Non-Species Specific Flashcards
Tumor: Epithelial origin and malignant
Tumor: Epithelial origin and malignant glandular origin
Tumor: Epithelial origin and benign
Epithelial tumor cytology
Sheets and clusters, round nuclei, polygonal shapes
Tumor: mesenchymal origin and malignant
Tumor: mesenchymal origin and benign
Mesenchymal tumor cytology
Spindle shaped cells, elongated/oval nuclei, streaming cytoplasm, indistinct borders, poorly exfoliative (not lot of cells on FNA)
Round cell tumors cytology
Exfoliates easily, distinct/individual round cells, round nuclei
Cellular features of malignancy
Anisokaryosis (variable nuclear size), anisocytosis (variable cell size), increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, large multiple irregular nuclei, clumped chromatin
Sometimes: abnormal mitoses, nuclear molding, cellular crowding
Cancer grading meaning
Degree of malignancy of a tumor to predict biologic behavior –> can only be done by histopathology
Cancer grading criteria
Mitotic index, percent necrosis, invasiveness, stromal reaction, nucleolar size, overall cellularity, inflammatory response
Cancer staging
The extend of spread of cancer
Takes into account tumor size, infiltration into surrounding tissues and organs, regional lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis
Olfactory nerve
Optic nerve - carries visual signals from retina to occipital nerve in brain
Cotton ball test
CN II only