Practical 1: Tissues/Labeling Flashcards
Lamellar corpuscle
Lateral nail fold
Free edge of nail
Nail plate
Proximal nail fold
Nail root
Nail matrix
Nail bed
Phalanx (bone of finger tip)
Top –> bottom
stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale
dermal papillae
hair root
sebaceous gland
hair follicle
arrector pili
eccrine sweat gland
Hair bulb
sensory nerve fiber
Hair matrix
Hair papilla
Proximal epiphysis
distal epiphysis
epiphysis line
spongy bone
medullary cavity
articular cartilage
yellow bone
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Cartilage -> Elastic; maintains shape while allowing flexibility
Location: external ear
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Cartilage -> Hyaline; supports and reinforces, resists compressive stress
Location: costal cartilage of ribs, cartilage of nose
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Blood; transport of nutrients, gases, wastes
Location: within the blood vessels
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium; clear debris, secrete substances
Location: Upper respiratory tract, trachea.
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Simple squamous epithelium; facilitates diffusion and filtration
Location: Air sacs of lungs
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Simple cuboidal epithelium; secretion and absorption
Location: Kidney tubules
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Simple columnar epithelium; absorption; secretion of mucus. can be ciliated or non-ciliated.
Location: nonciliated -> digestive tract; ciliated -> small bronchi
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Stratified squamous epithelium; protects underlying tissues in areas subjected to abrasion
Location: linings of esophagus (nonkeratinized); epidermis (keratinized)
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Stratified cuboidal epithelium; Protection
Location: ducts of sweat glands
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Stratified columnar epithelium; protection, secretion
Location -> Male urethra
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Stratified columnar epithelium; protection, secretion
Location -> Male urethra
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Transitional epithelium; stretches and permits distension
Location: Lining of urinary bladder.
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Areolar connective tissue, loose; wraps and cushions organs
Location: Packaging of organs
Identify tissue, list function and location.
loose connective tissue, adipose; insulation, reserve fuel
Location: Under skin, within abdomen
Identify tissue, list function and location.
loose connective tissue, reticular; forms soft internal skeleton to support other cell types
Location: Lymphoid organs
Identify tissue, list function and location.
loose connective tissue, reticular; forms soft internal skeleton to support other cell types
Location: Lymphoid organs
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Dense connective tissue, elastic; maintains pulsatile flow of blood through arteries
Location: walls of large arteries
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Dense connective tissue; provides structural strength
Location: dermis of skin
Identify tissue, list function and location.
dense connective tissue, regular: attaches muscle to bones
Location: Tendons
Identify tissue, list function and location.
dense connective tissue, regular: attaches muscle to bones
Location: Tendons
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Fibrocartilage; tensile strength with the ability to withhold compressive shock
Location: intervertebral discs
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Bone (osseous tissue), support and protection
Location: Bones
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Nervous tissue; transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors and effectors
Location: Brain
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Skeletal muscle: voluntary movement
Location; in skeletal muscles attached to bones
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Cardiac muscle: involuntary control
Location: Heart wall
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Cardiac muscle: involuntary control
Location: Heart wall
Identify tissue, list function and location.
Smooth muscle: propel substances along internal passageways
Location: walls of hollow organs
What are the 4 key features of anatomical position?
- Body erect
- Arms hanging at sides, palms facing forward
- Feet slightly apart, toes pointed forward
- Thumbs pointing away from body
What is the fifth stratum of the epidermis that is found in palms and soles of feet?
Stratum lucidum