Oralcom Reviewer Flashcards
Locutionary acts
Illocutionary acts
Perlocutionary acts
uttering a certain sentence with a certain meaning in a traditional sense; utter and meaning.
o The room is dark. What kind of act?
Locutionary acts
the speaker has control.
o It’s so dark in the room. What kind of acts?
Illocutionary acts
the result or the action.
o The action you’ll do, maybe open the lights. What kind of acts?
Perlocutionary acts
Communication strategies
- Message abandonment
- Topic Avoidance
- Circumlocution
- Approximation
- Use of all-purpose words
- Word Coinage
- Literal Translation
- Foreignizing
- Code switching
- Appeal for help
- Use of fillers
Conitive Factors of Informal Discussions
Identify and articulate objectives
Create an inclusive environment
Plan ahead by asking the right questions
Provide direction and maintain focus
Bring closure
Make sure the purpose of the discussion is clear to all participants and then form your plan
Make sure that all the members understand the goals
What kind of cognitive factor in informal discussion?
Identify and articulate objectives
Treat groupmates with respect and consideration and don’t play favorites by letting only a few dominate the discussion.
Don’t exclude others from understanding the context of the discussion or make them feel uncomfortable.
Don’t use disrespectful language (verbal or nonverbal)
What kind cognitive factor in informal discussion?
Create an inclusive environment
By asking the right questions depending on your purpose, members can be eased into a prodductive discussion. What kind of cognitive factor in informal discussion?
Plan ahead by asking the right questions
Discussion tend to be most productive when all the members of the group are clearly focused.
Summarize key issues occasionally as you go and refocus attention. What kind of cognitive factor in informal discussions?
Provide direction and maintain focus
Synthesizing the discussion is a critical step.
It allows everyone to see the progress done toward meeting the discussion goals.
What kind of cognitive factor in informal discussion?
Bring closure
Follows a fixed order of business. It is the best way to get things done.
Formal discussion
Parts of formal discussion
Call to order
Roll call
Reading of minutes
Officers’ or committee reports
Special orders
Unfinished business
New business
Members express themselves by moving motions, what are the parts in moving motions?
Call to order
second motions
Debate motions
Vote on motions
A signal that the meeting is about to begin by the president. What part of parliamentary procedure?
Call to order
An attendance sheet done by the secretary, what part of parliamentary procedure?
Roll call
to save time, the minutes may be circulated beforehand for corrections, comments, and
approval done by the secretary. What part of the parliamentary procedure?
Reading of the minutes
as needed or if part of the agenda.
Standing – long term.
Special – short term.
What part of parliamentary procedure?
Officers’ or committe reports
important business previously designated for consideration at the meeting. What part of parliamentary procedure?
Special orders
matter that need to be decided on. What part of parliamentary procedure?
Unfinished business
Issues that are up for discussions. What kind of parliamentary procedure?
New business
Reminders or matter that everyone needs to know. What part of parliamentary discussion?
Formal closing of the meeting. What part of the parliamentary procedure?
Used to put the discussion back on track. What part of the parliamentary procedure?
Call to order
To approve a motion that has been moved. What kind of parliamentary procedure?
Second Motions
To give isues to be discussed. What part of parliamentary procedure?
Debate motions
To register approval or dissent on a motion. What kind of parliamentary procedure?
Vote on motions
Wait until the last speaker had finished.
o Rise or raise your hand and address the chairperson as
“Mr./Ms. Chairperson or Mr./Ms. President” o Wait until the chairperson recognizes you.
What part of presenting motions?
Obtaining the floor
Speak in a clear and concise manner.
o Always state a motion affirmatively. Say “I move that we…”
o Avoid personalities, explain clearly, and stay on your subject.
Waiting for someone to second your motion
What part of presenting motions?
Making your motions
The time for you to speak in favor of your motion.
o The mover is always allowed to speak first.
o Keep t the time limit for speaking.
o The mover may speak again only after other speakers are
finished, unless called upon by the chairperson.
o The chairperson asks, “Are you ready to vote on the question?’ o If there is no more discussion, a vote is taken.
o Alternatively, a motion to move the previous question may be adapted. What part of presenting motions?
Expanding on your motion and putting question to membership
the chairperson asks those in favor to say, “aye,” those opposed to say “no.” Any member may move for an exact count. What type of voting in motion?
By voice