Practice paper 1 Flashcards
Which endocrine gland regulates the immune system?
Thymus gland
Four minerals crucial for fluid balance ?
Na, Ca, Mg, K
What is the starting dosage when recommending B vitamin complex?
Therapeutic. 50mg - 300mg.
Which B vitamin helps with iron absorption and give its full name?
B12. Cobalamin. Helps the utilisation of iron in the body.
B9. Folic acid is a carbon carrier in the formation of Heam- iron containing protein found in Hb, necessary for formation of RBCs
Briefly describe Herrings Law of Cure the 2nd part. Describe the order in which these organs clear.
- Hering’s second law states that, as healing progresses, symptoms appear and disappear in the reverse of their original chronological order of appearance. Homeopaths have consistently observed that their patients re-experience symptoms from past conditions.
Name three foods that have high levels of Iron ?
Leafy green vegetables, Red meat, Liver Nuts Beans (kidneys, chickpeas) Dried fruit
Name three foods that have high levels of vitamin D ?
Breakfast cereals, Dairy Egg yolks, Red meat, Oily fish.
Name 5 grains that contain gluten?
Wheat, Barley, Rye, Quinoa, rice.
Name three oils that just have omega 3 ?
Flaxseed oil,
Rapeseed oil,
Walnut oil
Describe the ingredients you need for prostaglandin production ?
B complex, Vit C,D,E, Zinc, Mg, Omega 6 and 9.
Prostaglandins are produced following the sequential oxygenation of arachidonic acid, DGLA or EPA by cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) and terminal prostaglandin synthases.
When the body is functioning normally, baseline levels of prostaglandins are produced by the action of cyclooxygenase-1. When the body is injured (or inflammation occurs in any area of the body), cyclooxygenase-2 is activated and produces extra prostaglandins, which help the body to respond to the injury.
Name three symptoms of lack of essential fats ?
Weight problems. Depression PMT Dry skin Low energy Addictive behaviours and sugar craving Low energy Eczema/psoriasis.
Name 3 symptoms of gluten intolerance?
Bloating, diarrhoea, Abdo pain, Skin signs
Name the five elements and the organs associated with those elements ?
Wood: Liver and gall bladder.
Earth: Stomach and spleen.
Metal: Lungs, colon, skin
Water: Kidney, bladder, bones and endocrine system.
Fire: Heart and small intestine.
Which positive and negative state of mind is associated with the Water element?
Water: Positive: Courage and strength of will
Negative: Fear and anxiety
Wood: Negative- Anger.
Positive: When balanced allows good planning, organisation. Flexibility and strength.
Fire: Happiness.
Earth: Sympathy and worry.
Positive: Sympathy and empathy when in balance.
Negative: If depleted in spleen energy causes excess worry.
Metal: Grief. Imbalance causes feeling of being cut off from the rest of the world. When balanced we are assertive, focussed and intellectually sharp.
What is the smell that relates to the Fire element ?
Fire: Burning Wood: Goaty Earth: Fragrant Metal: Rank Water: Rotten.
Which element related to empathy or Sympathy ?
Wood: Anger Fire: Happiness Earth: Sympathy/worry Metal: Grief Water: Fear/anxiety
What happens in the body on a full moon in cancer ?
A time for peace, quiet, and safety. The Moon in Cancer has ~healing potential~. Your emotions and sensitivity run deep, so connect with family, spruce up your home, or just chill.
Aries moon- Head nose and jaw. Creativity and inspiration.
Taurus moon- Throat, lymphatic system and teeth. Self expression and speaking the truth,
Gemini moon - Shoulders, hands and wrists. Dreaming and self nurturing
Pisces moon- Feet, ankles, the whole system. Spiritual connection and emotional depth.
Cancer moon- Liver, gall bladder and stomach. Being at home in your body, love and self
Leo- Heart, small intestine and circulation. Open hearted, love for others, love of self
Virgo moon- Digestive system, spleen and pancreas. Self respect and self worth.
Libra moon- Kidneys, bladder and adrenals. Beauty and wisdom.
Scorpio. Ovaries, prostate and reproductive system. Connected with sexuality and passion.
Sagittarius- Thighs, knees and calves. Open mindedness and speaking the truth.
Capricorn- Legs, lower half of mind and body. Taking life serious and grounding.
Aquarius- lower legs, emotional and mental state. Lightening up and ability to laugh at yourself.
What happens in the body on a new moon eclipse ?
During a lunar eclipse, Earth comes between the sun and the moon, blocking the sunlight falling on the moon. Earth’s shadow covers all or part of the lunar surface.
Lunar Eclipses open a window into yourself, the part that you don’t show to the world, the emotional and deepest part of your psyche.
Name the endocrine gland dealing with calcium ?
Why do we need B5 ?
Stimulates the adrenal glands and increases production of cortisone and other adrenal hormones.
Important for health skin and nerves.
Release of energy. Synthesis of cholesterol, steroids and FA.
B1 - Convert food to energy. Glucose metabolism. Key for nerve, muscle and heart function.
B2- Cell growth and function. Supports the nervous system. Energy metabolism.
B3- Energy release in tissues and cells. Key for normal growth and healthy skin. Helps maintain nervous and digestive systems.
B5- Release energy from food and contributes to reduction in tiredness and fatigue by stimulating adrenals
B6- Produce RBCs. Assists the body in protein metabolism
B9- Works with B12 for healthy RBCs. Good in pregnancy.
B12- Energy production, functioning of nervous and immune systems and RBC production.
What is manganese good for ?
Essential for formation and integrity of connective tissue and bone, sex hormone production and cell function. Antioxidant.
Calcium: Growth and structural integrity of bones and teeth. Nerve conduction, muscle contraction and relaxation.
Chromium: Carbohydrate metabolism and fat metabolism. Increases effectiveness of insulin.
Copper: Essential for RBC production, pigmentation and bone health.
Iron: Production of Hb in RBCs and myoglobin in skeletal muscle and enzymes that participate in metabolism.
Magnesium: Essential for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction and relaxation.
Phosphorus: Essential for metabolism and bone development. Involved in most biochemical reactions in the body.
Potassium: Nerve impulse conduction. Fluid balance and normal heart function.
Selenium: Antioxidant. Works with vitamin E to reduce oxidation damage to tissues.
Choline: Coenzyme. Utilisation of fats and cholesterol in the body. Initial emulsification of fats allowing them to be properly digested. Health of liver and kidneys and myelin sheaths.
Important in transmission of nerve impulses.
What does breast milk contain ?
Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria.
IgA immunoglobulin.
Other: protein, carbs, hormones etc.
Three symptoms of gluten intolerance ?
Diarrhoea, Bloating, Abdo pain, skin rash
Describe the 1st stage of treatment when working with a patient?
The first stage of naturopathic approach is hydration.
Average adult dosage is 4 pints/day. Best quality water is from Spring source.
PH 7 and above best for body therefore add lemon/ lime or himalayan rock salt with minerals.
Linseeds are antiinflammatory
What use does the pituitary gland have ?
Production of hormones that interact with organs to regulate and maintain body.
Three symptoms of mercury toxicity ?
Deteriorates nervous system
Impairs hearing, speech, vision and gait
Involuntary muscle movements
Corrodes skin and mucous membranes
Short name for B6 ?
Which type of choline works on the kidneys?
In the liver and kidney, choline is oxidized to betaine.
The body needs choline to synthesize phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, two major phospholipids vital for cell membranes. Therefore, all plant and animal cells need choline to preserve their structural integrity [1,2]. In addition, choline is needed to produce acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for memory, mood, muscle control, and other brain and nervous system functions [1-3]. Choline also plays important roles in modulating gene expression, cell membrane signaling, lipid transport and metabolism, and early brain development
Name the mineral that can help with skin, growth and hormones?
Why is lecithin good ?
Lecithin describes a group of fatty substances found in plant and animal tissues. Lecithin is essential for proper biological function.
Although lecithin occurs naturally in many foods, lecithin supplements are typically derived from eggs, soy, or sunflower seeds. Lecithin is also obtained from canola, cottonseed, or animal fats.
Cholesterol reduction - inc HDL and lower LDL
Improved immune function
Better digestion. Reduces inflammation helping with IBD and protecting GI tract.
Enhanced cognitive function - plays a role in brain development and may improve memory.
Lecithin is a precursor for choline therefor can help with Alzheimer’s
As a breast feeding aid. Can reduce development of mastitis and clogged breast ducts.
Other: Improves heart health. Soothes and moisturizes skin.