PR Sample Test Notes Flashcards
PSYCH: Primacy vs Recency Effect
Primacy Effect: being able to recall things earliest in the list
Recency Effect: Superior free recall performance for last few items on list
Define Proactive interference
Proactive interference: interference of information from long term memory with new information
Define Meritocracy
Meritocracy: refers to rewards given according to individual talent or effort
Define Social reproduction
Social reproduction: the perpetuation of inequalities through social institutions (reproducing social inequality throughout generations)
Define Intergenerational mobility
Intergenerational mobility- change in social status across generations
Internal vs external locus of control
internal locus of control: attributing an outcome to personal trait
External locus of control: attributing an outcome to external situational factors (like poor family)
What is institutional discrimination?
Institutional Discrimination: describes the different treatment of sociodemographic groups that is due to institutional policies.
what is social stratification?
Social stratification: the objective social hierarchy in society
Define Cultural Relativism
Cultural Relativism: evaluation of another culture, where that other culture’s standards (norms/values) and rather than own’s cultural standards
What is confirmation bias?
Confirmation Bias: the tendency to confirm existing beliefs both in search of evidence and interaction of evidence.
How does sociology define an organization? What is an example of organizational change?
Sociologists define the word organization as a relatively formal group with identifiable membership that engages in concreted action to achieve a common purpose
ex of organizational change would be development of pediatric subspecialty of child abuse pediatricians (describes org change )
Describe what occurs in the phenomenon called group polarization
group polarization: refers to phenomenon in which people who are in agreement to get together with each other to discuss an issue and their views get more extreme
Define the theory symbolic interactionism
Symbolic interactionism: a theory that examines the patterns and meanings of social interactions (ex: Norms and values)
Define conflict theory
Conflict theory: pays attention to differences across social groups in power and status. The theory focuses on structural differences among groups.
What is confirmation and assimilation?
Conformity- following the norms of the group
assimilation– adopting the norms of a new culture
What is group think?
Group think: Theory that promotes group cohesion and consensus (agreement) rather than dissent (having your own opinion)
What is anomie?
Anomie- refers to the lack of attachment to social norms, which can result in a breakdown in the connection between individuals and their community.
What is theory of Gardener’s eight intelligences?
Gardener’s eight intelligences: theory that says people don’t just have intellectual intelligence, but also different forms of intelligence (musical, linguistic, visuospatial, etc)
Differentiate between operant and classical conditioning
Operant conditioning - (B.F. Skinner) encouraging or discouraging a specific behavior using reinforcement (positive, negative reinforcement or punishment) Classical condition (pavlov)- associating previously neutral stimuli with unconditional stimuli to produce a new learned response (conditioned response)
What is latent learning?
Latent learning- refers to acquiring a behavioral response in absence of reinforcement
what are extrinsic motivators?
Extrinsic motivators: describes behavior that is driven due to external rewards