Power & Politics Flashcards
Leadership V Power
Leadership focuses on goal attainment, requires goal compatibility with followers and focuses on influence downwards.
Power is used as a means to achieve a goals, requires followers dependency a dependency of followers and is used to gain lateral and upward influence.
Power is, a capacity to exert ones will via others, power to affect people & things by getting people to carry out ones will.
It can be positive (the form of persuasion, or negative; through control (authority or coercion)
3 process theory
Turner (2005) proposes that the standard theory of power (control of resource - power - influence - psychological group formation) ought be turned upside down.
Power emerges from social relations.
Psychological group formation - influence - persuasion, authority, coercion - power - control of resources.
Positional Power
- Legitimate Power (granted as part of a role)
- Reward Power; (power to reward behaviours and deeds or not)
- Information Power (control over information people require to work)
- Resource dependency (Power over disseminating resources).
Power in Groups
Power lies in where the groups are located. Close to core = more power.
Not as a result of imbalance in exchange.
Reflects structural sources of power beyond division of labour.
Personal Power
-Expert Power; influence gained from specialised knowledge or skills.
-Referent Power; influence through having desirable traits (charisma)
-Prestige Power; influence through having networks & being connected.
Expert and Referent power have positive effects on job satisfaction. Linked strongly
Power Tactics
- Rational Perspectives
- Inspirational Appeals
- Consultation
- Legitimacy
- Personal Appeals
- Ingratiation
- Pressure
- Coalition
first three are most effective.
Sexual Harassment
Any unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an individuals employment and creates a a hostile work environment
“Power in Action”
Political Strategy used to attain a goal.
Political Tactics used to generate power
Functional V Dysfunctional Political Behaviour
Functional political behaviour supports organisational goals where dysfunctional behaviour goes against them
Individual factors contributing to political behaviour.
High self monitoring Internal Locus of control High nAch & nPow Machiavellian tendencies Emotional Insecurity Organisational investment Perceived job alternatives Expectations of success Avoiding Work
Organisational Level factors contributing to political behaviour
Heir-achy (downsizing) Competitive work environment Political behaviour of senior management Low trust Role Ambiguity Subjective performance standards Zero-sum rewards Democratic decision-making High performance pressures Self-serving senior management.
Effects of Dysfunctional Politics
Decreased job satisfaction
Increased anxiety
Reduced performance
Increase in defensive behaviours (avoiding action, blame and change).
Political Skill
-Social Astuteness; read between the lines
-Interpersonal Influence; socially flexibly and able to convince
Networking ability; gain entry into groups creating inherently reciprocal opportunities for others
-Apparent sincerity; impression of openness and honesty.