Pracres observation, Interview And Data Analysis Flashcards
This is a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch interact or communicate with the subjects of your research?
Types of participation
Participation Observation
Non-participation Observation
The observer/ researcher takes part in the activities of the individuals or group being observed.
Participant observation
This type of observation completely detaches you from the target of your observation. Just watch look and learn
Non-participant Observation
Methods of observation
Direct and indirect observation
This observation method allows you to see or listen to everything that happens in the area of observation. Ex classroom, court, etc.
Direct observation
This method of observation also called behavioral archaeology- involves observing traces of past events to get info about the trait, quality or behavior of your subj
Indirect observation
Methods of indirect observation
Continuous monitoring
Spot sampling
This indirect method you observe to evaluate the way people deal with one another. Ex family homes, clasrrom, shopping malls, etc
Continuous monitoring
Advantages of observing
Give 3
It uses simple data collection technique and data recording method
It offers fresh and firsthand knowledge that will help you come out with an easy understanding and deep reflection of the data
It is quite valuable in research studies about organizationd that consider the researcher a part of such entity
Disadvantage of observation
Requires a long time for planning
Engrossed in participating in the subjects activities, may neglect the prinary role of the research
Prone to hearing derigatory statements that will lead to your biased stand toward other group members
It is data gathering technique that allows communicating verbally woth participants, to ask questions about your research study.
Interview that requires an interview schedule or list of questions with only one answer.
Structures interview
Type of interview, the respondents answer the questions based on what they personally think about the question.
Unstructured interview
Type of interview, you prepare a schedule or list of questions accompanied by a list of answers that participants can choose from. Have both types
Semi-structured interview
Type of interview that makes the participants tell stories about their life.
Narrative interview
This type of interview the paticipants tell stories about theor life in a chronological order
Biographic interview
This type of interview, lets the participant link his stock knowledge with world perceptions
Episodic interview
This type of interview that seeks to collect particular information about an individual
In-depth interview
Individual, group and mediated interview
Only one respondent is interviewd
Individual interview
Ypu ask questions to a group of people at the same time
Group interview
This interview takes place through electronic communication devices.
Mediated interview
Steps in conductin inteview
1 Getting to know each other
2. Having an idea of the research
3. Starting the interview
4. Conducting the interview proper
5. Putting an end to the interview
6. Pondering over interview afterthoughts
A paper containing a list of questions invluding specific place and space where you write the answers to the questions
Purpose of questionnaire
Discover people’s thoughts and feelings about the topic of the research
To assist in conducting an effective ftf interview
Help plan how to obtain and record the answer to the questions
Make analysis,recording and coding data easier and faster
Types of questionnaires
Postal and self-administered
This type of questionnaire goes to the respondents through postal service or electronic mail.
Postal questionnaire
This kind of questionnaire makes you act as the interviewer and interviewee at the same time. Writing down answers of respondent
Self-administered questionnaire
Advantages of questionnaire
Entails an easy distribution to respondents
Offers more opportunity for respondents to ponder about their responses
Capacity to elicit genuine answers from the respondents
Disadvantage- basahin mo nlng
a qualitataive data technique that makes the researchers examine textual components of a reading material.
Content analysis
Approaches of qualitative content analysis
Conventional content analysis
Directed content analysis
Summative content analysis
The data for examination and categorization directly come from the material subjected to analysis
Conventional content analysis
The study of the texts is based on a theory or research relevant to the research.
Directed content analysis
The analysis and classification depends on the influences concealed by texts
Summative content analysis
Based on actual and natural dividion of texts in the reading material such as the separation of parts of a newspaper or a book. What categorization?
Physical unit
Separation of structures(words,sentences,paragraphs) based on the author’s choice. What categorization?
Syntatical unit
Based on one’s values, attitudes, preferences or priorities. What kind of categorization?
Referential unit
Breakind down of text parts to discover concealed inferences. What kind of categorization?
Propositional unit
This is giving a unit or a category a sign or symbol such as a number to represent a unit or class. What is stated?
Coding and coding frame
Two approaches in coding?
Emergent coding
Priori coding
If categorization takes place after the examination of data. What kind of approach in coding?
Emergent coding
If categorization happens prior to a theoretical based examination of data
Priori coding
Content analysis procedure
- Read the text well
- Understand the notes and list them based on a certain idea to descrive each group
- Group the listed words based on a certain idea to describe each group
- Determine which categories have related or unrelated features and which make up the major and minor category.
- Find out the similarities between major and minor category
- Apply the preceding steps 1-5 to every copy
- Consolidate all categories and examine their relationship
- Review the grouping of texts to determine the accuracy of categorization
- Review the grouping of texts to determine the accuracy of categorization
- Make sure that the categorized texts are really the oned needing categorization in the original text
is when you take your textual data and break it up into discrete parts. What kind of coding?
Open coding
is when you draw connections between your codes. What kind of code?
Axial coding
coding is when you select one central category that connects all the codes from your analysis and captures the essence of your research. What kind of coding?
Selective coding
This is the crucial aspect of the
qualitative data analysis process.
This is the process of organizing and sequencing your data so you can arrive to your
analysis, resolution and draw conclusion.
Is a way of bringing together the coded data This is also to give data an orderly appearance and presentation. You can put the data in a graph, specifically a table of responses.
Also used to name the table of responses
It consists of table of cases and their associated variables
Data matrix
TWO Types of Data Matrix:
Profile matrix
Proximity matrix
shows measurements of variables or factors for a set of cases or
respondents. What type of matrix
Profile matrix
indicates of similarities and
differences between items. What kind of matrix?
Proximity matrix
can be useful for finding out about people’s experiences, views, and opinions. What kind of analysis?
Thematic analysis
5 Simple Steps in Qualitative Data Analysis
STEP 1: Read and understand your data
STEP 2: Review your research questions, research aims, objectives and your statement of the problem. STEP 3: Choose the right Method of qualitative data analysis
STEP 4: Coding Process
STEP 5: Drawing conclusions
Primary Aim In Analyzing Recorded Data
To find out if they exist or operate to give answers to the research questions you raised prior to your acts of collecting them.
Process of understanding data of known facts or assumptions serving as the basis of any claims or conclusions you have about something.
Data analysis
Defined as the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, manuscripts, observation notes, or other non-textual materials that the researcher accumulated to increase the understanding of the phenomenon.
Data analysis
The Six Methods of Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Content Analysis
Narrative Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Thematic Analysis
Grounded Theory
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)
Can be in a form of: Interview transcripts Documents Open-ended survey responses
Can involve interpretation of: Images, Visuals. What kind of qualitative data analysis?
Qualitative data analysis
This is focused on words, descriptions, concepts, or ideas. What kind of data?
This is more focused on numbers and statistics. What kind of data?
Frequency is key
● Patterns of deeper understanding,
interpretations by identifying phrases and
● You must have a clear research questions
before you start your analysis
● Large amount of text
What kind of qualitative data analysis?
Qualitative content analysis
Fancy word for written or spoken language or debate
● Involves analysis of the USE of LANGUAGE in conversation and speech within the culture and society it takes. What kind of qualitative data analysis?
Discourse analysis
This analysis looks at patterns of meaning in a data set, takes bodies of data and groups them according to similarities. What kind of qualitative data analysis?
Thematic analysis
A powerful qualitative analysis method where intention is to create a new theory using the data at hand , through a series of “tests” and “revisions” what kind of qualitative data analysis?
Grounded theory
Designed to help understand the personal experiences of a subject concerning a major life event, an experience or a situation. What kind of qualitative data analysis?
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)