Practical lab classes-breathing Flashcards
What is tidal volume?
The amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs with every respiratory cycle
What is inspiratory reserve volume?
The additional air that could be inspired at the end of a normal/tidal inspiration
What is expiratory reserve volume?
The additional air (above tidal volume) that could be expired at the end of a normal expiration
What is vital capacity?
The volume of exhaled air after a maximal inhalation
What can be added together to calculate vital capacity?
Inspiraory reserve volume, tidal volume and expiratory reserve volume
What is IRV?
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
What is TV?
Tidal Volume
What is ERV?
Expiratory reserve volume
What is VC?
Vital capacity
What is residual volume?
The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal forceful expiration
What are the two types of spirometry tests?
Forced vital capacity and maximum volunrary ventilation
What is MVV (abbreviation)?
Maximal Voluntary Ventilation
What is MVV (definition)?
Maximum volume of air that can be moved by voluntary effort in one minute
What is PEF (abbreviation)?
Peak expiratory flow
What does RV mean?
Residual volume
What do the results of a flow flow volume loop contain?
What does total lung capacity equal?
How is a forced vital capacity test done?
Maximum inhalation, insert mouthpiece, maximum forceful inhalation for 6 sec then a big breath in
How is a MVV done?
Maximally breathe in and out for 15 seconds with a mouthpiece in
What is the MVV of males?
What is the MVV of females?
60-160 L/min
What are douglas bags used for?
Collecting expired air at rest or at key stages during exercise
What gas is higher in concentration in expired air than inspired air?
What gas is lower in concentration in expired air than inspired air?
What is Boyle’s law?
Pressure is inversely proportional to volume (of gases)
What is Charles’ law?
Temperature is proportional to volume (of gases)
What effect does temperature have on gas pressure due to water vapour?
It causes the gas pressure to increases as the temp increases
What is ATPS?
Ambient Temperature and Pressure Saturated with Water Vapour
What is SWVP?
Saturated Water Vapour Pressure
What is STPD?
Standard Temperature and Pressure for a Dry Gas
What is the Haldane Transformation?
The assumption that only O2 and CO2 are exchanged in the lungs
What is assumes about non O2/CO2 gases in the Haldane Transformation?
They have the same volume in both inspiratory and expiratory gases
What is the haldane transformation use to caculate?
VI from VE
What property does N2 have that means the mass inspired is the same as expired?
It is metabolically inert
What is FIN2 in the haldane transformation?
Fraction inspired nitrogen
What is VI in the haldane transformation?
Total volume inspired
What is FEN2 in the haldane transformation?
Fraction expired nitrogen
What is VE in the haldane transformation?
Total volume expired
How can N2% be calculated for the haldane transformation?