Practice Exam 1 Flashcards
Female is sexually receptive
Motion Parallax
Depth perception cue- during movement, when objects that are closer appear to move
Token Economies
Operant: give tokens for appropriate behavior
Contingency management
Stimulus control and positive reinforcement
MMPI based on a clinical population
CPI based on a normal population
Two-point threshold vs. JND
Amount of distance between two pins necessary for it to be a distinct sensation
Amount of change necessary to predict a difference in the stimuli
Least accepted of Freud’s theories
Death wish (thanatos)
Barnum Effect
Agree with personality interpretations that are given
Smooth movements and balance
Base-rate fallacy
Ignore the former and focus on the latter. Not considering prior experience.
Gestalt Psych
Perception and perception of wholes
Consummatory stimulus
Satisfaction of a drive
Goodenough Draw-A-Person Test
Cross-cultural test of child ability to draw a person
Behavioral protocol expected in certain situations
Math technique for arriving at a solution to a problem
Thinking about thinking
Tendency to stay focused on certain thoughts for prolonged periods of time (schizophrenia)
Autokinetic effect
Stationary light seems to move in a dark room.
Sherif conformity studies
Most resistant to extinction
Variable ratio (VR)
Faster to process words or faces?
4 Units of Language
Phonology, Semantics, Syntax, Pragmatics
Tachistoscopic display
Play the tone 1 second after the letter vanishes, since it’s still in sensory memory
Clustering vs Chunking
Organize items into conceptually-related categories (clustering)
Eidetic memory
Photographic memory
Frequency theory vs place theory
Frequency- frequency at which basilar membrane vibrates as a whole determines pitch
Place- location on basilar membrane determines perceived pitch
Feature detectors
Present in visual and auditory modalities
Afferent vs Efferent
Afferent: sensory systems
Efferent: motor skills
Master gland
Uncovering and discharge of repressed emotion
Limbic system is closely associated with…
Smell (olfaction)
Phi phenomenon
Optical illusion of perceiving a series of still images, when viewed in rapid succession, as continuous motion.
Drive reduction
Psychoanalytic theory
Balance vs. Imbalance
Balance: 2 - and 1 + or all +
Imbalance: 2 + and 1 - or all -
Equity Theory
Expect to be rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad behavior
Equity Theory
Expect to be rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad behavior
Reaction formation
Psychoanalysis- defense mechanism where patient responds with opposite reaction from what he feels