What is the aim of the cognitive practical
Investigate whether short term memory encodes acoustically similar words better or acoustically dissimilar words better
What is the one tailed hypothesis of ur cognitive practical
Ppts should recall more acoustic dissimilar words than order than acoustically similar in order for the word list
Procedure for cognitive practical
Ppts gave informed consent
Each word from the word list was displayed for 3 seconds
Using an independent groups design
Words were then shown in jumbled order
Ppts would need to write down the words in order of showing
What was the analysis for cognitive practical
Mann whitney U
Calculated value 25.5 greater than the critical value 21 we accept the null
Meaning that no difference between as and ads words
Strength of cognitive practical
Standardised tasks
2 words lists given to ppts
Told to recall the order of words
Each word displayed for 3 seconds
Each word is equally common in language
Recall ability mainly affected by the acoustics of word list
Weakness of the cognitive practical
Different testing conditions
Some ppts were tested in bedrooms and some in living rooms
Differing levels of distraction and noise
Therefore environmental factors may affect the recall ability not just acoustics
Improvement of cognitive practical 1
Use the same environment
By using a room with nothing in it and no body who will be a distraction
Ensures that the recall ability of word list are not influence by environment
Improvement of cognitive 2
Use ppts of the same age
Get ppl of the same age and compare results
As ppl who are older might have a worse memory compared to younger ppl
This ensures the recall ability of word list are not based in age difference
What is the aim of ur social practical
Investigate whether age affects obedience
Scenario of social practical
You and your friends are laughing and making noise at a restaurant. The manager comes over and asks you to quiet down
How was obedience measured
2 open questions
2 closed questions
2 rank scale questions
I.e scale 1 -5 how likely are you to quiet down
What was the sampling method
Opportunity sampling
5 adults and 5 teens sent questionnaire via snap or email
What were the themes found
Responsibility in adults
Lack of integrity in transmission
Average Obedience score in adults and teens
8.7 adults
7.8 teens
Adults are more obedient than teenagers
Strength of social practical
Variety of questions
Used distraction question to decrease demand characteristics
More honest answers higher mundane realism
Weakness for social practical
Analysis of open question
Identified theme of responsibility myself
By finding codes and categories in qualitative data
I.e would you continue to make noise or not
I could have misinterpreted the meaning of the phrases my ppts wrote down about obedience