PMP Exam Prep - Chap 2 Flashcards
Questions and Answers
What are the nine knowledge areas of Project Management?
Cost, Integration, Quality, Human Resources, Scope, Time, Communications, Risk, Procurement
What is a Program?
A program is a group of projects.
What is a Portfolio?
A portfolio includes a group of programs and individual projects that are implemented to achieve a specific strategic business goal.
What is a Project Management Office (PMO)?
This department centralizes the management of projects.
A Project Management Office (PMO) usually takes on one of the three roles:
(1) Provides the policies, methodologies, and templates for managing projects within the organization, (2) Provides support and guidance to others in the organization on how to manage projects, trains others in project management and project management software, and assist with specific management tools. (3) Provides project managers for different projects, and is responsible for the results of those projects; all projects, or projects of a certain size, type, or influence, are managed by this office.
What are constraints?
Time, cost, risk, scope, quality, resources, customer satisfaction, and any other factors that limit options.
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management philosophy with three steps. List them.
- Establish unambiguous and realistic objectives
- Periodically evaluate whether objectives are being met.
- Implement corrective actions.
What is OPM3?
OPM3 is PMI’s organizational project management maturity model. This model is designed to help organizations determine their level of maturity in project management.
Who are stakeholders?
Stakeholders are any people or organizations who’s interests may be positively or negatively impacted by the project or its product.
What can the Project Expediter do?
The project expediter acts primarily as a staff assistant and communications coordinator. The expediter cannot personally make or enforce decisions.
What does the Project Coordinator do?
This position is similar to the project expediter except the coordinator has some power to make decisions, some authority, and reports to a higher-level manager.
Describe Life Cycle?
A life cycle is a progression through a series of developmental stages.
What are the two types of life cycles?
- Product Life Cycle and 2. Project Life Cycle
Functional (Org Structure)
This is the most common form of organization. Such organization are grouped by areas of specialization within different functional areas (e.g., accounting, marketing, and manufacturing).
Projectized (Org Structure)
The entire company is organized by projects, and the project manager has control of the project. Personnel are assigned and report to a project manager. Team members complete only project work, and when the project is over, they do not have a department to go back to.
Matrix (Org Structure)
This form is an attempt to maximize the strengths of both the functional and projectized structures. The team report to two bosses: the project manager and the functional manager.
Strong matrix
In a strong matrix, power rest with the project manager.
Weak Matrix
In a weak matrix, power rest with the functional manager.
Balance Matrix
In a balanced matrix, the power is shared between the functional manager and the project manager.