Points Energetics Final Exam Flashcards
front mu point LU
LU 1
meeting point of LU and SP
LU 1
Can treat ANY LU disorder
What does LU1 do
Disseminates and descends LU qi (cough, chest pain, TB)
Descends ST Qi and tonifies SP Qi (vomiting, abdomen distension)
Alleviates skin pain and pain of the upper back and shoulder
HE Sea pt of LU
Cubit Marsh
Tidal Fever (first point)
LU5 actions
Clears heat and descends rebelling qi (cough,tidal fever,cough blood, throat obstruction, vomiting/diarrhea)
Regulates water passage (swelling of 4 limbs, freq urination)
Relaxes the sinews & alleviates pain (childhood fright, 5 type lumbar pain and cranes knee)
Luo connecting point of LU channel
Confluent point of Ren vessel (conception)
Gao Wu command point
exit pt of LU channel
One sided headache
LU 7 A&I
expel wind (chills/fever/dry painful throat)
benefits head and nape (headache,stiff neck, toothache)
Open & regulate conception vessel (blood in urine)
Ying Spring of LU channel
Tail Bone Pain
LU 10
Jing Well LU channel
LU 11 A&I
Revive consciousness
Clear heat and benefit throat
Nose bleed
Summer heat stroke
Jing well LI channel
LI 1
works immediately for sore throat
swelling submandibular region
LI 4 will any disorders where
On face
Gao Wu pt LI channel
LI 4
Four Gates
LI4 and LV3
What point can treat both wind heat and wind cold
Good for Pain any where
Treats virus infections
LI 4 A&I
mumps/lockjaw hypertension, headache (+forehead) pain sinews/bones/arm/shoulder/lumbar GI function pain/diarrhea/constipation INDUCES labor also no menses (descends qi)
He Sea of LI
LI 11
LI 11 (pool at the crook) A&I
High fever, toothache, throat pain,
alleviates itching (incl whole body “as if bitten by insects”
Hypertension (short term instant effect)
pain and immobility of arm
Rotator cuff
LI 14
Can reverse Eye damage/disease
LI 14
3 mile arm
LI 10
LI 10 A&I
Powerful to activate channel and relieve pain neck/shoulder/low back
clear heat from head
LI 20 name
welcome fragrance
Best for nasal congestion when used with LI 19 for really bad allergy
Gallstone pain
LI 20
Opens nasal passages
LI 20
Always used for Bells Palsey
works right away for weak leg muscles
ST 4 A&I
Bell Palsey swelling legs twitching eye lids descends qi and blood drooling
Head’s Binding
Good for 3 locations of headache
ST 8 A&I
Head ache/dizzy
benefits eyes eye pain/twitching
ST 21 is usually used with
ST21 A&I
epigastric pain and ab fullness
harmonizes middle jiao
transforms stagnation: vomiting poor appetite
raises Qi, stops diarrhea
heavens pivot
ST 25
Front Mu of the LI
ST 25
Fixes all issues of the LI
Cutting periumblilical pain
ST25 A&I
ALL LG Intestinal issues
appendicitis (intestinal abscess)
abdominal masses
irregular menses
Water Passage
ST 28
ST 28 and ST 29 are similar how
and are different how
ST 28 deals with water, while ST 29 deals with similar issues but due to cold
ST 28 A&I
painful menses infertility uterine masses retention of urine pain in low back or shoulder
Gao Wu pt of ST
All Disorders of Abdomen
ST 36
5 taxations and 7 injuries
Breast abcess
Lower He Sea of LI
ST 37
ST37 A&I
LG Intestine problems
Local pt for leg problems
ST 38 A&I
Shoulder pain (main action) atrophy disorder/ painful obstruction lower limb ankle edema regulate middle jiao epigastric pain
Luo connection pt of ST
Important for phlegm transformation any where
clears phlegm from LU and alleviates cough wheezing
Clears phlegm from Heart and calms spirit
mad laughter
Jing River points can
treat whole meridian
Jing river pt of ST
ST 41 A&I
clear heat from ST and fu swelling face/head front headache/eyebrow pain/dizzy mania/epilepsy/sad swelling pain of ankle/ atrophy disorder lower limb
SP 1 A&I
Stops bleeding (uterine, in urine, and stool)
sudden diarrhea/vomiting
EXCESSIVE dreaming
SP 3 A&I
Hemorrhoids, dysenteric disorders, constipation
Chest pain with SLO pulse
Leg Qi
heavy in body with pain of bones
Luo Connecting Point of SP channel
SP 4
Confluent point of the Penetrating vessels
SP 4
Chest pain Heart OR Lung
SP 4
SP 4 differes from SP how
SP 4 deals with phlegm
SP 4 A&I
Bloody stool due to intestinal Wind (hemrrhoid)
irregular menstruation
SP 5
Jing River SP channel
SP 5
SP 5 A&I
resolves damp (diarrhea/constipation)
benefits sinews and bones
Mania-depression, melancholy heart, NIGHTMARES
Propensity to laughter
Three Yin Intersection
SP 6 (SP, LV, KD)
Invigorates blood circulation, regulates menstruation and induces labor
SP 6
Insomnia, dizzy blurred vision, post partum dizzy, skin disorders, leg pain
SP 6
SP 6 A&I for harmonizing Liver
Seminal emission
Difficult urination
pain of the penis
Earth Pivot
SP 8
Xi cleft point of the SP channel
SP 8
SP 8
SP 8s main action
Regulate menstruation and invigorate blood
SP 8 is good for what type diabetes
Type 2
He Sea pt of SP
SP 9
Yin Mound SPRING
SP 9
SP 9 mainly treats
DAMPNESS (jaundice, all water passage, edema, urination)
Best point for Jaundice
SP 9
Sea of Blood
SP 10
SP 10 A&I
Clears blood all sorts of skin disorders
harmonizes menstruation
uterine bleeding
5 types of painful urinary dysfunction
Luo Connection Pt Heart channel
Regulate heart rhythm
HT 5
HT 5 A&I
Calms spirit regulate rhythm paplitation/sadness fright tongue (loss of voice) local pain Uterine bleeding TMJ
Xi cleft Point HT
HT 6
Night Sweats
HT 6
HT 6 A&I
Regulates HT blood, calms spirit
Night sweats
nose bleed/ vomiting blood
restless Zang disorder
HT 7
Can improve lft ventricle function
HT 7
HT 7 A&I
Calm spirit/ regulate/ tonify heart Insomnia poor memory pain of lateral costal region mania/depression agitation
Jing Well SI
SI 1
SI 1 Clear heat benefit sensory orifices actions
headache, sore throat
superficial visual obstruction,
nose bleed
Any type of Breast Issue
SI 1
SI 3 A&I
Occipital Headache
Febrile disease with NO sweating
Confluent PT of GV
SI 3
Xi Cleft for SI
SI 6
SI 6 A&I
Pain: Shoulder/back, arm/elbow, lumbar
Benefits eyes: Dimness of vision, blurred vision and Eye pain
Meeting Pt of BL, SI, ST, GB and SJ with the GV, Yin Motility and Yang Motility vessels
BL 1
BL 1 A&I
ANY EYE disorder Headache & Nose blockage Low Back pain TAIL BONE pain Bed wetting
BL 2 A&I
Eye Disorders: eyebrow, front headache, twitching eye, PROLAPSE eyelid
Deviation of Mouth
Heavenly Connection
BL 7
BL 7 A&I
All about the NOSE (magic point)
BL 10 A&I
Headache, stiff neck mania/epilepsy Pain WHOLE back Inability of legs to support body Raise IQ
Chinese medicine x ray
Hui meeting point of Bones
BL 11
Meeting pt of BL, SI, SJ, GB and GV
BL 11
bone disease
fever, cold shivering, dizziness
Meeting point of BL with GV
BL 12
BL 12 A&I
fever/cold shivering/stiff neck/lumbar pain
Use for asthma patch
Back Shu of LU
BL 13
BL 13 A&I
All about Lung
coughing blood, TB, tidal fever, night sweats
cough in initial stage of exterior syndrome
Pain upper back and shoulder
BL 15 A&I
All about heart.
pain, palpitation
insomnia, poor memory, epilepsy
night sweats and seminal emissions
Back Shu of Heart
BL 15
BL 17 can treat
ALL blood disorders
BL 17 does what to rebellious qi
descends it
hiccup, vomiting, cough
Treats acne
BL 17
Prick to bleed for migraine
BL 17
Liver Shu
BL 18
BL 18 A&I
Benefits eyes (redness, dizziness, night blindness)
Jaundice/ vomiting blood
All liver disorders
Gall Bladder Shu
BL 19
BL 19 A&I
Tidal fever and Lung TB
Jaundice, bitter taste, pain lateral costa reg
Shaoyang syndrom (fever/chill no talking)
Spleen Shu
BL 20
BL 20 A&I
ab distension, vomit, diarrhea, edema,
raises spleen qi and holds blood:
blood in stool, urine, vomit and menses
Clears bruises
Kidney Shu
BL 23
BL 23 A&I
Seminal emission and Impotence Urination issues (difficult, dripping, bedwet) irregular menses deaf/tinnitus, blurred vision pain and soreness of the lumbar region
LI Shu
BL 25
BL 25 A&I
Lumbar region
chronic issues of the intestines
Meeting point of the BL and GB
GL 32
BL 31 A&I
Regulates mensturation Instant relief from cramps regulates lower jiao and facilitates urination hernia, seminal emission, bed wetting Lumbar pain
Gau Wu command point for back problems
BL 40
BL 40 A&I
Benefits lumbar and knees (chronic or acute)
Benefits bladder
1 point to eleminate heat toxins and accumulations
BL 40