Leadership Flashcards
Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward an achievement of goals.
Positives of Leadership
- Power & Prestige
- Help others
- High income (maybe)
- Respect & Status
- Opp for advancement
- Being included
- Exert level of control
Constraints of Leadership
- Loneliness
- Uncompensated Overtime
- Stress
- Problems at all times
- Not enough authority
- Politics
- Conflicting goals
- Target for assignations; character, political or actual.
Approaches to Leadership
- Trait theories
- Behavioural Theories
- Contingency Theories
Trait Theories of Leadership
Focus on personal qualities and characteristics which differentiate leaders from non-leaders
-Openness to experience
-Emotional Intelligence (not research much)
Traits can predict leadership but are better at predicting the emergence of leaders than the effectiveness of leaders.
Behavioural Theories
Focus on identifying behaviours which differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Believe leaders can be taught.
Contingency Theories
Includes the role of environment to help understand leadership effectiveness.
- Fiedlers Model
- Situational Leadership Model
- Path Goal Theory
Fiedlers Model
Effectiveness of a leader depends upon having a proper match between leader style and situational control
-Leader Style; LPC; relationship/task oriented.
-Situation; leader-member relations, task structure, position power. Gives 8 types; condensed to three.
Task oriented leaders will be more effective in low or high control control situations. Relationship oriented leaders will be better in moderate control situations
Situational Leadership Model
Focus on match between leader support and employee readiness
- Unable & Unwilling; clear and specific directions
- Unable & Willing; task oriented (to compensate for ability), relationship oriented to get them to ‘buy in’ to leader desires
- Able & Unwilling; supportive and participative
- Able & Willing; not a lot needed
Path Goal Theory
It is a leaders hob to assist followers in attaining goals and to provide the necessary direction/support to ensure goals are compatible with overall objectives of groups/organisations.
Transformational Leadership
Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self interest and who are capable of having profound influence and extra-ordinary effects on followers
- Charismatic
- Double-loop learning
- Makes sub-ordinates aware of personal growth, development and achievements.
Transactional Leadership
Leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements
- Exchange reward for good performance
- Work for pay.
psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have a positive expectation of how things will turn out.
Characteristics which lead to trust
Integrity; honesty, truthfulness
Benevolence; has your interests at heart.
Ability; technical and interpersonal skills and knowledge
Authentic Leadership
Know who they are, what they believe in and value and act on theses values and beliefs openly and candidly. There followers would consider them ethical people.
-Share information
-Encourage open communication
-Stick to ideals
Ethical leaders enrich the autonomy & significance of work which leads to higher performance and effort and citizenship behaviour