Social Developments: Developments for Women in Society 1974-79 Flashcards
When was National Womens day created?
What is an example of a militant act which Women Liberation organisations performed in 1970?
At the 1970 Miss World Contest they threw stink bombs on the stage
What 2 things did the initial Womens Liberation meeting propose they work towards?
Free child healthcare and paid maternity leave
What 2 groups in Feminism were divided?
Radical Feminists, Socialist Feminists
What did Radical Feminists believe in? What did they mainly campaign for?
They argued that women were oppressed by the patriarchal society. They mostly campaigned for reproductive rights
What did the Socialist Feminists believe in? What did they mainly campaign for?
They believed that Class Inequality did not help with trying to get gender equality. They mostly campaigned to have financial independence
What did the government allow which was a development for the Women’s rights movements?
After 1971 Birth control pills became accessible through the NHS
How long had Birth control pills been around before being allowed through the NHS?
Since the 1960’s
How is the length of time that it took for the government to allow birth control pills to be obtained through the NHS a limitation of the government?
They failed to recognise womens rights earlier, as there had been a lot of womens rights developments in the 1960’s as shown with the Dagenham Strikes and the Womens Liberation meetings
What act helped to tackle violence against women in 1976?
1976 Domestic Violence Act
What did the 1976 Domestic Violence Act allow?
Women could take out restraining orders on their partners.
What were the ‘reclaim the night’ marches?
Marches done by women due to the murders of the Yorkshire Ripper who killed women when they were alone at night
When did the reclaim the night marches happen?
What did the women challenge with their reclaim the night marches?
Challenge the idea that women were not able to outside alone at night
What did the ‘reclaim the night’ marchers feel about what society believed about the Yorkshire Ripper murders?
Society believed that it was the victims fault for going out at night and not the issue of the murderer killing them
What laws did the government introduce for women in 1970? What did it do?
The Equal Pay Act. From 1975, women would be given equal pay to men
What act did the government introduce for women in 1971?
1971 Finance Act. Allowed for earnings of each person in the marriage to be taxed separately if they wanted
What 3 acts for women did the government introduce in 1975?
Employment Security Act. Social Security Act. Social Security Pensions Act. Sex Discrimination Act
What did the 1975 Employment Protection Act do?
Denied employers the ability to fire female workers if they got pregnant and give them maternity leave
What did the 1975 Social Security Act do?
Provided a special maternity allowance fund for women
What did the 1975 Social Security Pensions Act do?
Pension schemes to be opened for women engaged in the same work as men.
What did the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act do?
Ended discrimination of employment based on men or womens gender or marital status
What did the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act set up?
Equal Opportunities Commission to oversee Equal Pay and the Sex Discrimination Act
What was a limitation of the Equal Opportunities Commissions board?
Only launched 9 investigations from 1976-83 and only 10% of Sex Discrimination claims were successful
What attitudes continue to have with Trade Unions? Why were they suspicious
They continued to be male dominated and suspicious that women would try to suppress their wage increases.
How much did the average gender pay gap go down from 1970-1980? Why is this a limitation?
Only went down 10%. Limitation because the 1970 Equal Pay act was meant to come in in 1975 to bring an end to this issue
How much did women attendance at Oxford go up from 1971 to 1990?
15% of people at Oxford were women in 1971, by 1990 over 50% were women
What did the TUC create for women in 1975? What did this show?
The ability to give them equal pay and paid maternity leave. This showed that women numbers in Trade Unions was increasing
What did a Gallup poll in 1973 show with women? Why is this a limitation?
Only 66% of women knew their husbands take home pay. Limitation as it meant they did not know if they would be financially secure
What was a limitation for the amount of house work done by women by 1970?
Even with technology advancements, the amount of work done compared to 1930 with 1970 was mostly the same amount of work
How many marriages ended in divorce by the end of the 1970’s?
How many children by the end of the 1970’s were born out of wedlock?
How much did the Gender Pay Gap go down after the 1975 Equal Pay Act from?
From 50% down to 40%