Political Developments: The Conservative Party under William Hague Flashcards
When was William Hague the leader of the Conservative Party from?
Out of 165 Conservative MPs, how many were Eurosceptic?
Why would someone like Michael Heseltine not have won the leadership election?
He was a Europhile
What fraction of Conservative MP’s supported Hague?
If Hague had so little support, why did he win the 1997 leadership election?
It was a case of who had the least enemies
Why did Hague have few enemies in relation to his age?
He was only 36 years old
What did Hague use as his main campaigning point in the 2001 election?
To not accept the Euro
Was Peter Lilley a Thatcherite?
Was Hague a Thatcherite?
What did Peter Lilley do in 1999?
He criticised Thatcher for her economic reforms in the 1980s
Why were Peter Lilley’s comments in 1999 an issue for Hague?
He would need to reinstate his leadership over the Conservative party
Which classification of divisions in the Conservative Party emerged at this time?
Mods and Rockers
Who were the Mods?
The people who wanted change in the Conservative Party
Who were the Rockers?
The people who did not want change in the Conservative Party
Which reforms did Hague introduce?
Fresh Future Reforms