Celts (Roman Britain) Flashcards
What role is in charge of Roman Britain?
The Governer
What are the responsibilities of the Governor?
To keep the peace, build and maintain forts and roads, civil administration and recruiting locals into the army.
What do the Romans call non citizens who live under local Celtic law.
Which role is assigned to collecting taxes from Roman Britain to present to the Emperor.
The Procurator
What kind of Taxes are assigned to the Celts?
Land Tax (yield of Crops and Animals) Death Tax ( Income Tax Customs Tax Annona Tax
Where are the Headquaters of Finacial Administration in Romam Britain based in?
Londinium (London)
How would the Procurator use Tax revenue?
He would supply and pay the army and officials that are working in Britain.
What was one of the factors that contributed to Boudicca’s rebellion?
Corruption of Roman Tax Collectors
What’s the title for a self governing town?
What are Colonists?
Colonists are soldiers that were granted land when they finished their time in the Army?
What are Colonies?
Colonies are generally reserves of solders, which were an important feature of Romanisation.
What is the 3rd type of town in Roman Britain?
Civitate Peregrinate, Celtic communities that had made peace with Rome.
What is the council that is a representation of Celtic interests to Rome?
Conilium Provinciae
When did Julius Caesar made his first expedition to Britain?
When did Juilius Caesar’s 2nd expedition into Britain take place?
In Julius Caesar’s 2nd Expedition, which tribe was fiercely opposed to Caesar?
In Julius Caesar’s 2nd Expedition, which tribe was more friendly to Caesar?
Who did Rome acknowledged in 5AD?
Cymbeline, King of the Catucellauni, as King of Britain.
In 40AD, who wanted to invade Britain, but failed?
Who invaded and successfully captured the capital, Camulodunum?
Which governor successfully expanded the Brittaina province northward and made treaties with the Iceni and the Brigantes?
Zulus Plautius
Which tribe tried to resist the Romans from 43BC to 47BC?
The Catuvellauni
Who was the king of the Catuvellauni?
When did the Romans defeated the Catuvellauni?
Whom was taken by the Romans to Rome?
How many years did the Romans take to conquer the Midlands? (Whales)
52BC to 60BC
What famous event take place during 60AD to 61AD?
Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni, led a revolt against the Romans, but failed and had to take her life.
What happened during 71AD to 78AD?
The Brigantes, Silures and Ordovices were defeated and Wales were finally subdued.
During 78BC to 84BC, how was Romanisation intensified in Britain?
The Roman Governer, Julius Agricola built forts and roads in Scotland to establish a border between the Roman Civilians and the Picts.
When did the Northern tribes drive the Romans out of the highlands and lowlands?
87AD to 105AD
What was the purpose of Hadrian’s Wall being built in 122AD?
Hadrian’s Wall was built to keep Scottish tribes out out of the Roman Colony.
What Wall was built when the Romans re-occupied Southern Scotland?
The Antonine Wall
When did the Romans abandoned the Antonine Wall to strengthen Hadrian’s Wall?
What are the two provinces that were devised in Britain in 202BC?
Britannia Superior and Britannia Inferior
How did long did a period of peace last in Britain?
217AD to 270AD
Who’d separated Britain into 4 provinces?
Emperor Diocletian
Who became Emperor and heralded in a period of peace and prosperity for Britain?
217BC to 270BC
In the 360’sAD who tried to overrun the Romans, but were repulsed?
The Picts and Scots
When did the Romans withdraw out of Britain to defend Rome?
401AD to 407AD
When did the Picts, Scots and Saxons attack Britain?
When did the Britons try to send an appeal to Rome for help?
When was the period of transition between the Romans to the Saxons on the leadership of what was now called England?
420AD to 446AD
With Celtic Culture disappearing once the Saxons took over, where did Celtic Culture managed to survive to the modern age?
Small areas in Scotland, Wales and Ireland.