Bass Flashcards
what is the most widely enhanced perciform fish in USA?
bass. hybrids most commonly used.
- all in genus Morone
- Family Moronidae
what are genus Morone fish usually confused with?
Centrarchids, like pumpkin seeds, large and smallmouth bass
what species of Moronidae is european?
Dicentrarchus labrax
Name the four bass that we are covering, including latin names.
Morone saxailus - striped bass
M. chrysops - white bass (not cultured for meat)
M. americana - white perch
M. mississippiensis - yellow bass
Heterosis def’n
hybrid vigour. hybrids do better than the plain species do.
four reasons why Morone spp display heterosis
i. increased survival
ii. higher early growth rates
iii. increased disease resistance
iv. better conversion efficiency (FCR)
name 5 hybrid bass
palmetto - original hybrid. most important
sunshine - reciprocal hybrid. most important
cross what to get a palmetto bass
female striped bass and male white bass.
cross what to get a sunshine bass
female white bass with male striped bass
cross what to get a virginia bass
female striped bass with male white perch
cross what to get a maryland bass
female white perch with male striped bass
cross what to get a paradise bass
female white perch with male yellow bass
name three facts for hybrids
- are intruders morphologically
- have broken stripes
- F2 hybrids possible
Palmetto bass
- most widely used in enhancement
- female str. bass - non-adhesive eggs and large fry. take artemia from start.
- hardier than parent
- grow faster up to 3-4 lbs
- max size 25-30lbs
Sunshine Bass
- most common in commercial culture
- eggs adhesive and must start fry on rotifers
- takes about one month longer in grow out
Striped Bass
- > 100lbs
- only females >20lbs
- range gulf of st. lawrence to N. florida
- introduced to W. coast 1879, range columbia to california
Striped bass: Spawning info
spring spawners -short migration -stocked in FW bodies and resevoirs -complete life cycle in FW -iteroparous, anadromous -females mature in 5-7years males mature in 3 years
Striped bass: eggs
scatter non-adhesive eggs near surface over deep water -fercundity = 15,000 for 1.5females 3,000 000 for 20kg females normal ~ 200,000- 700,000 -egg size 3.3-5.7mm hardened
Striped bass: eggs. Hatch schedule
hatch in 2-3 days
button up 4-5 days later
must have live food. artemis
strictly carnivores. small fish, benthic inverts, annelids.
what type of stomach do striped bass have?
Carnivores. Large stomach and short intestine. Meal feeders.
White bass: general info
- where do they occur
- how long till maturity
- max size
- when spawn
- occur in marine, primarily FW fish
- native to St. lawrence, Mississippi/ohio drainage, south to mexico
- mature at 2-3 years
- max 6lb 13oz
- spring spawners, same time as striped bass
white bass: general info
- what type of eggs
- how many eggs
- what size eggs
- how long incubation
- scatter adhesive eggs over plants
- 1.5kg female 400,000-600,000 eggs
- eggs 2.8-3.1mm
- 2-3 day incubation
Temperature for Morone:
Tolerance, Optimum
T: 15-24
O: 17-19
DO for Morone:
Tolerance, Optimum
T: 4ppm
O: saturated
pH for Morone:
Tolerance, Optimum
T: 6.5-9.0
O: 7.5-8.5
Optimum range for: Ca+2 Salinity NO3 NO2 Unionized NH3 TGP Ns Suspended Solids
Ca+2= 200-250ppm
Sal= 0-5%o
NO3 <80ppm
What type of bass has the biggest problem with broodstock?
what type of bass is difficult to predict ovulation in captivity?
female striped bass
where is the brood held, and fed what?
12’ circulars, fed trout pellets, fresh squid, herring.
what is the PC?
pellet concentration
what is the [PC] for O2?
where do you get white bass brood?
the wild
Brood Capture:
- taken from where
- using what
- spawning grounds
- pounds net, trammel nets, gill nets
what hormones are brood given at capture?
what are the peramitors for truck transport?
O2, Salinity, temperature, CaCl2, Maranil
Pure O2, 5-10%o sal, CaCl2 100ppm, <18*C, Maranil 1/3ppm, 30-45kg/m3
are bass sexually dimorphic?
no, but females have bulging bellies when ripe, and males begin to express milt before females are ripe.
how do you spawn pure striped bass?
manual spawning, tank spawning.
Manual is the only option for hybrids
Describe Tank Spawning for Bass
- easiest, most successful. No staging of females.
- 6-8ft FRP tanks w internal standpipes
- air curtain around screen prevents eggs from being stuck
- 2 males/1 female per tank
- covered tanks, siphon left in to check for eggs and do egg inventory
- sac fry and eggs incubated in tanks then siphoned or netted into pond or aquaria
Manual spawning for bass
-what hormone is given?
LHRHa 5-20 ug/kg male and female
how do you sample eggs for bass?
insert 3mm OD tube or 2mm ID tube 2-3” into female genital opening
- pressure on belly fills tuve
- examine at 30x in ovarian fluid
how to fertilize bass
- hand stripping
- usual precautions (no water, blood, feces, light (critical)
- dry fertilized
- sperm activates with water
- use lots of milt
- add water after stirring
- drain water and put into incubator with NaCl sol, then drain.
- add tannic acid, aerate 10 minutes
how do you incubate bass?
- usually in McDonald Jars
- eggs weigh ~1000/g activated
- 200g/Jar = 200,000/jar
- flow should roll eggs
- incubators drain into aovadia or tanks
what are the eggs like for white bass?
eggs are opaque and adhesive
Early rearing for bass
- sac ry are held in aquaria until button up
- no direct sun
- fry can feed at 5 days post hatch and must feed by 7 days
- OR put button ups into blooming pond with rotifers
what do you feed early reared bass?
- artemia for striped bass and palmetto bass
- rotifer for sunshine and white bass
- need enrichment with omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
highly unsaturated fatty acids
what are the three phases for grow-outs?
semi intensive enhancement and fry for commercial;
phase 1: juves up to 7.5cm 30-60days
Phase 2: juves 7.5-25cm 5-9months after phase 1
phase 3: juves 25 and yearlings
what are the rearing conditions for phase 1 juves?
- 5 - 2.5 acres ~1m deep
- usually drained after harvest, limed.
- for surface water is filtered 250-500u
- removes predacious insects and fish
- ponds filled 5-7 days before fish in and fertilized
- allows rotifers to develop before daphnia and bosmina
- stock at 15-21*C
- DO >or greater than 6ppm
- fertilization and feed rate determined by oxygen
when do you transport your fry to the pond in phase 1?
at night, 5-10 days post hatch.
what is the stocking density for fry in phase 1?
100,000 - 600,000 fry/ha
usually 100,000 - 200,000
how do you do mort checks for bass in phase 1?
i) light: flash light on water at night and count fry seen
ii) caged fry - subsample held and small cages observed
iii) plankton tow: 1mm mesh, specialized distance and count fry
when does feeding begin for bass in phase 1?
- 3cm or greater
- after 3-4weeks
- fed 2-4 times a day
- 1-5lb/acre
- no food in later afternoon
- fish sampled weekly
Harvest for phase 1:
- usually done on cool days
- usually new fw added
- DO’s must be hight
- usually use seine and harvest sump
- fish dip netted out of sump
- transport by truck 7-10%o and pure oxygen, CaCl2 @ 100ppm
- inventory = weight method
Phase 2: describe
- same size ponds as phase 1
- ponds filled, not fertilized
- phase 1 fish are graded into ponds
- mort usually float 1-2 days for inventory
stocking density for phase 2
for small fish up to 15cm -25-50,000/acre for bigger fish up to 25cm -10-15,000/acre density controls size as food is limited
how to feed fish in phase 2
trout or striped bass food
- usually use floating pellets
- 1st month 15-25% bw/d
- after 2-3weeks food is decreased to 3% bw/d
- initially fed 3-4x/day, later 2x/day
- CE=1.5-3.0
how often do you sample phase 2 fish?
monthly, less in summer
-fish 15cm individual sample
why do you sample fish >15cm individually?
spine damage
growth rate for phase 2 fish
- can reach 100g in 150days at modest density
- can double at lower densities
- fish released or put into phase 3
Phase 3 general info:
- commercial culture only
- sometimes ponds or recirc
- fry purchased. cold banking.
- most go to restaurants
- target wt. 500-700g
what is cold banking?
holding fry at low temp and limited food to produce fish year round