Pompeii and Herculenum: Religon and Death Flashcards
What’s the major influence on Roman religion?
The influence was Greek religion
Who is in the triad of Roman gods?
Jupiter (protector of the state), Juno (protector of women), Minerva (patroness of craftsman).
Which Greek gods are identical to the Roman triad?
Zeus, Hera and Athena.
Which temples are at the Pompeiian forum?
Temple of Apollo, Temple of the Capitoline Triad, Sanctuary of the Public Lares and the Temple of the Genius of Augustus or Temple of Vespasian.
Where would be the statures of the Roman deities be placed in their temple?
They would be placed in a cella (an enclosed inner room in a temple).
Where and when the worship of Apollo got introduced into Pompeii?
The worship of Apollo was imported into Pompeii during the 6th century BC from Cumae, the leading Greek city on the Bay of Naples.
Why did Apollo got his own temple?
The emperor Augustus associated Apollo with his golden age.
Who was the patron goddess of Pompeii?
How influential was she in Pompeii?
Images of her are placed at houses, taverns and shops around the city. Men who wanted to ascend to higher political power would make promises associated with Venus’ name.
Which building, ironically, was damaged the most in the eruption?
The temple dedicated to the worship of Athena.
When was the Imperial Cult first introduced?
The Imperial Cult was introduced at the reign of Augustus.
Who was recruited and from which class is recruited from to fill in for the Imperial Cult?
Augustales (21 part-time priests) and their class that is recruited is the Freedmen.
What is the headquarters of the Imperial Cult?
Collegium Augustalium is the name of the headquarters of the Imperial Cult.
Which gods are worshipped at the home?
The Lares are the ones who get the home worship privilege?
What is the public representation of the Lares?
The Lares Publici were designated for public worship as the protectors of the crossroads.
Which objects were located at the Temple of the Lares?
The stature of the genius of Augustus alongside ten young dancers, a representation of the Lares.
Who did the Temple of Vespasian used to dedicate their worship to?
Fortuna used to be worshipped by the Temple of Vespasian.
What does the Temple of the Genius of Augustus is sometimes referred to?
The Temple of the Genius of Augustus sometimes get called the Temple of Vespasian.
When was the epithet ‘Augusta’ added to the goddess Fortuna?
The epithet ‘Augusta’ was added in 3BC.
Who erected the epithet ‘Augusta’?
It was erected by the Duumvir Marcus Tullius.
What was the significance of Marcus Tullius erecting the epithet?
It reveals the connection between politics and religion in Roman society.
Which building in the Pompeiian forum was dedicated to the Julian clan of Augustus?
The Edifice of Eumachia by the priestess of the same name.
What was the purpose of the Imperial Cult?
The purpose of the Imperial Cult is to promote stability in the empire through worship of the emperor.
Who were the Augustales?
The Augustales were a group of twenty-one part-time priests and their job is to be supervisors of the Imperial Cult.
What are the three buildings that was dedicated to the Imperial family in the forum of Pompeii?
The Temple of the Genius of Augustus, the Lares Publici and the Edifice of Eumachia was the three buildings that was dedicated to the Imperial Cult.
Who was responsible for the part of the public ritual?
The Flamens and Augustales was responsible for part of the rituals.
How does the part of the public ritual, supervised by the Flamens and Augustales, proceed?
The ritual started off with the head priest signalling for absolute silence and the initiation started off with the head priest coating the sacrificial knife and head of the animal with salted flour or mola salsa.
What were the specific rules following the public ritual?
The entrails, which was dedicated to any god, were burned and offered up in worship.
The rest of the flesh was divided among the participants, according to social status.
The priests receive the best cuts of the meat.
Where was the origin of the mystery cults in Pompeii and Herculaneum?
The origin of the mystery cults came from the Hellenistic world, places such as Greece, Macedon and Egypt.
What classes of society were responsible for the spread of these mystery cults into Roman society?
The merchants, soldiers and slaves was responsible for the spread of the mystery cults into Roman society.
Why do people seek out these mystery cults?
Because people feel like their offical religion was too impersonal to their own needs and wanted to feel a connection to one or many deities.
Which two mystery cults were the most popular in Herculaneum and Pompeii?
The most popular mystery cults were the cult of Iris and cult of Dionysus/Bacchus.
Which classes of society did the cult of Isis and Dionysus/Bacchus find initial popularity in before they became mainstream?
The women and slaves were the ones who became participants in the cults before it became widespread.
What evidence does it show of the mystery cults’ popularity in Pompeiian and Herculaneum’s society?
The motifs, objects and paintings associated with the cult of Iris and Dionysus/Bacchus were judged to be evidence of the popularity of the mystery cults with the citizens of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
What attitude, did most worshippers of Bacchus have in terms of being in the cult?
Most worshippers just has a causal approach to the worship of Bacchus, celebrating by sex and getting drunk.
How is Bacchus depicted in wall paintings?
Bacchus was depicted with vines in his hair and carrying a staff tipped with a pine cone.
He was accompanied by Satyrs, half beast half man.
What were the oldest Satyrs and the youngest Satyrs called?
The older Satyr was called Sileni and the younger Sileni was called Satyrisci.
Where and when was the best group of paintings which survived to the modern world?
The paintings of Bacchus were drawn in the Villa of Mysteries and was created at the time of Augustus.
Which Roman gods were given the task of protecting the household?
The Lares were the ones who’ve been given the task of protecting the household.
What were the Lares usually depicted as?
The Lares were usually depicted as a pair of dancing youths in short country tunics, holding a drinking horn of plenty in one hand and a dish or wine bucket in the other.
Who are the household guardians?
Lares, Penates, Genius, Vesta, Bacchus, Mercury, Agothodemon (a Snake).