PNF & Stretching Checkout Flashcards
What is PNF?
-proprioceptive neuromusclular fascilitation
-functional diagonal and neuro facilitation to improve control and function
Improve: stabilization, strength, endurance, control, agonist/antagonish, trains nerves
-putting a seatbelt on
Flexion: reaching for seatbelt
-Shoulder: add, ER
-Scap: UR, abd
-Forearm: sup
-Wrist: flex, rad dev
-Fingers: flx, add
Extension: buckling it
-Shoulder: abd, IR
-Scap: DR, add
-Forearm: pronation
-Wrist: ext, ulnar dev
-Fingers: ext, abd
-Sword and waiter
Flexion: waiter holding a tray
-Shoulder: flx, abd, ER
-Scap: elevat, UR, abd
-Forearm: sup
-Wrist: ext, rad dev
-Fingers: ext, abd
Extension: reaching for sword
-Shoulder: ext, add, IR
-Scap: depress, DR, add
-Forearm: pronation
-Wrist: flex, ular dev
-Fingers: flx, add
-hacky sack and ballet
Flexion: hackey sack
-Hip: flx, ER, add
-Knee: flx
-Ankle: DF, inv
-Toes: extension
Extension: Ballet
-Hip: ext, ITR, abd
-Knee: ext
-Ankle: PF, ev
-Toes: flx
-dog peeing and curtsey
Flexion: dog peeing
-Hip: flx, IR, abd
-Knee: flx
-Ankle: DF, ev
-Toes: extension
Extension: curtsey
-Hip: ext, ER, add
-Knee: ext
-Ankle: PF, inv
-Toes: flx
Rhythmic Initiation
-PT guiding through ROM
-for pts with difficulting initiating
-improves controlled mmts
Repeated Contractions
-jerking motions
-PT stretches in jerks pt while going through the RROM
-strengthens weak agonists
-need AROM and RROM
Slow Reversal
-kind of reversal of antagonist
-function changes in agonist to antagonist mmt
-contant resistance applied through ROM
-strong concentric of agonist followed by less strong eccentric of antagonist
Slow Reversal Hold
-kind of reversal of antagonist
-function changes in agonist to antagonist mmt
-contant resistance applied through ROM with isometric hold at end of range
-better detection of joint/space tension
Alternating Isometrics
-most common
-isometric hold of agonist then antagonist
-alternatting resistance to opposite muscles
-no ROM, inproves stabilization
Rhythmic Stabilization
-isometric hold of agonist AND antagonist (co-contraation)
-simultaneous multidirectional resistance to opposite muscles
-no ROM, inproves rotary stabilization
Stretching Time
10-30s hold
Stretch: Upper Traps
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: Shoulder
Movement: LSB, flexion away
-flex head and rotate away with one hand
Stretch: Levator
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: Shoulder
Movement: Flex, LSB, Rotate away
-flexion and rotation away with one hand
-ipsi scap upward rotation and depression with other hannd
Stretch: SCM
Postition: Sitting up
Stabilize: Clavicular head
-Stand behind pt
-Pt actively Ext, LSB away and Rotate toward
Stretch: Suboccipital
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: C2
-lumbrical hold on C2
-Stabilize head @ shoulder
-touch chin
-slowly move back into stretch
-chin tuck with one hand
-slight flx of head with other hand
-stretch msucle and maintain stretch
-isometrically contract against stetch
- Stretch muscle
- Isometrically Contract same muscle (being stretched)
- Hold and go into further stretch
-stretch muscle and maintain stretch
-isotonically contract against stetch, moving
- Stretch muscle
- Isotonically Contract same muscle (being stretched)
- Hold and go into further stretch
Hold-Relax w/ Agonist Contraction
- Stretch muscle
- Isometrically Contract same muscle (being stretched)
- Hold and go into further stretch
- Concentrically contract antagonist (move in opposite direction)
Stretch: Pec Major
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: Anterior shoulder at pec insertion
-abduct shoulder while adding pressure to pec insertion
Home: use wall to apply pressure and then rotate away for more stretch
Stretch: Lats/Teres Major
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: Lower ribs and iliac crest (lats), inf angle of scap (teres major)
-abduct shoulder while adding pressure on lat/teres major insertion
-Bilateral: prayer hands with elbows on table and sink down
-Unilateral: place arm up and adducted against wall, rotate torso in opp for more stretch
-Cat stretch with LSB away, ipsi shoulder abducted
Stretch: Quadratus Lumborum
Postition: Side lying
Stabilize: Ribs and iliac crest with forearms
-Stand in front of pt
-break the bread
-cat stretch with LSB away, ipsi shoulder abducted
Stretch: ITB
Postition: Sidelying
Stabilize: Ribs
-Stand behind pt
-extend and adduct leg off of table
-extend and adduct leg off of table
-use roller
also for QL
Stretch: Hip Flexors
Postition: Supine or Prone (eliminates lordosis)
Stabilize: Anterior hip or Posterior hip
-Flex contra hip and relax foot on pt
-extend ipsi leg off of table and stretch by pushing (or pull if prone) down on knee
-flex leg
-Lunge and stretch
also for quads
Stretch: Piriformis
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: opp side flexed hip (still affect though)
-Stand on opp side of pt
-Push flexed knee toward pt
-Supine: hip flexed and cross legs over with pressure
-Supine 2: hip flexed and foot held for stetch
-Prone: hip flexed and knee flexed and use body weight to stretch
Stretch: Hamstrings
Postition: Supine
Stabilize: N/A
-Stand in front of pt
-Flex hip with straight leg and push forward
Home: chair, wall, own arm
Home Stretch: Scalene
-Cervical extension, rotation towards, and 1st rib depression
Home Stretch: Biceps
-extension of shoulder with elbow extension
Home Stretch: Triceps
- touch back with hand (simulate washing)
-flx shoulder further
Home Stretch: Wrist Flexors
-stick arm out and extend elbow and wrist
-put more extension force on fingers with other hand
Home Stretch: Wrist Extensors
-stick arm out and extend elbow and flex wrist
-put more flexion force on fingers with other hand
Stretch: Thoracolumbar
Flexion: cat stretch
Extension: Cow stretch
Stretch: Lumbar
Flexion: Supine, knees to chest
Extension: Prone, on elbows and push onto hand
Home Stretch: Adductors
-ipsi side proped up while standing on contra leg
-drop ipsi pelvic for more stretch
-crossing legs and stretch
Home Stretch: Gastroc/Soleus
-Long sit with towel behind foott
-stand against a wall tto stick leg out to stretch
Stretching Contraindications
-hypomobility provides stability
-bony block
-non union fracture
-tissue trauma