peripheral edema
Diminished pulses
Decreased Capillary refill
MI, Heart failure, Pulmonary embolism
Chest pain / Jaw pain
Clammy skin, diaphoresis
MI, Heart failure, Pulmonary embolism
Sharp chest pain, SOB, dry cough
MI, Heart failure, Pulmonary embolism
“Racing” heart beat
peripheral edema
Diminished pulses
Decreased Capillary refill
Heart failure
Chest pain / Jaw pain
Clammy skin, diaphoresis
Sharp chest pain, SOB, dry cough
Pulmonary embolism
RhoGAM shot is used for RH ( + OR - ) mother’s who are carrying a RH ( + or - ) fetus.
RhoGAM prevents the mother from making antibodies that will attack the fetus.
The antibodies will not attack first baby but the subsequent ones due to the time it takes to become Sensitized
Mother Rh -
Fetus Rh +
RhoGAM is used in Rh ( - or + ) mother’s who are carry Rh ( - or + ) fetus
Mother Rh -
Fetus Rh +
Shot given about 28th week
Prevents mother from making antibodies which will attack subsequent fetuses
Difference between Hypovolemic Shock & Cardiogenic shock?
What is neurogenic shock
Hypovolemic = from loss of blood (Stab, MVA)
Cardiogenic = decrease in cardio output (HF, MI, Cardiac dysfunction)
Neurogenic shock = Low BP & Cardiac output from spine injury
Medication management for Acute Asthma Attack
Inhaled bronchodilators: SABA (short-acting beta² agonist) GIVE FIRST & WAIT 5 MINUTES
Exp. Albuterol ( -rol )
Oral corticosteroids (give 2nd)
Medication of choice for anaphylaxic reaction
IM Epinephrine
Patient has Curtains falling across field of vision problem, black spots / flashes of light what is the problem?
Type of treatment?
Nursing responsibilities after treatment?
Detached retina
Nurse responsibility: check eye patch for drainage, posistion with eye in dependent posistion, no rapid eye movements (sewing, reading),