Pracres Reviewer Flashcards
Types of Qualitative Research
- Case study
- Ethnography
- Historical study
- Phenomenology
- Grounded theory
Is a word which means a plan or something that is conceptualized by the mind.
design in the field of research serves as a blueprint or a skeletal framework of your research study
Involves planning the methods or techniques in collecting and analyzing data
Types of Qualitative Research
To do a research study based on this research design is to describe a person, a thing, or any creature on Earth for the purpose of explaining the reasons behind the nature of its existence.
Case study
To determine why such an individual or an object acts, behaves, occurs, or exists in a particular manner. Usually, centers on an individual or single subject matter.
Case study
Methods of collecting data in case study?
involves a study of a certain cultural group or organization in which you, the researcher, to obtain knowledge about the characteristics, organizational set-up, and relationships of the group members, must necessarily involve you in their group activities.
It requires your actual participation in the group member’s activities while a case study treats you, the researcher, as an outsider whose role is just to observe the group.
This design will require you to live with the subjects.
Allows you to determine the reasons for changes or permanence of things in the physical world in a certain period, e.g., years, decades, or centuries.
Historical study
It refers to the study as time of changes is not a time shorter differs from other research designs because of this one element that is peculiar to it, the scope.
Historical study
Historical Study
Methods of collecting data:
Biography / autobiography reading Documentary Analysis, and chronicling activities. Questionnaire
is something you experience on Earth as a person.
It is a sensory experience that makes you perceive or understand things that natuarally occur in your life., such as death, joy, friendship, caregiving, defeat, victory and the like.
qualitative research design finds itself relevant or useful to people such as teacher, nurses, guidance councelors, and the like, whose work entails giving physical and emotional assistance or relief to people.
Ways to collect data: phenomenology
Unstructured interview is what this research design directs you to use in collecting data
This research design aims to develop a theory that will increase your understanding of something in psycho social context.
Grounded theory
Such study enables you to develop theories to explain sociologically and psychologically influenced phenomena for proper identification of a certain educational process.
Grounded theory
Grounded Theory
A return to the previous data to validate the new theory is a ZIGZAG sampling. Data is collected through;
Semi- structured interview
analysis of written works, notes, phone calls, meeting, proceedings, and training sessions
Purposes of citation
To give importance and respect to other people for what they know about the field
To give authority, validity, and credibility to other people’s claims, conclusions, and arguments.
To prove you with broad and extensive reading of authentic and relevant materials about your topic
To help readers find or contact the sources of ideas easily
To permit readers find or contact the sources of ideas easily
To save yourself with plagiaris
of Citation
Integral citation
Non integral citation
Referring to the author whose ideas appear in your work. It expresses the author’s attitude, stand, or opinion in relation to the information referred to.
What kind of style of citation
Integral citation
It uses active verbs like claim, assert, state, etc.
What kind of style of citation?
Integral citation
Types of integral citation
One study by Manalo (2020) reveals…
Th latest work by (Lee, 2010) asserts…
According to Abad et al. (2015) context is…
One study by (Manalo (2020)
Th latest work by (Lee 2010)
According to (Abad et al. 2015)
What kind of integral citation?
The stress is given to the piece of information rather than to the owner of the ideas
What kind of style of citation?
Non- integral citation
The Code of Ethics for intercultural Competence give four ways by which people from different cultural background can harmoniously relate themselves with one another (De la Cruz, 2015). What kind of style of citation?
Non integral citation
Patterns of Citation
1 Summary
2 Paraphrase
3 Short direct quotation
5. Tense of verbs for reporting
The citation in this case is a shortened version of the original text that is expressed in your own language. Making the text short, you have to pick out only the most important ideas or aspects of the text.
This is the antithesis of Summary because, here, instead of shortening the form of the text, you explain what the text means to you using your own words.
Only a part of the author’s sentence, the whole sentence, or several sentences, not exceeding 40 words, is what you can quote or repeat in writing through citation pattern.
Short direct quotation
This citation pattern makes you copy the author’s exact words numbering from 40 up to 100 words. Under APA, the Limit is eight lines. Placed at the center of the page with no indention, the copied lines look like they compose a stanza of a poem.
Long direct quotation
Active verbs are eff words to use in reporting author’s ideas. Present their ideas in any of these tenses: present, simple past, or present perfect tense.
Tense of Verbs for Reporting
is an act of quoting or copying the exact words of the writer and passing the quoted words off as your own.
is a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate with the
subjects of your research.
Two types of observation
Participant and non participant
Fancy word for written or spoken language or debate
● Involves analysis of the USE of LANGUAGE in conversation and speech within the culture and society it takes. What kind of wualitative data analysis?
Discourse analysis