Post midterm Tilapia Flashcards
Euryhaline def’n
tolerate range of salinity
Tilapia: Salinity preferences
- o. mossambicus
- o. areus
- o. niloticus
m: sound in salt water
a: hypersaline pools 41-45%o
n: LEAST TOLERANT can be found in sw. 5-10%
Tilapia: DO preferences
niloticus and mossambicus MAY survive in 0.1ppm
protection oxygen concentration in recirc 4-5ppm
NH3 preferences for tilapia
tolerate unioized [NH3} 2.4ppm
CO2 concentration for tilapia
up to 70ppm
pH and Alkalinity for tilapia
prefer hard alkaline water
CaCO3 >or equal to 150ppm
Feed preferences for tilapia
omnivorous = huge range in diet
table scraps, rice bran, wheat bran, oil seed cakes.
-ideal 24-35% protein.
-often large % is soy meal
Feeding preferences for tilapia
- prefer frequent small meals
- feed at any depth and off bottom
- manual, scatter and demand feeders. high density culture
- floating pellets for surface feeding
- some home mash used. not for cage culture
Tilapia grow out
-extensive culture. feritlize only
semi intensive and semi extensive; fertilize and feed
-intensive, feed only
Extensive culture for tilapia
-small ponds 0.1-2.5ha
usually less than 2 m and commonly 1m deep
ponds should be drainable
stocked at 1-50g
Tilapia: polyculture. name 4 species
i) common carp
ii) grey mullet
iii) grass carp
iv) silver carp
intensive tilapia culture
- indoors, heated water, circular tanks
- often use geothermal water or waste heat
- use depuration tanks