Judaism Flashcards
What is a covenant? How do covenants develop the Jewish relationship with God?
Covenants are the sacred agreements between God and his people. Foundation of Jewish faith and identity. Reminder God is always there and good things are coming.
Who was Moses and why was he so important?
- Led the Exodus: Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt with God’s help.
- Received the Torah: He received the Torah (including the Ten Commandments) from God at Mount Sinai.
- Established the Covenant: Moses renewed the covenant between God and the Israelites, confirming them as God’s chosen people.
- Gave Laws: He wrote the Torah, which contains laws and teachings that guide Jewish life and ethics.
- Prepared for the Promised Land: Moses guided the Israelites toward the Promised Land (Canaan), fulfilling God’s promise to their ancestors.
Who was Abraham and why was he so important?
- Founding Patriarch: He is considered the founding father of the Jewish people.
- Covenant with God: Abraham made a special agreement (covenant) with God, promising him descendants and a special land (Canaan).
How do the Jews view God? What are the chosen people?
View of God: Jews believe in one all-powerful, all-knowing God who created the universe and guides moral behavior.
Chosen People: Jews believe they were chosen by God to uphold His teachings and set an example of morality, forming a covenant with Him to live by His commandments.
What is Canaan and why is it so important to Judaism?
- Canaan is the promised land in Judaism, where Jewish history and faith began.
- Canaan is an ancient region in the Middle East, which includes modern-day Israel and parts of surrounding countries. It’s important to Judaism because it’s considered the promised land by God to Abraham and his descendants
Founding father (ex. Abraham)
The Torah is the central reference of Judaism, consisting of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). It contains religious laws, teachings, and narratives.
- They are books that help Jews understand how to apply the Torah
- Babylonian
- Jersalema Gemara
Solomon’s temple
Ancient holy temple in Jerusalem built by King Solomon, a center of worship and sacrifice in ancient Israel.
The first temple
Name of God in Judaism, considered too sacred to pronounce directly.
Jewish place of worship.
Jewish festival commemorating the Exodus from Egypt, known as Passover
Departure of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, led by Moses
Sinai covenant
Moses and the 10 commandments
Bar Mitzvah
Jewish coming-of-age ceremony for boys at age 13.
Food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws
- There are these fringes (tzitzits) at all four corners, they represents the four directions (613 fringes)
- Also known as a prayer shawl, the tallit is a Jewish garment worn during prayer.
Jewish day of rest and worship from Friday evening to Saturday evening.
Yom Kippur
Holiest day in Judaism, dedicated to fasting and repentance
Rosh Hashanah
Jewish New Year, marked by prayer and shofar blowing
- Skull cap worn by men
- a sign of respect and fear of God. It is also felt that this separates God and human, by wearing a hat you are recognising that God is above all mankind
- A nine stick candle holder to officially be nine, 4 on one side and 4 on the other (have to be the same height, same line). Than, the one in the middle has to be different from the other 8
- Kept on the left side of your home when you walk in
- Every jewish man has to use it in the morning
- little boxes placed on the forehead and arm used for prayer
a Jewish prayer book containing a set order of daily prayers
Individual chosen by God to be a messenger and guide
Section of the Hebrew Bible containing Psalms, Proverbs, and other texts.
Discrimination against Jewish people
- United the 12 tribes
- authoring Psalms
Ark of the covenant
Sacred chest containing the Ten Commandments, symbolizing God’s presence.
Dispersion of Jewish people outside Israel
Jewish religious leader and teacher
- Central Jewish prayer affirming the oneness of God
- “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.”
Difference between Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform
- Orthodox: Believe God wrote all 613 rules. Follow Torah literally and nothing changes
- Conservative: Believe God wrote most/all of the rules. They keep all of the reasonable traditions
- Reform: Think Moses wrote the Torah and not all the rules have to be followed