Hinduism Flashcards
How does reincarnation work?
- Constant cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This is called samsara. The soul moves through a series of lives. Atman is eternal. The next life is determined by karma.
- Maya=Temptations
- Moksha=Escape from samsara
Describe the Hindu concept of God. Be sure to include the terms Brahman and Atman.
BRAHMAN is the essence of all things. Can be compared to a large body of water. The atman (soul) is like little droplets of water
Describe the Hindu Caste system and how it works
- This is a system used to decide people into different groups/castes, affected most Hindus in India
- Brahmins: Priests/religious teachers
- Kshatriyas: Soldiers/warriors
- Vaishyas: Farmers/merchants
- Shudras: Peasants/slaves
- Dalits: Untouchables
- The closer you are to the top, the closer you are to reaching moksha
What is the Hindu trimurti?
- mong the more popular are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. This is called the Hindu Trimurti (tri = three, murti = images) Brahma functions as creator of the universe, Vishnu protects and sustains them -and Shiva finally destroys them.
What are the different Hindu paths to salvation?
- Karma yoga—Good deeds. Path of love and action
- Bhakti Yoga—Complete worship of god. Path of devotion
- Jnana/gyan Yoga—Meditation and studying. Path of knowledge
- Raja/meditation Yoga—monkhood. Path of Holy Man
Name the sacred texts of Hinduism
- Vedas (Sruti)
- Upanishads (Sruti)
- Laws of Manu (Smriti)
- Puranas (Smriti)
- Mahabharata (Smriti)
- Ramayana (Smriti)
- End of the rebirth cycle
- The ultimate goal is breaking free from this cycle, reaching a state of eternal bliss and unity with the divine.
- Law of rebirth
- Endless rebirth, a pattern
- The main belief of Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs is Reincarnation or “Samsara”.
- Hindu idea of life’s cycle, birth, death, and rebirth, influenced by one’s actions (karma).
Non-violence and compassion towards all living beings
- Path to salvation.
- Gain karma
Social groups in Hindu society based on birth and occupation.
Ritual worship or offering to deities.
- The illusion or appearance of the physical world.
- Temptation
Sacred sounds or phrases used in meditation or prayer.
Burning of the deceased, believed to release the soul
Divine incarnation or manifestation on Earth
Sacred river in India, revered as purifying
Ancient scriptures containing hymns and rituals
Festival of lights symbolizing victory of light over darkness.
- Religious duties to gain good karma
- Duties of living.
- Do your dharma, get good karma
Hindus believe that every living thing has an essential core to its life; a soul that is called atman
BRAHMAN is the essence of all things. Can be compared to a large body of water. The atman (soul) is like little droplets of water