Poultry Flashcards
define the following terms:
1. chick
2. poult
3. pullet
4. cockerel
5. hen
6. rooster
7. tom
- very young chicken, usually a broiler
- very young turkey (M or F)
- immature F chicken, usually intended to be kept for breeding
- immature M chicken, usually intended to be kept for breeding
- mature F chicken/turkey, or mature/immature F meat turkey
- mature M chicken
- male turkey, either mature or mature/immature heavy meat-type turkey
Define the following terms:
1. breeder
2. layer
3. broiler
4. primary breeder
- parent stock used to produce offspring for a specific type of production
- egg-type chickens (layer pullet, layer hen/layer)
- meat-type chicken, or a small BW turkey
- company that makes genetic selection decisions regarding their genetic lines
what is retrograde peristalsis and why do birds have this?
peristalsis moves backwards to duodenum from jejunum when bird is hungry, like internal coprophagy
why? adaptation for flight, increased efficiency
mammals have urea, birds have _____
uric acid
the proventriculus and the gizzard perform the same function as the mammal ____.
cloaca = ?
1 hole
receives ureters, digestive tract, repro tract
1 hole for everything
what are the goals for feeding poultry?
meeting nutrient requirements (maintenance, production)
economic efficiency
why do we use phase feeding in poultry nutrition?
nutrient requirements change over time
(genetic selection, within a bird’s lifetime)
Cornish hens:
1) live finishing weight?
2) finishing age?
3) in canada?
4) sex?
1) 1-1.1kg
2) ~25 days
3) minimal production in Canada
4) female
1) sex?
2) live finishing weight?
3) finishing age?
4) in Canada?
1) M and F
2) 1.7-2.5kg
3) ~32-42 days
4) main production category in Canada
1) sex?
2) live finishing weight?
3) live age?
4) in canada?
1) male
2) 3-4.5kg
3) ~50-70 days
4) minimal production in Canada
As broilers age, they deposit proportionally more ____ and less ____. Also, tissue growth differs with age. this is called _____ growth.
broiler nutrition: feed intake _____ with age.
Broilers undergo allometric growth (and probably other chickens tooo lol). tell me the 3 broiler growth phases (and ages!) and why are they important?
- early growth (0-2 weeks)
- skeletal muscle groups (2-5+ weeks)
- sexual maturation (~18 weeks if full-fed)
important bc nutrient requirements change with different phases, they reflect maintenance and composition of tissue growth.
in the early growth stage for broilers, what tissue groups are growing the fastest/most?
intestines, feathers, skeleton
in the skeletal muscle groups broiler growth phase, what tissue groups are growing the fastest/most?
breast muscle, legs, skeleton
at sexual maturation in broilers, there is ____ efficiency because of the energetic cost of fat deposition
(also idk what is meant by efficiency… growth efficiency? feed efficiency? idk the powerpoint didn’t specify lol)
as broiler body weight increases, diet nutrition level percentage _____.
there is an overall _____ in protein and _____ in energy as broilers age.
true or false: the calorie to protein (AA) ratio is important in broiler nutrition
the overall decrease in protein in broiler nutrition as they age is due to ???
lower AA requirements bc of less protein being deposited proportional to BW and increased feed intake
the overall increase in energy in broiler nutrition as they age is due to ????
higher maintenance requirements
don’t want to limit protein deposition
what nutrients change very little with broiler age and species?
Na, K, Cl
what nutrients change substantially with broiler age and species?
AA, Ca, P = decrease
Energy increases
male and female broilers are fed separately (sex-separate feeding). why?
M and F have different growth curves, nutritional requirements, feeding schedule (this is the main difference)
what does it mean when chickens are straight-run?
flocks are mixed-sex (chicks aren’t separated by sex)
what is a broiler breeder?
parents of meat-type chickens
for broiler breeders, males are selected for what? and females are selected for what?
M: growth traits, like growth rate, meat yield, efficiency
F: growth + repro traits, like growth rate, meat yield, efficiency, AND egg laying
true or false: hybrid vigour is used in broilers (they are mix of the best male and female lines)
true or false: broiler breeders have different potential growth rates as offspring
false. they are almost the same
if broiler breeders are fed ad lib, what happens?
they become too heavy to reproduce, skeletal problems, metabolic problems, fertility problems
BW and reproductive fitness are _____ correlated, within limits
true or false: it is important to restrict feed intake of broiler breeders
how should you feed broiler breeders when they’re immature?
full feed for first 2-3 weeks, feed every day for first ~3 weeks with a lower nutrient density feed than for broilers, sexes fed separately
what is the goal of immature broiler breeder feeding after first ~3 weeks? how is this done overall?
maintain uniformity of birds and manage BW
done by skip-a-day feeding, 5/2 feeding, or 4/3 feeding
so like for 5/2 or 4/3 feeding, the schedule repeats weekly and the feeding days are divided among the week
for feeding immature broiler breeders, how common is every day feeding? what does it require?
less common
require close management, plenty of feeder space
for broiler breeders, how do you figure out feed schedule and amount if you don’t feed every day?
calculate amount of feed required per week
divide that amount of feed by the number of days on feed
what is the trend in metabolizable energy, protein, and nutrient intake in broiler breeders as they age?
they stay pretty much the same
what is the most commonly used broiler breeder?
Ross 308
broiler breeders:
what is the difference in tissue growth between starters, growers, and pre layers? like which tissues grow fastest/most at each stage?
starters; digestive tract, feathers, don’t want excessive muscle development
grower: skeletal development, appropriate fat and muscle deposition
pre-lay: repro tract, skeleton
what is the difference b/t broiler Breeder 1 and Breeder 2 + 3 in terms of nutrient use?
generally, protein = albumen, lipid = yolk, and Ca = eggshell
Breeder 2 + 3 have lower egg production and have reduced Ca metabolism
what is the typical broiler breeder diet for Ross 308 cockerels?
starter (0-3 weeks): every day
grower (4-22 weeks): 4/3 or skip a day, or every day
male diet, hen diet, or grower feed (23-65 week): every day
males often fed the same diets as females, bc there are small #s of males in flock
for male broiler breeder diets (Ross 308, 21-64 weeks), tell me the amount of ME, CP, Ca, and P
2600-2800 kcal/kg ME
12-14% CP
0.8% Ca
0.3% P
what ist he goal for feeding mature hen and rooster broiler breeders?
provide nutrients needed for egg production (female) and reproductive activity (female, male)
maintain uniformity of birds
what are some strategies to increase flock uniformity for broiler breeders?
adequate feeder space to reduce competition
feed line speed
grading (pullets) - group birds based on weight, feed separately
spin/scatter feeding
how do you house and feed mature broiler breeders?
sexes housed together
daily feeding, restricted amount
feed in the morning to encourage mixing of sexes
broiler breeders nutrition: sex-separate feeding is utilized. how do you make sure you can separate the feeding for males and females when they are housed together?
male feed line: feeders too high for females to reach
female feed line: feeder openings too narrow for males’ heads
what is the relationship between broiler breeder hens being fed ad libitum and their production of follicles?
those fed ad libitum have abnormally high numbers of large follicles
abnormal ovulation leads to ______ in broiler breeders.
multiple hierarchies
true or false. broiler breeders being fed ad lib interferes with normal egg development
what is the relationship between feed restriction of broiler breeders and egg production?
feed restriction normalizes follicle numbers, which increases egg production
true or false: researchers are beginning to question whether feed restriction of broiler breeders has become too severe
what is the trend in total fat % in broiler breeders as years go on? why is this an issue?
decreases as years go on - because of feed restriction
need adequate fat deposition to reach sexual maturity
what is the relationship between broiler breeder nutrition and hen fertility?
nutrient effects on fertility are thought to be minor
overfeeding can result in obesity –> lowers fertility, less likely to mate
vit/mins have a larger impact on egg production, and if a hen can produce an egg, the egg can probably be fertilized
what are the effects of broiler breeder nutrition on hatchability?
thought to be minor in the absence of deficiencies/toxicities, but birds may becoming more sensitive
higher protein diets may reduce hatchabiliy (AB has a poor hatchability compared to other provinces)
what are the effects of broiler breeder nutrition on chick quality?
there are indirect effects of nutrients on the next generation
what are the effects of nutrition on rooster fertility?
overfeeding can result in obesity –> less likely to mate and decreased sperm production and viability
indirect effects of nutrients on next gen (nutrigenomics)
how do turkeys differ from chickens in terms of carcass composition + growth curve? why does this matter?
turkeys are much leaner, higher carcass protein + water
growth curve is different
this affects how we feed turkeys
true or false: turkey nutrition has similar principles as broiler chicken nutrition
true or false: turkeys are grown to lighter body weights than chickens.
false. they are grown to heavier body weights
true or false: turkeys are grown to an age closer to sexual maturity
true or false: in turkeys, there is a shift towards fat deposition, especially in females
female turkeys are marketed at a _____ age and at a _____ weight than males. what is the consequence of this?
consequence = start to deposit excess fat sooner
what is the trend in turkey feed conversion ratios as turkeys age?
slow increase then at ~13 weeks there is a sharp increase that continues on
tell me the different phases of turkey feeding
starter 1
starter 2
grower 1
grower 2
developer 1
developer 2
finisher 1
finisher 2
as turkeys get older, what is the trend in ME consumed?
as turkeys get older, what is the trend in CP consumed? (including AAs)
as turkeys get older, what is the trend in Ca and P consumed?
for layer pullet nutrition, what are the goals for starter feed?
digestive tract, feather development
appropriate growth rate (more concerned about getting enough growth/feed intake)
for layer pullet nutrition, what are the goals for grower feed?
skeletal development, appropriate fat, muscle deposition
for layer pullet nutrition, what are the goals for pre-lay feed? is this phase always used?
repro tract, skeletal development
not always used (switch to a start lay diet at ~5% production)
for layer pullet nutrition, you need an appropriate body weight, size, and composition _____ sexual maturity
it is important for layer pullet nutrition that the birds have appropriate body weights/sizes/compositions BEFORE sexual maturity. why?
larger early eggs
nutrient reserves
less prone to subsequent problems
when you start a pre-lay diet for a layer pullet, what is important to consider?
the bird should already be at a mature body size
use short feeding times
these diets have too little Ca to support egg production – only use until 5% egg production!
for layer pullet nutrition, what is the trend in ME consumed as the bird ages?
slightly higher for starters, but then the same for the rest of the time
for layer pullet nutrition, what is the trend in CP consumed as the bird ages?
what are the goals of feeding programs for layers from sexual maturity to peak daily egg mass?
produce large numbers of eggs
produce large eggs
during the “sexual maturity to peak daily egg mass” phase of layer feeding, what may happen to feed intake and what’s the consequence?
feed intake may be limiting
nutrient reserves may be decreased during this stage
what are the goals of feeding programs for layers from peak egg mass to end of production?
maintain high numbers of eggs
prevent eggs from becoming too large
in the “peak egg mass to end of production” stage of layer feeding, what do larger eggs mean for nutrient mobilization? what are the consequences?
larger eggs require greater nutrient mobilization per egg
limitations to nutrient absorption, intake less of a problem, shell quality issues
what are the overall laying hen nutrition goals?
maintain body composition, support egg production
as layer hens get older, what is the trend in CP consumed?
in the start lay feeding phase of laying hens, can feed intake be an issue?
in phases 1, 2, and 3 of laying hen nutrition, what do the Ca metabolism, egg production, and body weight look like?
reduced Ca metabolism
lower egg production
gradual increase in BW
for production diets, what should you base nutrient levels on?
expected intake
what is the relationship between expected intake and nutrient concentration?
higher intake = lower nutrient concentration
requirements for amounts of nutrients, not %
for production diets, you usually make phase changes based on … what? how do you show this mathematically?
egg mass output
% egg production x avg egg size = avg daily egg mass
ex. 90% prod x 60 g egg = 54 g/hen/day
true or false: for production diets, we usually reduce content (% of diet) of most nutrients after peak egg mass is reached
true or false: for phase feeding generally, we want to think in terms of what the bird needs – amounts of nutrients per day, not the %s of the diet.
what is the source of information for poultry feeding programs? is it good?
NRC (1994)
its fine, but limited (old, not strain-specific, requirements base don min nutrient levels to achieve a plateau in growth)
apart from the NRC 1994 guide, what other source of information is there for poultry feeding programs? is it good?
primary breeder management guides
good coz strain-specific info, more current, and different performance objectives
what is the definition of a nutrient?
any chemical, element, or compound in the diet that supports normal maintenance of life processes, growth, reproduction, or production of products or work
how are micro minerals and vitamins added to poultry diets?
added as premix to complete diets
what macro minerals are supplemented in poultry diets?
Ca, P, Na, (Cl as NaCl)
available P, not total P
what two main energy sources are used in poultry feed?
wheat - most common on prairies
corn - most common worldwide
for poultry nutrition, what do we want from fat supplements?
small amounts, high energy
what is the world standard protein source for poultry nutrition? what about one that is common on prairies?
soybean meal
canola meal
animal proteins are used in ____ proportions in diets
true or falsE: commercial-type diets are not suitable for backyard flocks
false. they are suitable
true or false: since max productivity is not usually hte goal for backyard flocks, lower dietary nutrient density is generally ok
true or false: chickens are turkeys are herbivores
FALSE! they are omnivores
can poultry forage on a pasture
yes but bare dirt won’t provide the nutrients needed by chickens
what are some synthetic amino acid supplements you can give poultry?
D, L-methionine
L-Lysine HCl
what are some maccromineral supplements used in poultry feed?
Ca, P, Na
what are some important considerations to remember when using vitamin/mineral premixes?
assume no contribution from other ingredients
poultry can tolerate large excesses relative to min requirements (EXCEPT FOR SELENIUM!!!!)
supplement well in excess of requirement
what is a common medication that is added to poultry feed ?
what is the standard poultry diet worldwide?
corn-soy based
what is the standard Western Canada poultry diet?
wheat-soy-canola or wheat-soy
in the US and Canada, what is the trend concerning antibiotics and coccidiostats being added to poultry feed?
being phased out
tell me the 3 forms of feed from smallest particle size to largest
true or false: in commercial production, nutritional deficiencies/toxicities are rare
true or false: if a problem occurs in a commercial production, it is usually quite general
ex. premix not being added
true or false: nutritional deficiencies/toxicities are more common in backyard flocks than in commercial productions
true ro false: signs of deficiency in backyard flocks are usually very general
reduced growth, reduced egg production, reduced hatchability
dietary fat is needed for what in poultry nutrition?
fat-soluble vitamin absorption
what are the fat-soluble vitamins in poultry nutrition? what are the water soluble vitamins?
A, D3, E, K
Thiamine, riboflavin, B6, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, B12, choline