Porphyrias Flashcards
other name for lead poisoning
- impaired production of porphyrin component of hem
- inherited or acquired disorders of heme synthesis
primary cause of porphyria
specific enzyme deficiency
kinds of porphyrias
- neurologic
- cutaneous
- erythropoietic
symptoms of neurologic porphyrias
- abdominal pain
- psychotic behavior
- neuromuscular difficulties
neurologic porphyrias
- variegate porphyria (rare)
- coproporphyria (rare)
- acute intermittent porphyria
other name of variegate porphyria
ferrochelatase deficiency
enzyme defect of variegate porphyria
heme synthetase
most common neurologic porphyria
acute intermittent porphyria
a commonly acquired porphyria that reslts from a block in several of the heme biosynthetic enzymes
lead intoxication
clinical symptoms of lead intoxication
- abdominal pain
- constipation
- neuropathy
- absence of skin photosensitivity ferrochelatase & coproporphyrinogen oxidase
laboratory profile of lead intoxication
- ____ urinary ALA & corproporphyrin levels
- _____ RBCs w/ ______ due to increased erythropoiesis
- ___________ in neutrophils
- elevated
- hypochromic w/ basophilic stippling
- toxic granulations
most severely affected enxyme in lead intoxication is
ala dehydrogenase
are induced by the presence of excess porphyrins in the skin, which generates oxygen radicals that attack cells & produce photosensitivity & skin lesions
Cutaneous porphyrias
types of cutaneous porphyrias
- protoporphyria (some what rare)
- porphyria cutanea tarda
- congenital erythropoietic porphyria (rare)