Appendicular Skeleton Anatomy Flashcards
Acromial end of clavicle
Sternal end of clavicle
Conoid tubercle of clavicle
Acromion of right scapula
Acromion of right scapula
Coracoid process of right scapula
Glenoid cavity of scapula
Suprascapular notch of scapula
Coracoid process of scapula
suprascapular notch of scapula
Greater tubercle of humerus
Greater tubercle of humerus
Lesser tubercle of humerus
Head of humerus
Radial groove of humerus
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Coronoid fossa of humerus
Olecranon fossa of humerus
Radial fossa of humerus
Medial epicondyle
Lateral epicondyle
Trochlea of humerus
Head of radius
Radial tuberosity of radius
Styloid process of radius
Ulnar notch of radius
Olecranon of ulna
Trochlear notch of ulna
Coronoid process of ulna
Radial notch of ulna
Head of the ulna
Styloid process of ulna
Head of femur
Fovea capitis of femur
Neck of femur
Greater trochanter of femur
Lesser trochanter of femur
Linea aspera of femur
Lateral epicondyle of femur
Medial epicondyle of femur
Lateral condyle of femur
Medial condyle of femur
Lateral condyle of tibia
Medial condyle of tibia
Tibial tuberosity
Medial malleolus of tibia
Head of fibula
Lateral malleolus of fibula
Calcaneus of tarsals
Talus of tarsals