Posterior Points Flashcards
PC 1 (inion)
Location: 1-2 cm inferior to external occipital protuberance, slightly lateral on insertion of semispinalis capitis
Treatment: cradle head, place non monitoring hand on forehead, flex neck to reach position of comfort
PC 1
Location: about 3 cm below inion, 1 cm medial to occipitomastoid suture, press anterior/medial
Treatment: E SARA
PC 2
Location: in main muscle mass about 2-3 cm lateral to midline and just below occiput
Treatment: E SARA
PC 3
Location: inferolateral aspects of C2
Treatment: F SARA (flex to 45)
PC 4-7
Location: inferolateral aspect of spinous processes (named for spinal nerves that exit below the vertebrae)
** PC 5 is actually on C4 SP**
Treatment: E SARA
PC 8
Location: inferolateral aspect of C7 spinous process
Treatment: F SARA or E SARA (depends on patient, try both)
Location of PT 1-12
On spinous process of respective vertebra
Treatment PT 1-6
Patient is prone, arms draped over top of tab,e, doc cups patients chin with one hand and use the other to monitor tender point
Passively extend neck, fine tuning with SARA
Treatment for PT 7-9
Patient is prone, arms draped over top of tab,e, doc cups patients chin with one hand and use the other to monitor tender point (place pillow under chest)
Passively extend neck, fine tuning with SARA
Treatment for PT 10-12
Prone with arms draped over table, pillow under chest, doc stands at side of table and monitors with the other, grasps opposite ASIS
Raise hip to induce extension of lower t spine
PR 1
Location: posterior margin of rib head beneath margin of trapezius
Treatment: seated, doc standing behind, place patients arm on side of dysfunction on students knee. (E STRT)
PR 2
Location: superior surface of angles of ribs, at medial border of scapula, 2.5 inches lateral to midline
Treatment: seated, doc standing behind, arm on side of dysfunction over doc knee. F SARA the torso, then the head
PR 3-6
Location: superior surface of angles of ribs, medical border of scapula, 2.5 inches lateral to midline
Treatment: seated, place arm on side of dysfunction on docs knee SARA the trunk by grasping the shoulder
PL 1-5 SP
Location: midline, on spinous process
Treatment: prone, student standing on same side, extends ipsilateral hip
PL 1-3 TP
Location: respective transverse processes
Treatment: prone, standing on opposite side, extend ipsilateral and rotate toward tender point
Location: superior medial edge of PSIS
Treatment: prone, standing on opposite side, extend ipsilateral and rotate toward tender point
Location: inferior aspect of PSIS
Treatment: prone with this on dysfunctional side suspended over side of table, doc flexes hip and knee to 90, then add adduction and IR
PL 3 lat and PL 4 lat
Location: 3 - 2/3 lateral between PSIS and tensor fascia lata
4 - posterior margin of tensor fascia lata
Treatment for both: prone, stand on whichever side, extend patients ipsilateral hip
High Ilium (HI)
Location: press against lateral aspect of PSIS
Treatment: prone, stand on same side of dysfunction. Monitor TP, extend hip
High Ilium Flair Out (HIFO)
Location: 1.75-0.25 medial to lower edge of PSIS
Treatment: prone, student on whichever side, extends patients ipsilateral leg, then induce adduction and slight ER
Location: 1/2 - 2/3 distance from ILA to greater trochanter
Treatment: prone, student on same side of dysfunction, monitor TP, flex patients leg over table to 135 degrees, abduct and externally rotate
Flair in Sacroiliac (FISI)
Location: 4” below PSIS, slightly lateral
Treatment: prone, side of dysfunction, abducts patients hip, folds leg over table, flexing only enough to allow knee to clear the table and externally rotating (lifting it up)
PS 1 bilateral
Location: 1/2 inch media, to the inferior aspect of the PSIS bilaterally
Treatment: prone, stand on side of patient, apply posterior to anterior pressure diagonally opposite location of TP (opposite ILA)
PS 2-4 midline
Location: midline on sacrum between or below sacral spines
Treatment: prone, stand on side of patient, apply posterior to anterior pressure on midline apex or base of sacrum to produce transverse axis rotation
PS 5 bilateral
Location: 1/4 inch medial and superior to ILA bilaterally
Treatment: prone, stand on side of patient, posterior to anterior pressure diagonally opposite to TP
(If PS 5 is tender on left, apply pressure to right sacral sulcus)