Possible Questions Flashcards
Compare the similarities and differences between Orthodox and Reform Judaism.
- Similarities: Both believe in the Torah, observe Jewish holidays, and uphold ethical values.
- Differences: Orthodox Judaism adheres strictly to traditional practices and laws, while Reform Judaism emphasizes modern interpretations and flexibility in observance.
What are the main differences between Eastern and Western Faiths?
- Eastern Faiths (e.g., Hinduism, Buddhism): Often polytheistic, emphasize karma, reincarnation, and meditation.
- Western Faiths (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam): Typically monotheistic, emphasize faith in one God, prophetic traditions, and moral teachings.
Explain the 5 pillars of the Islamic Faith
- Shahadah: Statement of faith
- There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of God.
- Salat: Prayer
- Muslims pray 5 times a day and always facing Mecca.
- Zakat: Giving to charity
- Money is seen a something that should be used for good purposes. Muslims must give a percentage to charity (2.5%).
- Sawm: Fasting
- Muslims choose to not eat during daylight hours for the month of Ramadan. This shows sacrifice and commitment, and enables Muslims to feel closer to Allah.
- Hajj: Pillgrimage
- Hajj is a pilgrimage that Muslims must go on before they die as it is the 5th and final pillar. Makah (Mecca) is in one of the holiest Muslim places there is for Muslims in Saudi Arabia. They travel to see and touch the kabah.
Explain the role of the early Christian church using St. Peter and St. Paul and how the Roman Empire treated the early Christians.
St. Peter and St. Paul were pivotal in spreading Christianity and establishing early Christian communities. Peter is often considered the first Pope, leading the church in Rome, while Paul extensively evangelized among Gentiles. Initially, the Roman Empire persecuted Christians, viewing them as a threat to Roman religious and social order.
Constantine legalised Christianity in 313 AD. Explain his contribution to Christianity and the importance of the Nicene Creed.
Constantine’s Edict of Milan in 313 AD granted religious tolerance to Christians, allowing the faith to flourish without persecution. His support led to the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, where the Nicene Creed was formulated, establishing foundational Christian doctrines about the nature of the Trinity and countering heresies.
Why did the Council of Jerusalem separate Judaism and Christianity?
The Council of Jerusalem (circa 50 AD) decided that Gentile converts to Christianity did not need to follow Jewish law, such as circumcision. This decision marked a significant divergence between Judaism and Christianity, allowing the latter to develop its own identity distinct from Jewish traditions.
Why did Martin Luther and his followers split from the Catholic Church? How are Catholic and Protestant beliefs similar and different?
Martin Luther and his followers split from the Catholic Church primarily due to disagreements over practices like the sale of indulgences and the authority of the Pope. Protestants emphasize “sola scriptura” (scripture alone) and “sola fide” (faith alone) for salvation, differing from Catholicism’s emphasis on tradition and sacraments. Both share core Christian beliefs in Jesus Christ as savior and the importance of the Bible.
How did St. Paul and St. Peter contribute to early Christianity?
- St. Peter: First leader of the early church, foundational in establishing it in Jerusalem and Rome.
- St. Paul: Expanded Christianity among Gentiles through missionary journeys and epistles, shaping its theology and practice.
Explain how reincarnation is supposed to work using the terms, moksha, samsara, atman, karma, dharma, and nirvana (Buddhism only). How is meditation different from Buddhists and Hindus?
In Hinduism, the atman (soul) undergoes samsara (cycle of rebirth) influenced by karma (actions). Moksha (liberation) is achieved by fulfilling one’s dharma (duty), ending the cycle. In Buddhism, samsara also involves rebirth, but nirvana (enlightenment) is the cessation of desire and suffering. Buddhist meditation focuses on mindfulness and insight, while Hindu meditation often aims at realizing the unity of atman with Brahman.
Describe the purpose of a Puja ceremony, a Bar Mitzvah and Buddhist meditation.
A Puja ceremony in Hinduism is a ritual to honor deities, involving offerings and prayers. A Bar Mitzvah in Judaism marks a boy’s coming of age at 13, signifying his responsibility to observe commandments. Buddhist meditation aims to develop mindfulness, concentration, and insight, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Retell the life of Siddartha Gautama. What 2 extreme lifestyles did he have and how did it lead him to understanding the middle path.
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was born a prince and initially lived a life of luxury. He then adopted extreme asceticism, nearly starving himself in pursuit of enlightenment. Realizing neither extreme led to true understanding, he developed the Middle Path, a balanced approach to spiritual practice.
What is the Christian Creed, the Jewish Shma and the Muslim Shahada.
The Christian Creed, such as the Nicene Creed, summarizes core Christian beliefs about the Trinity and salvation. The Jewish Shema is a declaration of the oneness of God: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” The Muslim Shahada is the Islamic declaration of faith: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet.”
Retell the important parts of Abraham and why is he important to Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Abraham is pivotal for his covenant with God, promising numerous descendants and land. In Judaism, he is the patriarch of the Israelites. In Christianity, he exemplifies faith and obedience. In Islam, he is a prophet and a model of monotheism and submission to Allah, fathering Ishmael, ancestor of Muhammad.
What is the caste system and how is it supposed to help a Hindu understand their role in society. Did Buddha agree with this? Why or why not?
The caste system organizes society into hierarchical groups, each with specific duties (dharma). It aims to maintain social order and spiritual progression. Buddha rejected the caste system, teaching that enlightenment is attainable by anyone, regardless of social status.
Tell the story about the life of Mohammad and try to use the following terms: Gabriel, Quran, Allah, Hegira, Mecca, Medina, Kaaba.
Muhammad, born in Mecca, received revelations from the angel Gabriel, compiled in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Persecuted in Mecca, he undertook the Hegira to Medina, establishing an Islamic community. He later returned to Mecca, cleansing the Kaaba of idols, dedicating it to Allah.
Why is Moses so important to Judaism?
Moses is central for leading the Israelites out of Egypt, receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai, and establishing the covenant between God and the Israelites, forming the basis of Jewish law and identity.
How is Buddhism and Hinduism different from each other?
Hinduism encompasses a wide range of beliefs, including polytheism, reincarnation, and karma, with a goal of achieving moksha (liberation). Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama, focuses on overcoming suffering through the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, aiming for nirvana (enlightenment), often rejecting the caste system and the multitude of gods in Hinduism.