Post-Fermentation Adjustments Flashcards
Which elements of a wine can be adjusted post-fermentation?
- acidity
- tannins
- abv
- color
- sugar
How should a winemaker approach post-fermentation adjustments?
Winemakers should aim to only make small adjustments post-fermentation, in order to not upset the balance of the wine.
How can a winemaker remove alcohol post-fermentation?
- adding water (where permitted)
- reverse osmosis
- spinning cone
How does reverse osmosis work, and what are the drawbacks?
A form of cross-flow filtration removing flavorless components (water and alcohol mixture). The alcohol is distilled from the mixture, and the water is added back into the original wine.
Drawback: expensive
How does the spinning cone work, and what is the drawback?
Spinning cone extracts aroma compounds, then removes the alcohol. Aroma compounds are blended back into the wine.
Drawback: expensive
How can winemakers adjust the color of the wine?
Reduction of unwanted color: fining
Increase of color intensity: addition of small amounts of a day, megapurple