PMHP Flashcards
Key characteristics of a systematic review (5)
- Well formulated question
- Comprehensive search
- Unbiased selection
- Assessment of papers
- Synthesis of data
Dichotomous data
Continuous data examples
Blood pressure
Summary statistics used for dichotomous data (5)
RRR (Relative risk reduction)
RD (absolute risk difference)
NNT (1/RD)
Summary statistics for continuous data (2)
- Weighted mean difference
- Standardised mean difference
Sensitivity analysis
Does the result change according to small variations in the data and methods?
4 ingredients of resilience
Reaching out
Name a common model used for risk factors
Dahlgren-Whitehead Rainbow
Access aids to the mouth for special care patients (3)
- Bedi shield
- Open wide mouth rests
- Head support
Clinical Holding
Physical holds used to assist a pt in receiving dental care where the patients behaviour may present a safety risk to themselves or the dental team
Assessment of learning disability (7)
- Level of understanding
- Communication
- Physical and emotional access
- Co-operation
- Medical status
- Social status
- Dental status
Signs of pain from someone who cannot reliably communicate (4)
- Sleep interruption
- Changes in behaviour
- Rubbing of an area
- Pulling at an area
What should you document for examinations of people with learning/physical disabilities
What was examined and what was not - justification
Biopsychosocial Model
General acceptance that illness and health are the result of interaction between biological, psychological and social factors
Financial barriers for patients (3)
- Cost
- Travel
- Carers
Mental health barriers for older patients (3)
- Shame
- Confusion or lack of recall of conversations
- Public services perceived as inadequate
Oral Health Literacy
Degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic oral health information and services
Barriers to effective communication (5)
- Limited time
- Financial incentives promoting tx over prevention
- Lack of OHL training
- Limited plain language pt education materials
- Pts with low OHL
Individual level barriers for pts with learning disability (4)
- Lack of consent
- Complicated MH
- Inability to co-operate with tx
- Inability to communicate dental pain
Facilitators of oral health care (4)
- Financial support
- Dentists chair side manner
- Community support
- Interprofessional communication
Aim of the guideline for use of GA in SCD (2)
- When should GA be used in SCD
- How should tx be delivered in SCD with GA
Communication aids for those with learning difficulties (5)
- Makaton
- Picture boards
- Talking mats
- Social stories
- Technology
For what patients is drooling more common (5)
- Developmental disability
- Cerebral palsy
- Progressive neurological conditions
- Parkinsons disease
- Motor neuron disease