PPH Flashcards
what is it?
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is defined as blood loss of > 500 ml after a vaginal delivery and may be primary or secondary.
when does primary PPH occur?
within 24 hours.
what are the causes of primary PPH?
what are TF for primary PPH?
previous PPH
prolonged labour
increased maternal age
emergency Caesarean section
placenta praevia, placenta accreta
what is PPH mx- ABC?
two peripheral cannulae, 14 gauge
lie the woman flat
bloods including group and save
commence warmed crystalloid infusion
what is PPH mx - mechanical?
palpate the uterine fundus and rub it to stimulate contractions (‘rubbing up the fundus’)
catheterisation to prevent bladder distension and monitor urine output
what is PPH mx - medical?
IV oxytocin: slow IV injection followed by an IV infusion
ergometrine slow IV or IM (unless there is a history of hypertension)
carboprost IM (unless there is a history of asthma)
misoprostol sublingual
there is also interest in the role tranexamic acid may play in PPH
what is PPH mx - surgical?
intrauterine balloon tamponade
B-Lynch suture, ligation of the uterine arteries or internal iliac arteries
if severe, uncontrolled haemorrhage then a hysterectomy is sometimes performed as a life-saving procedure
what is the order of PPH mx?
ABC approach
what is secondary PPH?
Secondary PPH occurs between 24 hours - 12 weeks. It is typically due to retained placental tissue or endometritis.