Poisonous Plants Flashcards
Target system of cyanide
Blood –> bright red blood and hypoxia
Name target system: Johnson grass (Sorghum)
Blood –> cyanide
Name target system: Chokecherry
Blood –> cyanide
Name target system: Vetch
Blood –> cyanide
Name target system: Hydrangea
Blood –> cyanide
Target system of nitrate
Blood –> diminished oxygen carrying capacity
Name target system: Pigweed
Blood –> nitrate
Name target system: Nightshade
Blood –> nitrate
Name target system: Oat hay
Blood –> nitrate
Name target system: Sorghum
Blood –> nitrate
Name target system: Rye
Blood –> nitrate
Name target system: Alfalfa
Blood –> nitrate
Name target system: Oleander
Name target system: Foxglove
Name target system: Lily-of-the-valley
Name target system: Yew
Name target system: Azalea (Rhododendron)
Name target system: St. John’s wort
Skin (primary photosensitization)
Name target system: Brassica spp
Liver (secondary photosensitization)
Name target system: Groundsel (Senecio spp)
Liver (secondary photosensitization)
Name target system: Crotalaria spp
Liver (secondary photosensitization)
Name target system: Amsinckia intermedia
Liver (secondary photosensitization)
Name target system: blue-green algae
Liver (secondary photosensitization)
Name target system: Poison hemlock
Name target system: Lupine
Neuro –> sheep
Teratogen (cattle) –> crooked calf syndrome
Name target system: Larkspur
Neuro –> nicotinic antagonist; neuromuscular blocker
Can have bloat
Name target system: Bracken Fern
Neuro –> thiaminase leading to polioencephalomalacia
Bone marrow suppression (ruminant)
Carcinogen (ruminant)
Name target system: Black Walnut
Laminitis in horse
Name target system: Castor bean
Many signs –> v/d, muscle spasm, uremia, death, sweating + ataxia (horse), organ edema and damage
Name target system: Cottonseed
Cardiotoxic (young animals) –> gossypol
Poor performance in adults
Name target system: Dumbcane
Mouth/head area: ptyalism, edematous swelling of tongue and lips, difficulty swallowing or breathing
Name target system: Locoweed
Many signs –> ataxia, hyperemtria, cracker heels (clicking of dewclaws), cp deficits, emphysema (sheep), abortions, teratogenesis
Name target system: Waterhemlock
Neuromuscular –> tetanic seizures, muscle twitching, salivation, coma, death
Name target system: Yellow Star Thistle
Neuro –> nigropallidal encephalomalacia aka
Chewing disease in horses
Name target system: Perilla mint
Pulmonary –> pulmonary edema and pleural effusion, nasal discharge
Name target system: Western False Hellebore (Veratrum californium)
Teratogen in sheep
Day 14 = cyclops
Name target system: White snakeroot
Horse: cardiac –> myocardial necrosis and CHF
Cattle: neuromuscular –> ataxia, depression, muscle tremor, acetone breath
Name target system: Red maple
Blood –> RBC lysis in horse
Name target system: Ponderosa pine
Repro –> abortion of small calf and retained placenta