Political Developments: The Winter of Discontent Flashcards
When did the Winter of Discontent last from? (To the months)
November 1978 to February 1979
How much of a pay rise did truck drivers want?
What would it mean if truck drivers were on strike?
No products would reach their destination
Which significant group of workers striked in Liverpool specifically?
How did Callaghan respond to the Winter of Discontent?
He said he did not realise there was a crisis in Britain
What did Children Hospital Workers do?
They also striked
Which group of workers striking was the one deemed most unacceptable by society?
Children’s Hospital Workers striking
How many people were unemployed at this time?
Over 1 million
How did the Winter of Discontent show the post-war consensus not being followed?
Unemployment was above 2%
How did Callaghan solve the Winter of Discontent?
He paid off all of the workers who were striking
What did the winter of discontent show about Unions?
They were immensely powerful
What was the political impact of the event for Callaghan?
He got a vote of no confidence
When did Callaghan receive a vote of no confidence?
March 1979
How many people were in Trade Unions by 1979?
13 million
How many members did the TGWU have by 1979?
2 million
What did the unions strike over in the Winter of Discontent?
Rate capping
What was the maximum pay rise workers were given in rate capping?
Why did the government introduce a 5% rate cap?
To try and reduce inflation
What percentage pay rise did firemen want?
What percentage pay rise did Ford workers want?
What percentage increase in opinion polls did the Conservatives have in 1979?
20% increase
What did Callaghan say when he was asked about the Winterof Discontent?
“Crisis, what crisis?”
How did Labour solve the Winter of Discontent?
They gave all striking workers a pay rise
What was an issue for Labour’s credibility with their Winter of Discontent resolution?
It showed they could not enforce their own policies