Pompeii and Herculeneum: Archaelogists Flashcards
Who was the first archaeologist to excavate the site of Pompeii?
Giuseppe Fiorelli was the first archaeologist who excavated the site of Pompeii.
What is Fiorelli remembered for?
Fiorelli is particularly remembered for his technique to make plaster casts of the bodies of the people who were killed in the eruption.
Who was responsible for the more scientific oriented excavations on Herculaneum?
Karl Weber was the man responsible for keeping track of publishing multiples sources of information about his discoveries.
What did Fiorelli introduce in the Archaeology practise at Pompeii?
Fiorelli introduced the systematic methods of recovering the ruins and recording the details and a method of naming and numbering houses and buildings.
How’s does Fiorelli’s systematic system work?
Fiorelli divided the town into nine regions, each containing up to 22 blocks or insulate and entrances.
1 letter and 2 numbers are given for each house. E.g. V = region, 13 = block and 26 = the entrance.
What archaeological practise was the first one that was done by Fiorelli?
Fiorelli was the first one to excavate houses from the top rather than from the sides and to ensure that each house was adequately shored up after it was excavated.
What is the title of Fiorelli’s published journal in 1876, on the monthly updates of excavations?
Fiorelli’s journal is called “Notes on Excavations of Antiquity”
Who was the one that was responsible for the chronological typology of the wall paintings?
August Mau was the one who studied the art and architecture of Pompeii and categorises them into different categories.
What were August Mau’s four categories of art?
August Mae’s categorised art styles are First Style/Masonry Style, Second Style/Architectural Style, Third Style and Fourth Style/Intricate Style.
What was the First Style estimated to be around?
The First Style is estimated to be around 175BC to 80BC.
What was the Second Style estimated to be around?
The Second Style is estimated to be around 80BC to 10BC.
What is the Third Style estimated to be around?
The Third Style is estimated to be from 10BC to 50AD.
What is the Fourth Style estimated to be around?
The Fourth Style is estimated to be from 50AD to 79AD.
What is the technique of the First Style?
The First Style works by dividing walls into panels of colour to represent stone or marble blocks.
What is the technique of the Second Style?
The technique of the Second Style is formed by creating an illusion of space and depth with the use of perspective. There could be framework of columns to illustrate a garden or distant landscape.