practical 3 motor pathways W3 Flashcards
frontal lobe - motor structures?
primary motor cortex (pre-central gyrus)
pre-motor cortex (anterior to primary motor cortex)
Broca’s area (motor control of speech)
which hemisphere is Broca’s area predominantly located?
dominant hemisphere (usually left)
which region of the primary motor cortex gives rise to the upper motor neurons concerned with cortico-bulbar projections?
inferior lateral
which region of the primary motor cortex gives rise to the upper motor neurons concerned with cortico-spinal projections?
superior medial
corona radiata?
contains projection fibres passing down from the cortical surface into the internal capsule
where in the internal capsule are the corticospinal and corticobulbar fibres located?
posterior limb of the internal capsule
corticospinal: near retrolenticular region
corticobulbar: nearer genu
corticospinal pathway?
->primary motor cortex
->corona radiata
->internal capsule
->crus cerebri
->decussation of the pyramid
->lateral corticospinal tract
->ventral horn
where are the cell bodies of the upper motor neurons in the corticospinal tract primarily located?
principally in the primary motor cortex
where are the cell bodies of lower motor neurons located?
in ventral grey horn of the spinal cord (axons exit spinal cord in ventral root and merge with dorsal root to form a mixed spinal nerve)
what happens to the majority of descending cortico-spinal motor axons at the decussation of the pyramids?
the cross to the contralateral side
location of crus cerebri?
large ventral/lateral structure in midbrain
location of pyramids of the medulla?
medial ventral columns in medulla.
how to identify decussation of the pyramids on an isolated brainstem?
area of pyramids where the ventral median fissure is obscured.
on a cross section, large area of crossing fibres between pyramids
approximate location of lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts in spinal cord cross sections?
lateral: lateral to dorsal horn
medial: along ventral median fissure
main difference between lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts?
lateral: decussated in medulla
ventral: ipsilateral, will decussate in spinal cord close to vertebral level where target lower motor neurons are located