Political partys- are they in decline Flashcards
What does David Broder say?
‘The party’s over, failure of politics in america
What does Ruth Scott say?
Parties in crisis
What does Wattenberg say?
The decline of american political party
Decline- candidate selection?
1960: used to be a smoke filled room
Now- ordinary voters no control
e.g. in 2016 dems preferred Hillary Clinton buy strong opposition from Bernie Sandwrs
Reps lost complete control via donald trump
Decline- analysis of candidate selection?
Dems have super delegate so not complete loss of control
Decline- communication with voters?
Parties lost functions as communitons via politics and voters
Used to have rally’s giving voters chance to communicate via questions or heckling
Vs today political communications via Tv and voters speek via opinion polls
Decline- communication with voters analysis?
Decline- emergence of movements?
Tea party and occupy movement leading to americans hoing movments via traditional parties
Each movment has sought to exoertce political influence in reps and dems party
Americans seek influence the parties more from w/o then within
-Tea party movment Scott Brown preferred candidate chose in congressional race over republicans leadership
2016- Trump talked of his campaign ad a movement, business tycoon succession innteo primary’s described as a hostile takeover
Reasons to say we are seeing theories of party renewal?
Theories of party decline were exaggerated
Nationalization of campaign
Increased partisanship in congress
Renewal- Theories of party decline is exaggerated?
-Still play a role in US politics
-Death of reps following watergate and leftward ship of democrats
-2 major parties controlled the White House, congress and vast majority of state govern ship
-Mark Twain the prep of my death was exaggerated
Renewal- nationalisation of campaign?
Reps in mid terms from 1994-2002-2006
1994- reps programme contract with America congressman Newt Gingrich national policy supported by all reps in house gaining control in congress. In 100 days 10 policy issue of interest to conservative vote balanced budget at congress term limit
2002- reps launching another successful nationalise midterm gaining steals in house and congress in mid term elections first time since 1934
2006- six for 06 taking control of house and senate
Renewal- increased partisanship in congress?
-Trump impeachment in 2020 in senete all dems voted for all against in house and all but one in senete
Party renewal with increased level in partisanship in congress
If decline in importance with there would be decreased partisanship
Red American characteristics?
-White males
-Protestant and catholic
-Wealthy rural or suburban
-Federak government left to indiduals
-Income tax cut
-Opose abortion, gun control, same sex marriage
-Love Fox News and G Bush
-Hate Clinton and Obama
Blue American?
-Racially diverse
-Liberal and urban
-Increase federal and income tax on wealthy
-Pro choice, gun control, same sex marriage and Obamacare
-Love CNN, SNL, Obamacare and Clinton
-Hate Donald Trump
Purple America?
-States loyal to one party e.g. Dems NYC Rep Texas
-Congress- West Virginia red but both senators 2/3rd