Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Sentence Builder 2 Flashcards
The boy will buy this book for his father.
El chico comprará ese libro a su padre.
The Internet offers opportunities to our students.
El Internet ofrece oportunidades a nuestros estudiantes.
The stock market decreased the wealth for the investors.
La bolsa de valores disminuyó el capital a los invesores.
The stock market
La bolsa de valores
decreased (past tense verb)
the wealth
el capital
Dr. Benítez prescribed an antibiotic for his patient.
El doctor Benítez recetó un antibiótico a su paciente.
to prescribe (a medicine)
patient (of a doctor’s)
it’s your turn
te toca a ti
the politicians
los políticos
to write, to edit, to compose
the journalists wrote good news
los periodistas redactan noticias buenas
the vendors back up their products
los vendedores respaldan sus productos